(first posted 4/18/2013) Volvo sports car? An oxymoron, if ever there was one. For over a decade, however, this little grand tourer managed to combine the traditional Volvo attributes of […]
I love Lincolns. I hate Lincolns. Which Lincolns fall into which category is the stuff for which a website like CC was made. In which of those two barrels may […]
(first posted 6/16/2013) What is it about our fathers’ cars? Those of us who were car-crazed little boys (and girls) certainly lapped up every car experience we could get our […]
(first posted 6/19/2013) I have long been fascinated with the many stops and starts that eventually led to the automatic transmission as we know it today. We are likely all […]
(first posted 6/22/2013) From the introduction of the 1969 Continental Mark III through the last 1979 Mark V, Lincoln absolutely owned the personal luxury market. Then came the 1980 Continental […]
[If we needed more proof of the CC Effect it was in full force this week when, with zero coordination between two editors on two continents, we see two complementary […]
The title phrase, which sounds like the beginning of a joke, immediately popped into my mind when I came across this sight. With some cars I might attempt to flesh […]
(first posted 7/16/2013) Chrysler Imperial. Doesn’t it just roll off the tongue? A little too well, for fans of the newer models. As the former owner of a 1964 Crown […]
(first posted 7/12/2013) Let’s start a list. Name the top 10 cars least likely to be found parked at a Sam’s Club in a small city in the Midwestern U.S. […]
Could the 1941 Studebaker President be the most obscure car from the late pre-war years? It could very well be, which is a shame. While “Every Car Has A Story”, […]
From the time I began writing for CC I have taken virtually all of my pictures with a cell phone camera. Some of my early efforts were, let’s just say […]
For quite a few years, the Pontiac Motor Division of General Motors had a job to do. It’s job was to recall the Division’s great bygone days as the company’s […]
It is by pure coincidence that this car comes on the heels of yesterday’s roundup of last editions of the big American convertibles. So let’s keep the theme rolling with […]
We always knew that once the sun comes up Santa’s work is over for another year. He seems to have finished his route in Indianapolis this year. Perhaps yesterday’s discussion […]
Have you ever looked at something and had it remind you of something else? Of course you have. Howabout this snow-capped Buick? It made me think of Currier & Ives.