This will be post #4,699 for me since starting CC in 2011. And it may be a while before post #4,700 goes up, as I’m retiring from CC. This has been a long time coming, and it finally arrived. And I’m very happy to know that I leave CC in very capable hands: Jim Klein, assisted by Jim Cavanaugh, Jason Shafer and the rest of the CC regulars (and other Contributors).
There’s not really a whole lot to say except that I’m burned out and need a serious break from blogging after twelve years. Possibly a permanent one. We’ll see. When I feel truly motivated to post something, I will. But I’ve learned it’s not good to feel pressure to keep up at something when the enthusiasm is missing. I don’t work that way, literally.
It’s time to spend more time reading books to recharge the mental batteries, and more outdoor activities. But most of all, just not to feel the pressure to keep posting.
And after 17,263 comments, I’m going to be cutting that back too. I’ll be popping in and out as the mood hits, but without any pressure.
I’m extremely gratified that CC has developed such a strong group of regular and occasional Contributors who seem eager to keep the site going. Jim needed a new challenge in his life, and I was more than happy to give it to him. 🙂 He has a lot of passion and energy, which is what it takes.
Thank you all for this great long ride. It’s been absolutely wonderful; I’ve learned more about old cars and automotive history than I ever dreamed possible. And met a lot of wonderful like-minded fellow travelers. CC has become an institution, with an incredible storehouse of information in its archives. I feel a very strong sense of stewardship about that, and any changes at CC will be made with that in mind. Preserving the site for the public good is the key priority.
I want to thank those that have donated to the site; if you chose to continue to do so, please know that it will be used to keep paying for the server and related support services as needed. And of course all of you contributors who have shared your wonderful personal stories and automotive knowledge. I determined from the start that CC would be a collaborative effort, and it quickly became one. And that’s what will allow it to continue. There’s many of you out there that have stories and knowledge to share; please step forward at this time when Jim and the others could really use a hand, or two. Sharing is caring, and if you care about CC, that’s the best way to show it.
I feel like a proud parent seeing their kid drive off alone for the first time. Safe travels!
I’m new to this site but I’ve been enjoying every single post.
Thank you for creating thist treasure of information and a website ruled by politeness and respect.
Best wishes
CC effect! I handed in my retirement notice yesterday as well.
Paul, thanks for everything you’ve done to make this the best automotive site on the web. Happy motoring.
Good for you Paul. Safe journeys.
Thank you all for your very kind words! They’re very touching and much appreciated.
Congratulations on your retirement, Paul. I’ve followed CC since its days at “the other site”, and have thoroughly enjoyed it. There are so many cars that I look at differently now because your perspective and knowledge have helped me understand why these cars came to market configured as they were. But what I will really miss is your sense of humor, featured prominently in the post on your dad’s 1961 Ford Starliner. Hopefully, some of these classic Niedermeyer posts will return in the future.
All the best to you in retirement. And it’s good to know that CC is left in the capable hands of Jim, Jim, and Jason.
Congratulations on your retirement from this site Paul. I will be sad to see you go but I can understand the need to move on and try something new and different. I have learned a tremendous amount of automotive (and other) history, and I’m sure your successors will continue with the high standard you set. I hope there will be some occasional Niedermeyer posts in the future.
Paul, I’ve started this several times and can only say, “Thanks for the hours and hours and hours of great reading and insight”.
Some rainy winter if you come down to hike the Superstitions, you have a place to stay, shower and talk about stuff. You have my email and I have your cell.
Great memories, many thanks!
Congratulations Paul and thank you for creating this wonderful site.
I have been around since the TTAC days as well but rarely comment. I have little doubt that CC will live on as it has been around so long due to the sheer size of its readership and the depth and breadth of its content.
You will be missed but I have no doubt that CC will live on!
🙏 Thank You 😊
Thanks, Paul.
Thanks, Paul for creating and contributing to and curating this site. You will be missed.
my yesterday post was consumed by “posting too fast” or something
anyway, I want to thank you for a superlative job and wish you and yours the best
I do hope you will continue to share your knowledge and especially that you give us updates on your van exploits. I hope you can relax and enjoy the beauty of the West. Any updates on your adventures will be well received.
Paul, I won’t rehash what everyone else has said, but I will say I agree, congrats on what you’ve made here, and enjoy your well-deserved retirement.
I do hope to see you again here in the comments, or even maybe at a CC meetup one of these days.
Thanks Paul for everything. You started your CC adventure about 6 months after I climbed to the top of my corporate ladder. Well after nearly 10 years of flinging it with the best,, 6 months ago I felt the same way you do now and said “I’m done – and it’s been grand”. As you know one get just gets to a point where you’ve what you can and wish them all the best. Retirement has been awesome and relaxing and detoxing although I am starting a little part time gig next week.
All said, thanks for your many years of blood, sweat and tears in your devotion to CC – truly one of the premier sites full of decency, respect and new knowledge. Thanks as well to Stephanie and your daughter for their tolerance. You’ve handed CC off to very capable hands. You’re a Renaissance Man and will easily fill any spare time with new quests. All the best!
Bon voyage and please make 4700 a comprehensive ProMaster post.
OK, he’s gone…can somebody redesign that logo in the upper left hand corner?
To my eyes Curbside Classic’s logo has been effective precisely because it doesn’t look fancy or corporate like those used by the big-time auto history websites. The logo is unpretentious and honest, just like Curbside Classic’s content.
What most matters in a logo is to be widely recognized. That’s why the world’s most iconic logos have been around for many years – and received only evolutionary changes.
