Bryce Chessum posted these pictures of what looks to be an incredibly well-kept Morris 1000 that’s on sale. One of those pictures was titled “Manual, as if you had a […]
Do you like camping? Do you like saving money? Do you dislike people that say they’re camping but what they’re doing is simply driving a completely furnished house between […]
Ah summer. For us living in the tropics it means we’re about to roast our nuts off under the inclement nuclear reactor in the sky. For people who live further […]
Despite being about 40 years too young to be a target demographic, I enjoyed reading Reader’s Digest a lot as a young boy. My mother had every copy from around […]
If the used car market has taught us anything is that cheap-to-buy doesn’t mean that it’ll be cheap to run. Or to put it in lore “There’s nothing more expensive […]
Sixteen Candles, starring Molly Ringwald and Michael Schoeffling, was released in 1984. It has a 7.2 rating on IMDB, which means it’s liked but not well-liked, especially when you take into […]
This is not the absolute worst Cadillac ever to grace the planet earth. No; the earlier 1.8-liter Cimarron is still at large and evading (photographic) capture. However, for the moment […]
Ah, the Malaise era. That bit of time when there was very few, if any, good vehicles from American manufacturers. OPEC oil embargos and stringent fuel economy and emissions regulations […]
I’ve always preferred eBay to Craigslist. Call me paranoid, but there’s something about the unpolished, plain-site look of Craigslist that just make me look at absolutely anything within it with […]
Does Curbside Classic have the most comprehensive history of Crosley on the Internet? If not, we’re surely pretty high up on the list. Jeff Nelson’s excellent article on the history […]
I heard it many times in reference to icons like the E-Type and the Miura on the British car shows I watched as a child: just imagine how it would’ve […]
Until it was replaced by the one-size-fits-all Series I XJ, the Jaguar Mark X was the biggest and most luxurious Jaguar that money could buy. Bought by the man who […]
Even though I am not affected by it, I can’t pass up another chance to mock the ridiculous 25-year old importation restriction that vexes every gearhead in America. It was born […]
“Mine’s called Fifi” Those were the exact words a former coworker of mine used to describe her car on one of those weird occasions in which coworkers decide to amuse […]