Not a partial shot of a Volvo instrument cluster. The arrow indicates that the fuel filler is on the driver’s side. (Source: the web)
In last week’s post I noted that in the world of automotive product planning, if you achieve a .500 batting average, you’re doing well. Over the years, I surely had a few misses along with the occasional hits.

Fortunately, my product-planning strikeouts weren’t under the glare of the stadium lights with 50,000 people watching. (Source: https://stablediffusionweb.com)
One of the former seemed like a no-brainer at the time. During one of my many business trips to the city where Volvo was born, I met with one of my product planning colleagues. An architect in a former life, he worked primarily in automotive interior architecture, specifically controls and instrument panel displays.
At the time, Volvo was putting the finishing touches on a facelift for the 700-series sedans which would reach retailers for the 1991 model year. Referred to internally as the “backlift”, it included new C-pillars, a steeper rear window angle, revised rear quarter panels, a new trunk lid, and new tail lamps, among other details.

The “backlift” considerably cleaned up the P70 sedan’s rear quarters. If you look closely, you can even see some curves. (Source: Volvo Cars Design, p. 50)
(Permit me a not-so-short diversion here: The 700-series sedans had received their first slight facelift for the 1990 model year, with unframed large composite headlamps replacing the previous North American-market’s dual-quad rectangular lamps and their bright bezels. Tail lamp lenses were also slightly revised, as were the front and rear bumpers.

Which front-end design looks more appropriate for a late-80s/early 90s near-luxury four-door sedan? Yeah, I think so too. (Source: www.bringatrailer.com)
At the time, some of us felt those kronor would have been better spent on cleaning up the model’s overly busy C-pillar detailing, but we studiously avoided expressing that opinion to most of our Swedish colleagues, although some surely shared our point of view.
As it turned out, the 1990 revisions were a one-year-only change, since the sedans’ rear end was more heavily redesigned for ’91, as detailed above. I seriously doubt whether the cost of that ’90 effort was fully –or even partially– amortized, but that’s another story…
OK, now back to the point of this post. We regularly tried to convince those pragmatic and rational Swedes that it was important to integrate features that, ideally, would prompt a potential customer on the showroom floor to think: “If Volvo was thoughtful enough to engineer that clever little (fill in the blank here) feature, just think of how carefully the rest of the car must have been engineered. This would be a smart purchase. Yes, I’ll buy one.”
If added early enough in the design/engineering process, many such small features could be added at little or no additional cost. I’ll call one of these the “fuel gauge arrow”, that small triangular icon that began to appear on instrument–panel fuel gauges at about that time. Pointing to the side of the car where the fuel filler was located, the arrow would be a clever reminder so that, at a glance, a driver approaching a gas pump island would instantly know (or remember) how to correctly pull up to the pumps.
I pointed out that in the U.S., we enjoyed the repeat business of many customers, many of whom had more than one Volvo in their family fleet. Perhaps Dad’s daily driver was a new 740 sedan, maybe even a Turbo, so that his daily commute, if still a chore, could at least be somewhat more pleasant. And maybe his older, faithful 240 would have passed to his wife, so that she would be safely cocooned in Swedish steel during her daily errand-running. And perhaps from time to time, they switched cars because one or another of their Volvos just then happened to be the one at the end of their suburban driveway. And that Volvo might one day be a bit low on fuel…

Not a partial shot of a Volvo instrument cluster. The arrow indicates that the fuel filler is on the passenger’s side. (Source: https://www.quora.com, Paul Montgomery)
…and that would be when that little fuel gauge arrow would be worth its weight in gold. Mom or Dad could confidently approach the gas station without a second thought, drive right up to the pump, and fill up without stopping on the wrong side of the island and then circling around in embarrassment, ashamed that the other drivers might be silently thinking “Huh, those Volvo drivers – guess they really aren’t so smart after all.”
As my pièce de résistance, I then reached into my briefcase and presented photos of two Volvo sedans, a 240 and a 740, clearly showing the fuel filler doors on opposite sides of the cars –the 240’s on the passenger’s side and the 740’s on the driver’s side.

The 240’s fuel door was certainly well-protected from a potential driver’s-side sideswipe… (Source: www.bringatrailer.com)
Was the location of the 240’s fuel door a (modified) carryover from the early Volvo 140, which also had its fuel door on the passenger’s side (which had been the driver’s side in Sweden, until September 3rd, 1967, when, overnight, the country switched to driving on the right side of the road)?

