This post allows me to touch on two subjects: CC’s continued strong growth, and how much CC readers love hearing your car stories.
Our Google stats shows that 266,987 Users (Unique Visitors) dropped in at CC in the the past 30 days. That’s up 88% from the same time period one year ago. And the four millionth visitor to CC ever will be showing up any minute, if not already.
Yesterday’s delightful Peugeot 504 COAL by Laurie Boussom reinforced just how much we all love to hear stories from fresh faces, which certainly doesn’t include mine; or Perry’s, or a whole lot of regular CC Contributors. I know you all appreciate how the regulars keep the CC party going day-in, day-out, but a fresh breeze is always welcome, even in the finest of places.
Every one of you has a great story (or more) to tell. We’ve gotten glimpses of them in the comments; I’ve even turned comments into posts on a few occasions. We’re not just begging for content; we’ve got that covered. We are begging for some new faces and fresh stories. And I know you have them.
Now I’m not going to promise every one of those 266,987 Users will read your story, but some of our posts are closing in on 100k Views. Every car has a story, and you’ve had a few of those. Let’s hear some of them.
All the info on Submissions is here.
Please by all means write something and submit it. I’ve submitted a few pieces, the people here are wonderful. If I ever get the time I’ll write my own COAL but my wishes keep coming true and they make my life busier. (Becoming principal, child on the way, etc.)
Even if its not about cars but might appeal to us gearheads, write it up! Lee Wilcox did a story on submarines, it was well received. Did you once own a Zapp Zebra? Tell us about it! Bikes of a lifetime, planes and trains you have known well, go for it.
I echo Paul and Danโฆ.if you have a story, submit it! These stories are the ones we all remember and they add much more depth to any car or truck than what us regular contributors are usually able to offer.
If you can tell somebody a story, you can certainly write it – and if it’s a subject you have passion about the words will flow quite easily.
Also, its a big rush to see your name in print, the opiate of the comments, and the thoughts you prompt in others. Really, there is no downside.
I will submit a COAL of my SC300,& LS430. After proper research .
Here’s the LS, Nefertiti
Will there perchance be a prize for the 4millionth visitor? Perhaps something tasty like a ’72 Mercury with lots of bondo, a severe rod knock emanating from one of the 5 cylinders still firing, mismatched hubcaps (well, the three that are attached anyway) and peeling Landau top, i.e. every reader’s dream car!
In all seriousness, yes, do all write something. Personal experiences are by far my favorite things to read about here no matter the car.
If the 4 millionth reader is from a Europe, a year’s loan of an 1969 Austin Maxi 1500 with the cable gearchange would seem like a fair reward. ;-0
Come on, you can do it, and keep inspiring us regulars
Also some comfortable shoes as they’ll be burning shoe leather rather than rubber
If you want to get really fit buy a Princess or Allegro. Saying that, my 200 ‘bubble’ and 45 TD kept me pretty trim.
I could write an article about the 95 Voyager that was in my family for over 17 years and there are a bunch of photos as well.
Does a guest writer have the power to deem a car a “greatest hit”?
Sure, if you can convince us of it. ๐
Seriously, we’re an equal,opportunity site; say what you believe in, even if it isn’t what everyone else might think.
Ive got one in the can right now…my 2nd COAL. My first wasn’t really listed as such though, so it might be a bit confusing. Btw whats the best avenue to submit stories these days? Paul WAS the go-to man and still a good contact, but it seems like Perry is taking over a lot of the duties these days. Just wanna do it proper. is one way.
I eagerly await the next round of submissions .
I wish I had the gift of gab as I have a few interesting vehicle stories .
go on, try it, its not difficult and Paul and Perry will help you!
Better I think , that my stories dribble out in various comments ~ I can barely write my own name and my spelling/syntax etc. is atrocious .
Still no help with the Avatar then ? .
When you log into the site, go to the Dashboard. On the left side is a menu that includes “Profile.” There should be a button for “manage avatar”. It should allow you to upload a photo to be your avatar. Is this the help you were looking for, or is the problem on a more advanced level?
“Better I think , that my stories dribble out in various comments…”
That’s how I feel. Too much of me is an awful thing.
Haha I feel the same way as you guys. I will say though that it is super easy to post. I did one the old fashioned way by emailing it to Paul and the last I loaded myself. I’m not the most computer savvy guy and was fearing that but it was a snap.
I didn’t have anything important to say and posted simply because I was feeling guilty at reading all of the excellent content every day for free and not contributing material myself.
A post or two a year from commenters would keep the workload for the regular contributors at a reasonable level. We don’t want them getting burned out or (even more) cranky.
I wouldn’t have thought a Nash Metropolitan would be fast enough to be a Fire Chief’s car. Wouldn’t the Nash arrive at the fire considerably later than the big hook-and-ladders? Or perhaps even after the house was completely burned to the ground?
That’s a vintage decommissioned Fire House in the dead middle of nowhere , Nevada , day two of a three day Road Rally .
Metropolitans were pokey little slow cars when new *but* being made by BMC , parent company of MG , they were assembled out of various MGA , MG Midget and Austin A55 parts , making them uber easy to up grade by simple parts swapping and of course , careful blueprinting of the engine when I overhauled it ~ the original 1500 C.C. engine now sports a modified MGA 1622 cylinder head , this made it breathe so well, I had to scrap the original (worthless) 28 MM Zenith carby for a Weber 34ICH with custom made jets , flow through exhaust and a Borg Warner M35 slushbox tranny and 3.72 final drive .
It’s no real speed ball but you’ll never see another Met with it’s original engine go this fast .
Top speed (recorded on this rally) is only 83 MPH but that’s prettydamnfast for a tiny thing like a Met .
I worked on the suspension a fair goodly bit too , custom made springs , polyurethane suspension bushings and Bilstein HD gas shocks .
It goes fast enough now that I have to watch it as last year I broke 6 wheels doing my thing , nearly launched it off a mountain before slowing it down a little bit .
RHD Mets didn’t sell well in Jolley Olde Englande so AMC imported the left over ones and sold them as Meter Maid cars at cost just to be rid of them ~ I’ve only ever found a couple and my buddy won’t sell me his unrestored 1961 Met RHD FHC dammit .
If I had better writing ability then a paperbook porn writer, I would give it a try.
Paperback porn involving cars? Perhaps an adult section of the site? ๐
For a long time, Playboy would give the PMOY a new car of her choice painted custom pink. As long as she posed with it, you see…
Dear Curbside Classics,
I never thought I would be writing this, but….
The four millionth customer, you say??