(first posted 10/10/2011) Every once in a while, a visionary, iconoclastic automotive pioneer bursts on the scene and, bucking the long odds and naysaying “conventional wisdom”, delivers a disruptive new line of cars. Frequently, that new model sets the status quo on its ear and forever changes the way we think about (and react to) our transportation needs. Those brave revolutionaries almost single handedly redefine their market segment and leave an indelible mark on the industry itself. Today’s story, though, has nothing to do with anybody like that. Our narrative today is of a modern P.T. Barnum and the circus freak show that he brought to America in the twilight of the Reagan years. The man is Malcom Bricklin. The car is the Yugo.
It’s well nigh impossible to understand the Yugo episode without understanding the guiding hand behind what is generally considered to be the worst car ever offered for sale in the U.S. Malcom Bricklin had been knocking around the car industry for over a quarter century when he spotted a Yugo 45 on a London street in 1984. Unfortunately, Bricklin was smitten by the car’s simple mediocrity and, just like a cartoon character with outsized dollar signs for eyes, he began the process for bringing the homely little car to the states. At that time, Bricklin was probably best known for the eponymous car that he launched amidst much fanfare in 1974.
The Bricklin SV-1 was remembered for several interesting features: lurid (“safety”) colors , no cigarette lighter (Bricklin was a rabid non-smoker) , and most importantly, the ability to vacuum piles of money from the gullible government of New Brunswick, Canada. With an estimated cost of $16,000 each to build against a selling price of around $5K, Bricklin’s SV-1 was a blast furnace that no amount of subsidy could fully quench.The maritime province had sunk over four and a half million taxpayer dollars into the scheme since its beginning, and slow sales (along with numerous engineering problems) cost no small number of politicians their jobs. The New Brunswick government pulled the plug in September of 1975 and the Bricklin was finished.
But before Bricklin made a virtue of safety, he all but made a mockery of same just a half decade before. In 1968, Bricklin thought that what America needed was an air cooled two cylinder car that could make zero to sixty in thirty seven agonizing seconds. Thus American drivers were introduced to the second worst car ever sold- the tiny, dangerously underpowered 360 from Subaru.
To say that the 360 was unsuited to American driving norms is to wildly overpraise the car. With just 25 horsepower (at a cacophonous 5500 RPM), the elfin 360 was the type of cynical exercise that would define Bricklin’s career in the car business. Introduced at an offer price of just under $1300, the little Subaru made much of its over 60 MPG fuel economy and low cost of ownership. The car was a modest success with just under 8000 sold in the first year, but when the 360 was pilloried by Consumer Reports as being “unacceptable” because of its numerous safety issues, the bottom dropped out of the venture and the last few cars sat on dealers lots for years before they were practically given away.
As noted, Bricklin first noticed the subcompact Yugo on the streets of London and within a couple of months, he had set up his first meet and greet with the management at Zastava. His shaky little import business was marketing Bertone X/19’s after Fiat said arrivederci in 1982, but the end of that venture was in sight. With no new product in the pipeline, Bricklin would either have to find another car to flog or get an honest job, so there was a mutual meshing of interests when he arranged a visit to the Red Banner Factory in Yugoslavia that turned out the new apple of his eye in 1984.
What he saw was an operation that turned out a car designed (and abandoned) by Fiat years before. The Yugo was based on a mash up of models 127 and 128 built under license by a wildly unproductive workforce in an obsolete factory with assembly quality that made real mid 70’s Fiats look hand built. At first glance, the car looked up to date- Front wheel drive, rack and pinion steering, decent mileage. But the little Yugo turned out to be a lot less than the sum of its parts. Quality (or a lack of same) would ensure that the car could not survive in a competitive marketplace. The running gear would be the 1.1 Litre straight four that Zastava had learned to build from Fiat and the transmission would be a truly nasty four speed manual. An automatic wouldn’t fit in the Yugo engine bay, so the only thing shiftless about the Yugo would be the Zastava workers that routinely drank on the job. Lack of an automatic would hamper the car during all but the final year in the States. But Bricklin assured his erstwhile investors that the car could be made ready for the U.S. market with some minor tweaks.
