Contrary to what some might think, commenting at CC is a privilege, not a right. And we actively enforce our commenting policy, which is clearly stated in our “Welcome to CC” page, accessible from the top menu bar. Unfortunately, all too many don’t seem to have read it, or be willing to follow it. And just like with a driver’s license, after so many points, or one very egregious violation, one’s CC Commenting license will be revoked; as happened last night to one repeat offender who finally stepped way over the line.
I’ve barely tolerated suzulight’s almost invariably negative (and often factually inaccurate) comments for years here, and written to him a number of times telling him to tone it down. But I’ve learned from experience that my warnings rarely work, and invariably repeat offenders cross the line, like a moth to the flame. He left this comment at the Parking post last night:
I have no love or use for cyclists. They are all morons, think they own the road (at least here in Portland) and are simply too stupid to realize the human animal invented the automobile for a REASON. Run them all over.
This comment is hardly borderline. Advocating the murder of all bicyclists is pretty cut and dried. I suppose he could argue that advocating murder is not in the Commenting Policy. But calling them all morons is. As well as his idiotic comment that humans invented the car for a reason: to run over bicyclists, presumably.
suzulight has now lost his CC license, and I rather hope he loses his driver’s license too. Frankly, I’m rather relieved, as I long since tired of his negative rants/innuendos. And he joins a growing list of others that have taken involuntary CC commenting “vacations”.
Frankly, the whole job of reading all comments and moderating them has become a major chore (headache, actually), but I simply can’t abide stupid, negative, disparaging comments. I know that many of our commenters equate the number of comments to the success or popularity of their posts, but it’s mostly not the case. Yes, the number of comments here at CC may not consistently be as high as some other sites, but we will not allow our commenting to be degraded by negativity and stupidity.
There are days I feel like pulling the plug, one way or another. But whenever I’m discouraged, inevitably something really good happens at CC, or I get an email like this one, just this morning, regarding obnoxious commenters:
I can imagine the constant struggle you must endure between your love of old cars and the workaday need to keep the site going. But your efforts are appreciated more than you perhaps know by folks you hear from only occasionally…or not at all. Other than some news and sports sites, yours is probably the only site I visit almost every day.
BTW, morons are everywhere, so abandoning CC won’t get you away from them as I know you know. Not much of an enticement to keep going…but hey, it’s something.
The reality is this, and I have to keep reminding myself this: there’s a whole lot of CC readers who never or rarely comment. And somewhat unfortunately, they’re invariably the kind of readers I’d like to get more comments from! OK; I don’t want to pressure anyone, but it’s really heartening to hear from them (you) from time to time. And to hear less from those that just want to spread their mental pollution or feel the need to externalize every fleeting thought, no matter how banal or repetitive.
Thank you Mathew for your email today, and thank all of you commenters who keep it intelligent, interesting and civil. And let this be a warning to those that don’t. It’s a privilege, not a right.
I’m late to this but I’ll chip in. First, congratulations and thanks to Paul for making visible what’s in front of us but overlooked, the curbside classics on our streets. This was inspired. Second, he has cultivated what I can only scholarly approach to things overlooked everywhere else. Last but not least, the civility here and insight is a delight.. I wasn’t aware there were uncivil posters here which means Paul has done huge work in keeping it pleasant as an open forum. Some days these people must be draining. I hope the enthusiasm and decency of the CC crowd makes up for it. I think it must!
Since late last year, I seem to have been locked out of CC.
Suddenly last week, I’m getting all the back CC emails I haven’t received for the past six months – no problem here.
Last fall, Microsoft suddenly decided ‘I wasn’t me’, and blocked my email.
This happened while I was out of town, and Microsoft has compatibility issues with my Chromebook. So it took a week of technological aggravation and my return home before I was able to restore my email.
I’m wondering was it this that got me suspended, or did I post something here that was a violation?
I apologize for posting here, but your ‘contact’ site limits the number of characters I can type.
Respectfully, Mark DiSilvestro
You weren’t locked out of CC. Did you ever try going to the site directly?
Apparently our email notification system stopped working a few months back, and now it’s suddenly sprung back to life, spontaneously.
So you only visit web sites in response to getting an email?
The overwhelming majority rest of us just enter into our browser, and/or have it as a “favorite”, or a tab for it, or bookmarked.
Many years ago, I got kicked off another forum without warning because my WebTV email inadvertently got filled up. I emailed them but got no reply.
So, naturally, I thought my recent email blockage had triggered the same from CC.
I’m not an experienced computer nerd. Evedntually, I tried to update to a windows machine, and it turned into ‘The Dell From Hell’!
Three years ago, my brother got me this Chromebook in exchange for getting his wrecked Toyota pickup back on the road. Except that it can’t perform certain tasks, like burning CDs, this Chromebook has worked out pretty well for me.
I’m sure I tried to contact CC somehow. But after a week of dealing with Microsoft, maybe I just got too frustrated to think straight.
Chomebook just doesn’t work like a windows machine. When my email got blocked, I had to search for an alternate Microsoft help site as their main site doesn’t ‘do’ Chromebook. And then the new password they kept sending me on my other email account was incomplete due to a compatibility glitch with my Chromebook. Then, they wouldn’t phone the correct password to the number where I was staying. So I had to wait until I got home to find the correct password on my answer-machine.
A friend, who works for a computer IT company, is always telling me what I should do when I can’t get this thing to do what I want, and didn’t understand why I had problems – until he came to visit last year and tried to perform a simple task that I couldn’t. After a few minutes I started hearing him whine “I don’t know why this isn’t working!”, then later “It should be working by now!”
I exclaimed “Welcome To My World!”
Eventually, he got it to work, but it took awhile!
Thanks for your quick reply.
Happy Motoring, Mark
I use a chromebook too. No problem going directly to websites, and I get my emails via Outlook without issues.
So far I’ve been receiving the CC posts from Dec 5, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018, but no current ones.
I also requested email notification of follow-ups to my question here today – but only found your reply when I went back to this page.
So there may still be a CC email notification problem.
Happy Motoring, Mark