… but moving the fuel filler to the left side made it easier to “keep to the right” at a pump island and be perfectly positioned to fill your Volvo’s tank. (Source: www.bringatrailer.com)
And was the switch to the 740’s left-rear fender location a belated recognition that since the vast majority of Volvo’s sales were in ‘driving on the right’ markets, in which motorists would naturally approach a gas station island on the right?
Whatever the rationale, despite what I thought was a logical, reasoned approach in proposing this design change, Volvo fuel gauges then remained un-arrowed, a failure I’m reminded of every time I slide behind the wheel of one of the modern “arrow-equipped” vehicles in our own family fleet.
As a postscript, most sources agree that the fuel gauge arrow was conceived by a Ford designer who needed gasoline on a rainy day in Dearborn. According to an account published in Design News (October 8, 2010, by Senior Editor Dan Carney), the story unfolds as follows:
“The fuel gauge pointer solution was first imagined on April 17, 1986, by Ford interior trim designer Jim Moylan, after he experienced frustration locating the filler while driving a company car.
Moylan described his epiphany on an Oct. 8, 2018 podcast episode, saying: “I had to go to a meeting in another building on a rainy day. When I went to get the pool car, I started it and noticed the gas gauge was empty,” he said. “I pulled up to the gas pump on the wrong side, so I had to move it.”
After a soaking in the rain, and sitting through a meeting in wet clothes, Moylan took action. “I got back to my office after the meeting, and without even taking my coat off, I sat down and started writing the first draft of this proposal. I typed it up and turned it in and forgot completely about it.”
Moylan’s memo to the boss read: “The indicator or symbol I have in mind would be located near the fuel gauge and simply describe to the driver on which side of the vehicle the fuel fill door is located.”
And the gas gauge arrow was born. Moylan may have forgotten about it, but the boss did not. On Nov. 18, 1986, Ford director of interior design, R. F. Zokas, replied, informing Moylan that the company would apply the indicator arrows to its 1989 model year cars that were then under development.”
I’d say that despite his ruined suit, Jim Moylan batted 1.000 that day…
(Featured image from https://slate.com, Mark Vanhoenacker)
“Which front-end design looks more appropriate … ”
I still remember how horrified I was when I first saw the face lift of the 1990s 740 featured in a car magazine. It reminded me of the face of the GDR Wartburg 353 from 1985 (see image below) – and still does today.
Interesting that you mention the positioning of the fuel cap on the driver’s side. It still happens today that I approach the fuel pump “wrong” with my 940. All of my other cars had the gas cap on the right (passenger) side. Just not the 940.
In my opinion, the passenger side is the “correct” one for the filler neck.
If you have the nozzle – and thus the fuel pump – on the driver’s side, getting out can be quite uncomfortable. Be it that the curb of the “tank island” is in the way, be it that you are hindered when getting out by things that are attached or placed on the “tank island”.
This cannot happen if the tank opening, and therefore the fuel pump, is on the passenger side. Then you always can get out of the car unhindered. Fotunately, the 850 got it where it belongs.
I don’t remember ever seeing a Wartburg 353 in Volvo’s design studio, but I guess it could have happened…you make a good point about items on the pump island getting in the way of a graceful exit/entry while fueling.
Sometimes the little things count. I wonder though how many Volvo drivers knew what they arrow meant. People often don’t know what symbols on cars mean until they have used them for a while. Then all of a sudden the light comes on. I guess Ford had a better idea! ;)! I guess you had it first though! :)! I have loved this series! :)!
Left has always been driver’s side in Sweden on passenger cars…also before 1967.
You’re right, of course. The steering wheel has always been on the left in Sweden. Only the travel lanes were reversed in 1967.
The left-side driving pre-’67 I knew: the also left-hand wheels I most certainly did not. Remarkable.
May have been a security measure. It should not be forgotten that until the sixties, many country roads in Sweden were very narrow. Often not much more than rammed gravel paths.
If you then also consider that in unfavorable locations ice had to be expected for 5 to 6 months a year, it seems to me a good idea to place the drivers of two meeting vehicles as far apart as possible.
Image: Old Swedish country road near Eskilstuna (by Dan Samuelsson, under Licens (CC BY 4.0)).
I think those arrows on fuel gauges had been out quite awhile before I first noticed them (or understood what they meant). Thinking about it, I am not sure I ever had a car with the filler on the right side of the car until my recently acquired Mazda3. All the others have been either on the driver’s (left) side or in the middle under the rear bumper.
Quite honestly, I still struggle with pulling up to gas pumps on the wrong side. There’s something about how my brain is wired that just doesn’t process what the little arrow next to the gas pump symbol means. I see it, and as often as not still go to the wrong side. This is a constant problem with me on rental cars. It’s only a little better with my own cars where I have managed to memorize which side the filler is on which car (on the left/driver’s side for the 2 Japanese cars, on the right/passenger side for the 2 European cars). Still, I space it out regularly and circle the island.
Thereby proving you can offer all of the visual aides you want, but some people (maybe more left handed ones, who seem to come naturally somehow to doing things backwards?) just won’t get it.
I’ve said it more than once here, but the best arrangement for fuel filler IMO was in the middle under the license plate (1971 Buick and 1972 BMW, for me). I never managed to screw that up.
I agree. My 1970 Toyota Corona Mark II had the fuel filler behind the license plate also. Didn’t matter which side of the pump you pulled up to.
