Memoirs of life as seen and experienced through cars (click on various authors to go to their full archive of articles)
Paul Niedermeyer’s Auto-Biography Series
COAL Series: (alphabetical)
Aaron65’s Continuing COAL Series
DougD’s COAL and Family Stories
Richard Weiman’s Unfinished COAL Series
1972 Ford Torino: A Tale of a Torino, Fathers and Sons Part 1, Part 2, Project Update
1976 Chevrolet Malibu: Unsung Hero
Jason Shafer
A Convergence of Transmissions, House Painting, Post-Partum Aggression, and Rental Trucks
1975 Ford Thunderbird – Preparing for Flight
Adam Simpson
The Ultimate Car Of A Lifetime: I’ve Owned It Since I Was Three – 1959 Volkswagen
1988 VW Jetta GL: Oh Mk2 How I Miss You
Charles Platt
The Corporation: The Story of My Father, a GM Executive by Charles Platt Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Rust Bucket Heaven (1967 Buick Gran Sport 400)
Tyson Hugie
1994 Acura Legend LS Coupe – Half Million Miler
Kevin Martin
Cars of My Girlfriends: 1967 Austin Healey 3000
Bikes of a Lifetime: Honda 450 Nighthawk – The Best First Bike
1979 Mustang Turbo: The “Old” “All New” Mustang
I find it odd that you modified the picture on the top of this page. Someone might take the modification as being offensive to one’s religion. Did you ever feel that coming from your background that a cartoon like yours might be taken the wrong way by some or was that your intension?
I suggest you read the article below for which this image was created for. It stems from the imagination of a seven year old child.
It is beyond my imagination to comprehend how someone might find this image offensive. And I have a rather vivid imagination.
I couldn’t help but notice that Ed Stembridge’s(?) COAL, “Requeim for a Truck (or pickup?)” wasn’t listed. That was one of the first articles I ever read here at CC, and one of the best. It’s one the reasons I frequent this site. To be honest, it was so good it put a lump in my throat.
How do I go about submitting a COAL story
Hello there Paul Niedermeyer
I wonder, am I a “Potter Plant” or something else, maybe the wallflower? I don’t see my 11 chapters listed under the COAL series.
Just wondering 🤔
I know, it has been some time since the last one.
Happy 2025 to everyone.
It’s something the authors do themselves. In your case, it would be Daniel.