459 tweaks (and 18 months) later, the Yugo was almost ready for launch. Bricklin had formed Yugo of America to import the car and as was his custom, financial shenanigans were part of the mix. Bricklin used franchise fees to run the company (a major accounting no-no) while the car was being modified for safety and emissions certification in the U.S. and dealerships were sold, territories assigned. With the pullout of Fiat, Renault and the British makes just a few years before, there was a general sense that room existed in the market for any European nameplate that could build a reasonably priced car that returned good fuel economy and high build quality.
Well, as they say, two out of three ain’t bad. The Yugo’s bait was a stunningly low MSRP of just $3990. This was almost $1100 lower than the cheapest Chevy Sprint and lower than even the Hyundai Excel. The Yugo became the default entry level car for people that knew the price of everything but the value of nothing. Even though the price was a come on (dealers larded as many options onto the car as they could get away with, see below), America was hooked. When the Yugo GV was finally offered for sale in September 1985, (as an ’86 model) , initial orders looked promising. But after a slow start because of supply problems, the car began selling in volume during year two. Maybe Bricklin had caught lightning in a bottle.
Or maybe not. As the pride of Serbo-Croatia hit the streets of America, reports of slipshod assembly began flooding back to the company’s Upper Saddle River , New Jersey headquarters. Substandard seatbelt anchors, collapsing seats, hard starting, no starting, the list was endless. It’s hard to pinpoint a weak spot on a Yugo because every system in the car was so badly designed and assembled that the whole car was a no contact accident. Warranty claims were dreadful. Sales quickly slowed when word of the myriad problems began to circulate in the media. Bricklin’s old nemesis Consumer Reports weighed in on the cars many shortcomings in its February 1986 issue and refused to recommend it at any price. Motor Trend reported that their hand picked press ringer broke down during testing.
Just as quickly as the Yugo ascended to number two in European import sales, the car plummeted back to earth and never rose again. By May of 1988, Malcom Bricklin needed a lifeboat and he found it on Wall Street. A minor investment bank salvaged Bricklins investment in the venture in a complicated deal that settled some of his stale old debts and sent him far away from Yugo America. Bricklin wisely took the first offer and netted about $20 million for his trouble.
The car itself staggered on until early 1992, with steadily declining sales and a dealer network that was slowly (and then quickly) going bankrupt. Sales ended in the U.S. that year when a recall was ordered by the feds over emissions issues related to faulty carburetors.
There are lots of related legacies connected with America’s brief, mad affair with the Yugo. Before we wrap, let’s sort them out.
Zastava– Zastava made Yugos even after they stopped selling in America. By third world standards, the Yugo was not a terribly bad car and sales continued even after its mother country began breaking up in the early 90’s. The last Yugo that we would recognize rolled off the assembly line in November 2008.
Yugoslavia– The “Land Of The Southern Slavs” went to war with itself in late 1991 and essentially spent the next 17 years shooting, ethnically cleansing and generally behaving like it had before World War I. After the death of Marshal Tito in 1980, long simmering Balkan feuds became a way of life and continue there to this day. Only with the threat of armed intervention by Nato and the UN is an uneasy peace maintained.
Yugo America– The importer of the eponymous car that had been the talk of the industry just a few years earlier filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation in 1991. Since Yugo America was basically just a collection of cheap office furniture and unanswered phones, creditors received essentially nothing for their interests in the company. Unpaid claims included some warranty work done by dealers on Yugos before sales collapsed.
Malcom Bricklin– The twice bankrupt Bricklin has resurfaced periodically over the years, always pushing the latest crack brained scheme to sell a car that would occupy the place that his Yugo once did- the bottom rung of the American market. His last notable brush with the automotive world (in 2004) involved a vague alliance with (uh-oh) Chinese auto maker Chery. Amidst mutual finger pointing, the deal collapsed in July 2008 as the erstwhile partners took turns suing one another in federal court. Bricklin is still nominally involved with a venture called Visionary Vehicles and appears on its website today. The end of his Yugo adventure left him short of funds to repay an impressive list of creditors, investors and employees and even the IRS took its pound of flesh later on. He lost his house, his fortune…And the dozens of Yugo GV’s that he received as part of his settlement with his bankers.
So we come to the end of the Yugo saga in America. I would venture to guess that there are fewer than 500 running condition Yugos still on the road in the U.S. (most of which “need a little TLC”) Anybody that ever owned one of these little mobile gulags will tell you that there was nothing loveable, cute or endearing about them. They were an object lesson in the old adage that you get what you pay for. It’s unfortunate that the vast majority of Yugo owners didn’t even get that.