Ah, yes…and the fuel tank did double duty as the trunk floor. Tougher safety standards, as well as the infamous 5-MPH bumper, pretty much eliminated that design choice later on.
Although I will admit that it rendered the “which side is the filler on” question moot.
At Costco they spec the hoses so they are long enough (with a retractable tether) to reach across/around the car so it doesn’t really matter. For some reason I have it in my mind that most European gas pumps are the same way and it’s mainly the American ones that are usually too short to reach. Someone over there can answer if that’s really the case or not.
It was just yesterday that I had to perform the U-turn of shame after just knowing which side the filler was on and then practically performing a Clark Griswold on the side of the car looking for it…
I’ll be the contrarian that used to own a 740 Turbo wagon and really preferred the flush front end to the older one. And also to the slanted one a year or two later for that matter. As for the C-pillar refresh on the sedan, while more modern-looking, it also pointed out though that the car’s design was really getting on in years until finally replaced by the fresher 960 in I think ’95(?).
‘For some reason I have it in my mind that most European gas pumps are the same way’
Yes, though it’s wise to park as close to the pump as possible. The hoses are long enough alright to reach ‘the other side’, but not excessively long.
With both my pickup (filler behind the back door) and our Ford Transit (filler behind the driver’s door) stretching the long Costco hose from the “wrong” side is feasible but not easy. So I’m always waiting in the longer line, it seems. As for the arrow, it’s counterintuitive to me. The graphic shows the pump on the left when the arrow points right. That means drive in so the car goes where the arrow is, to the right side of the pump. Which of course is backwards. It’s easier to remember that Ford and Toyota are on the driver’s side, and VW is on the passenger side. Since I’ll probably never drive my other cars, at least not with fuel fillers, it works for me. But another reason to look back fondly at my Vega which had the filler centered under the rear license plate. Very Costco-friendly 😀.
Never liked those huge headlights on our later 240s, imo the quad lights looked better on any of the Volvo models, their efficacy not withstanding.
Although I was not a fan of the 740’s original C pillar, the modified one really didn’t work, and was worse, as it looked very inorganic to the car’s design.
Totally my opinion. Together with the chunky, strangely divided taillights, the “backlift” sedan made for a real grandpa’s car
+1 to all this. The severe, slender angularity of the original suited the car’s generally architectural mien.
Mind you, that appalling 45 degree angled join cover (or whatever the hell it is) on the bottom of the C-pillar was a carbuncle from day one, so at least IT went away with grandpa’s bum-lift.
Incidentally, Jaguar had a very similar (though not angled) join strip betwixt C-pillar and rear mudguard on the XJ-40 which was equally carbunculous, and it too eventually went where all OCD-triggering trims should go, namely, away.
If I’m being honest, the black paint and/or trim that eliminates the body colored metal of the rearmost part of the door frame in the greenhouse area appears to be the component doing the heavy lifting to ‘clean up’ the design, not the reshaped pillar and rear window.
The 764 was first sold in 1982 as a 1983 model. Therefore, one has to assume that the design was conceived in the (late) 1970s – and it certainly felt that way. I always saw shades of the ’78+ GM A-bodies, along with the Ford Fox-bodies, in the 700-series Volvo design.
As a lifelong, die-hard 200-series fan, when the 764 was introduced I asked myself, “What problems of the 200 does the 700 solve?” And I never came up with many good answers.
All my BMW’S are on the right..I’m That being my 02 530 e39, 98 328 and 93 525… My 63 Comet is in the middle rear, definitely a pain in the butt… Used to buy and sell rear drive 4 cylinder Volvos on the side to the tune of 6 per year… Lost track of how many after 100 or so.. Fantastic long lived cars.. Loved my volvos
Personally I like the shape and look of 740 series over 940 series, the 7 series looks more elegant and aging better shape. I believe Volvo changes its shape a bit on the 9 series due to safety and functionality concerns. In 1980s, people increasingly concerned about the pedestrian safety, higher the front part helps, it also makes the passenger compartment higher, so its safety cage has even better protection for front end crash. The higher end section is for better aerodynamic and fringe benefit is larger trunk space.
My ‘Vette C2 filler is under the central badge behind the rear window(s) and my Ghia is on the passenger side front fender, as were my 911s – quite easy to memorize. Our newer cars? I always look at the little gas guage arrow – what a great idea that was!
Thinking of all the cars my wife and I have had since we met in 1975 — six (all Toyotas) had the gas fillers on the left (driver) side, six (2 VWs, 2 Volvos, Mercury Sable, and Nissan Frontier) had the gas fillers on the right side, and one — a 1977 Chevy Impala — had the filler behind the rear license plate.
Oddly enough, in a RHD country, just about all the fillers I can recall were on the passenger (or left) side, whether of Japanese, local, or Euro origin.
It was only my silly Renault Scenic that caught me out constantly with its right-hand filler, from which I learned that most Aussie pump hoses will stretch very awkwardly across a high-ish car. The worst part is trying to appear nonchalant as the over-burdened hose threatens to launch you over the car if you so much as slip an inch from the nozzle’s wedgement into the hole.
“Oh yeah” you say silently to the folk around you looking at you like you’re a prize prawn. “I’m in control. Yes, I meant to do this.”
I drive a Toyota IQ. Pump hoses are usually long enough to reach whatever side of the car. Even better then the little arrow, which it does have.
Love the photo of the 8th gen Civic Si instruments!