CC Advertising: 1965 Buick Wildcat — La Wildcat!

La Wildcat

I am a bit of a Francophile, I must admit.  Voltaire’s Candide is my favorite book; I love listening to Francoise Hardy, Jacques Dutronc, and Yves Montand; I dig Truffaut and Godard; and I even enjoy French cars.  Therefore, when my wife bought me a bunch of Buick and Pontiac advertisements in French, I enjoyed the best of both worlds.  This ad for the brand new ’65 Wildcat roughly translates (according to Google) to “under its seductive appearance, the boldest Buick hides the vivacity of a feline,” or something like that.  Wouldn’t you really rather have a French Buick?


Related reading:

CC 1965 Buick Wildcat: Sabre Tooth Cat or Dodo Bird?

Auto-Biography: Wildcat!