It’s a tough call on the Yugo. Yeah, there’s no question on really poor build quality. But with enough TLC (something the average American consumer wasn’t high on), maybe they weren’t so bad (at least a few of them, anyway). I mean, c’mon, it’s an Eastern Bloc car. Someone steeped in the maintenace required to keep something like a Trabant running would probably be right at home with a Yugo.
But there was one area that, frankly, I was impressed with, and that was the basic two-box design. Kind of reminds me of a first generation Rabbit/Golf, which I’ve always considered the gold-standard for the best styled small car.
Usually, these ultra-cheapo cars suffer from goofy styling touches, but the Yugo comes off as pretty clean, which is all the more astonishing since it’s an original design where no body parts interchange with the Fiats upon which it was based.
Thank you for the interesting history.
This article, like many here, evoked some fond memories.
A girl I hung out with in college had a Yugo. I want to say she drove it, but I don’t think she actually put many miles on it. She was rather negligent about maintenance, so would have been tough on any vehicle, but her Yugo, like many of its kind, fell apart rather quickly, stressing a budget that was already tight. Another example of the high cost of low priced objects.
She had a habit of parking illegally, and, faced with a ticket and impound bill that exceeded her estimate of the value of the car, donated it to the towing company.
I was unaware of the Bricklin connection at the time, and in fact learned about it here on CC, but I remember seeing some Bricklins as a kid, thinking that they were cool looking cars, and wondering why there weren’t more of them.
It has been a while since I have seen a Yugo on the road, but a local car wash has one with signs mounted on it. I spotted the ones in the picture while out on a bike ride a few years ago. It seems a good use of them.
A girl I knew in high school had one of these, it got rustier seemingly by the day, and this was in 1991-2 so it wasn’t by any means an old car.
The last ones left in my hometown got a stay of execution when the city received a good number of Bosnian refugees in the ’90s; many of them bought Yugos and got mobile for next to nothing since they knew how to keep them running. They dumped ’em, too, as soon as they could afford something, anything, better.
1) Anything assembled at gunpoint tends not to be of high quality.
2) At the 2014 Route 66 Mother Road Festival in Springfield, Illinois there was a Yugo with a Chrysler 426 Hemi (with blower) in the rear of the car (Hemi under glass). On the side fixed windows was lettered “YuGo BIG or YuGo HOME”. Blue in color. It would be interesting to see how the rear suspension was beefed up. One of a kind, I’m sure
1) Anything assembled at gunpoint tends not to be of high quality.
The new myth genesis in the real time
There is an article from 2012, quoting the Time magazine
https://chrisoncars.com/yugo-victim-or-victimizer/: (Time Magazine said it best: “The Yugo has the distinct feeling of something assembled at gunpoint”)
I found quite a few articles from later years, quoting the same sentence over and over again (https://www.carkeys.co.uk/news/the-story-of-the-yugo-the-worst-car-in-the-world, https://www.ocregister.com/2017/01/03/the-best-worst-cars-ever/ , https://blastmagazine.com/2014/05/13/truth-10-cars-never-hit-road/…)
And there you have it: everybody knows for fact that Yugo was actually assembled at gunpoint.
And as any living myth, this one spreads into other areas as well:
“My cell phone was apparently assembled at gunpoint by drunk Yugoslavians in the year 1984 “
Here’s another shot.
Doug DeMuro joyfully reviewed one a couple of years ago. I can’t think of another car that disappeared off the roads faster.
Two Yugo episodes: The first while working on a construction crew in the 1987-’88 period, at a project west of Rochester, NY one morning a Yugo rolls onto the lot, out pops a nervous, typical pocket-protector young engineering type, tells us he is out of gas, could anyone give him a ride to his job….at Kodak! If you’re familiar with the descent of that once-vaunted company into its current sorry state, appears as if they had too many of this type in management.
Second occurred during 1994-’95, having changed employment by then, while driving the 50+ miles each morning, I’d notice Yugos of different colors pass me on the four lane driven by the same fellow. One day a red one, next day yellow, the day after white, he was gathering up the by then give-away bombs that still ran. The best part was they all had the same license plates on them to just have a semblance of legality! He drove them all fast and hard which no doubt shortened their operational life. When they all disappeared, I surmised it was because he had been caught by the police for driving unregistered vehicles…more likely they all just died from their terminal junkiness.