If Curbside Classic did want to refine its logo, it really should be done by a graphic designer who specializes in website-based publication logos. That can be expensive. I’d be more inclined to prioritize making the body text bigger for us seniors or adding social-media share buttons to posts. However, this should be a conversation for another day.
thank you for far more hours of entertainment than I can count. Much appreciated Paul
I’d like to echo what everyone has been saying, not much more I can say other than best wishes Paul, and if inspiration does happen to strike I’m sure we’d welcome the chance to read another post.
I raise a major salut to you! From the TTAC days onto the “new” CC; I’ve spent many hours reading and posting (and sometimes submitting!) material here, and have loved every minute. This site his been in my Opera shortcuts since it’s inception, and it’s not going anywhere. Muchas Gracias to you, and the same to all who continue this great tradition onward and upward.
All the best to you and Steph and yours,
Thanks for all the reading material over the years! Have a great retirement.
Thank you Paul, for all the joy you’ve brought over the years and for leaving the site in such capable hands. Wishing you the very best and hope to occasionally see you around in the posts and comments!
I’m one of these followers who comment very sparingly but reads Curbside Classic every single day, since the website first popped up in my screen after some car related google search way back in 2011 or 2012. What a wonderful journey it has been! With the number of articles growing every day (also thanks the fantastic work of contributors and commentators) the website quickly became what is probably the largest source of quality automotive information online.
Thank you very much Paul for creating this great community and this institution that is CC. I’ll be looking forward for your occasional appearances here and wish you the best with your current plans.
I’m confident Jim Klein will do a great job behind CC, and hopefully this website will continue to be this very special place for so many of us.
Thank you Paul for creating the world’s best automotive website, your original concept featuring ordinary cars parked kerbside and telling their story was a brilliant one.
Paul who?
Just kidding.
Thanks for my favorite car website.
It’s a good choice for you, keeping a constant flow of articles for individuals is a lot of stress over a long period of time and everyone deserves a break, or retirement. Wish you can have a good relief and enjoy what is coming next
Thank you Paul, for conceiving and maintaining this very informative website, of which I’m proud to say I’m one of its writers.
All the best to the new key-holder(s), may we all continue this important work.
Thank you, Paul, for all that you have done to build a site that manages to be both entertaining and informative. Even if I’ve been unable to comment, I still check this site on a daily basis. I wish you the best as you move on to another chapter in your life.
Paul, thank you for building and maintaining this wonderful site. On a personal level It has been enormously satisfying place to visit and leave an occasional comment. Best of luck with your future ventures.
Thanks for throwing the party and inviting all of us.
Tip of our hats to the Lou Gehrig of car blogging.
Aloha Paul,
Thanks for getting me hooked daily on this site. I am sure it will be in great hands.
Now you have more time to enjoy the Promaster, Happy Motoring!
I’ve been away for a few days and just saw this… Paul, you have created a legacy that is incredibly meaningful to so many. I’m so grateful. Best wishes.
Like a few other late commenters I’ve become more an occasional visitor here but even so this comes as no real surprise.
Happy trails Paul, and a huge *huge* thank you for creating this place for all of us.
Thanks for starting and growing the site, Paul! It looks like it’s in good hands. Once it’s no longer fun, it’s time to stop, you are making a wise decision. Enjoy your freedom, and post when the spirit moves you!
(Got the dreaded you are posting too quickly”!)
Helping a friend w/ some renovations, Imanaged to miss a couple of days, and upon checking this a.m. I get the news! Not to repeat the previous 140+ comments, I’ll just say that meeting you at the Lane Museum in Nashville was a great experience! May your roads be smooth, your journeys long, and your vistas clear!! 🙂
Thank you Paul, this site is a gem. Where else can you read about the history of taillights, city busses and the latest rental cars? Enjoy your freedom, but don’t leave us, just visit and interact, but without the pressure. And again, thanks for a great site!
Best Wishes, Paul, on your travels around the country as a newly-retired individual. I can’t imagine the countless hours of work it must’ve taken to keep this site up and running effectively for so long.
One more thing: Buy a Falcon! 🙂
A well deserved furlough Sir, and I look forward to your insights from time-to-time. Your pieces are always diligently crafted and have broadened my knowledge of all things auto. Your stewardship of CC is appreciated as well; your oversight and firm hand on the keel kept the comments civil on on topic, avoiding the fate of other sites which In many respects,denigrated into venues for ideological shouting bouts.
Been addicted to CC since 2010, thanks Paul for all your work keeping CC up and running. I hope the archives are preserved for as long as possible, what a treasure trove of articles this site is! I’m sure Jim and company will do a great job keeping CC up and running. Enjoy your retirement Paul, you’ve earned it!
Forgot to post the Beaver shot😁
I read this last week but didn’t have time to comment until now.
Paul: thank you for everything. I first found you at TTAC and followed you here, where I’ve watched the site mature into what it is today. And what it is, is magnificent.
Everyone above has said it all already and I concur – this is the only site I visit daily. Thank you for allowing me to contribute, the first time my name’s appeared in “print”! I wish I still had time to contribute (let alone comment!), but as you know, life gets very full at times.
Enjoy your retirement, and if you’re ever heading down here to New Zealand, let me know!
All the best Paul ! From am a regular follower and occasional commenter (about 5 years now). CC is the best place to find out about cars. Period.
Very late to the party (as usual lately, gradually getting caught up) but thanks so much for all your work here. I’m looking forward to reading the full Promaster build report! The site will be in good hands with J, J, & J. Enjoy your time, and best wishes!