I’ve never felt safe in any car that light so would never have considered owning one, no matter how cheap, even if they had been decently made vehicles. As to Bricklin, I’ve always liked of liked the SV-1 and wish I’d picked one up when they were really cheap, with the AMC 360 they could be made to really move!
I’m affiliated with NECC Motorsports, a club that runs time trials at various sports car racing tracks in the eastern half of the USA.
At our Year 2000 track day at Lime Rock, one of the entries was a race-prepared Yugo. It was owned by a gentleman named Dave Benton who claimed to be the former engineering manager for Yugo North America. He regaled us with stories of his work at Yugo and claimed that the factory started to develop (or adapt) an automatic transmission for the market in the USA. The effort collapsed along with Yugo sales in America.
If I remember correctly, the car was equipped with all the usual goodies – a Fiat engine with dual Webers, full roll cage, sticky racing tires, etc. And it was reasonably fast for a car with such a small displacement engine.
The only car known to have been blown off of the Mackinac Bridge.
This car had one genuine asset: ride quality. I was amazed when I rode in one, expecting a bouncy distaster but encountering a surprisingly supple feel of the suspension.
Jason Torchinsky of Jalopnik had an interesting take on it lately;
“The Yugo Is Not the Worst Car Ever and Anyone Who Says That Is a Lazy Hack So Let’s Prove It”
ANOTHER Debbie Downer review of a car that was only 150% as bad as it has been portrayed, and yet STILL having a value of less than 1/3rd the original purchase price!!
I don’t suppose you thought to mention the fact that……..um………………uh…………..I forgot what I was going to say………………………uh………………………NEVER MIND!
Thank you!
With all the major US-market players pulling out of the entry-level segment the timing is getting just right for a repeat of this sad little tale. The conditions were just right then to crack open the window enough for the Yugo, the Hyundai Excel and the Suzuki Samurai to slip in.
If someone were to start importing a craptacular bottom-end entry and price it in the $15,000 range we’ll be off and running. Success more likely if someone can hit the Samurai target considering how well Jeep has priced itself a little too high and mighty these days.
Actually, the late, unlamented, 3-cyl Mirage filled that bill. It did nothing well except sell on price and was a surprise, minor hit for Mitsubishi.
It’s a tough call between a new bottom-feeder with a warranty and a three-year-old, off-lease Corolla or Civic for similar money.
I’ve often thought that’s why the bottom end of the market disappeared. A used Corolla/Civic (I’ll assume maintained) is just a better long term investment. That $4K Yugo in 1987 is $11K today, if I figured inflation right. You might need a bit more to get a nice example C/C, but in an age of easy credit, it’s not a lot more.
In addition to easier access to credit, a 10yo used car now would be a 2015. Again, assuming well maintained, it should provide good trouble free transport at a rock bottom price. In 1987, that 10yo used car would be a 77. If it was an American car, it was likely already well on its way to hoopty status. I can certainly remember GM B bodies for example being pretty well used by age 10, but at least they were still running. A 10yo used Japanese car didn’t exist in areas that had any rust at all as most had disappeared off the roads by then.
Makes me thankful to be in an age where one doesn’t have to choose from a myriad of bottom end cars of eastern origin. I recall people buying the Excel as it was seen as hopefully a cheaper Japanese car. As optimistic as that might be, apparently enough people bought into it & continued to, to make them into the car company they are today.
Having driven Mirages, it’s actually a pretty good car, though clearly one built to a price point. Mileage is truly impressive, regularly seeing 40MPG. The equipment level is, for the price, truly astonishing. (Power windows, Apple and Android Car Play, automatic HVAC, optional forward collision warning and automatic lights standard on high trim.) While a CVT can suck the joy out of most vehicles, the 5-speed is quite nice to drive. Unlike many, the Mirage CVT seems quite reliable as long as the fluid is changed per the manual. (There are a couple over 200K.) They’re also built quite well, I’d have zero issues with a 150,000+ mile Mirage.
My next car is probably a used 5-speed Mirage G4.
Here in San Diego, radio station 91x gave away 10 Yugos to one lucky winner. Story goes they sold them all as soon as they got them.
Bricklin, as per Wiki:
In 2017, at age 78, he promoted a plan to transform high-end car dealers into high-end art dealers, after becoming interested in the business aspect of art.
Oh, boy…