Back in the early years here at CC we used to do Caption Contests. We stopped because Jim Cavanaugh always won (just kidding). But lets see what you all come up with for this one, and that includes you too, Jim! By the way, if it helps or makes a difference, that’s a 1963 Dodge.
“Oh my God. I’m back. I’m home. All the time, it was… We finally really did it.”
“And they said you couldn’t drive from Catalina to Long Beach….”
“Ran When Parked”
My personal favorite, because people still use it in for sale ads. “Ran when parked 6 years ago.” Why not just say that it always ran, right up to when it didn’t.
1963 Dodge. Rust free, minor body work required. Current owner is a hermit crab.
And you didn’t believe me when I told you about that Planet of the Apes movie!
Beached whale.
For some reason the “Clam-digger Edition” never sold in significant numbers.
“Got change for a hundred clams?”
“Well, you said to fill ‘er up with shell.”
Superstock Dodge is windin’ out and low,
But my fuel injected Stingray’s really startin’ to go.
My Stingray is light the slicks are startin’ to spin,
But the four-thirteen’s really diggin’ in…diggin’ in…diggin’ in…
Low-budget version of the famous scene from the movie, “The Four Seasons.”
I think it was a 1980 or 1981 300D.
Which of course reminded me of “SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP, MY CAR!!!”
Saddest, or funniest (depending upon what chemicals where lurking in ones system) I ever witnessed was, The Atlantic, at Daytona Beach Florida, in the 1970’s EAT a Dodge Diplomat Cop Car. Mr. Officer, new on the scene and apparently unaware of how close he could get to the surf edge, at low tide. Drove his shiny new marked car up to the rocker panels into the sand. Tide coming in and all made it impossible to push, pull, or drag out. I know dozens of bystanders me included, and cops tried. Police mechanics pulled out all electronics they could save, and watched as the car slowly disappeared. Don’t think the officer got fired, but must have been hell on him watching it sink. Took quite awhile actually. Always wondered how many cars and trucks are buried along the beached at Daytona and Ormond,
Spongebob Squarepants finally get his driver’s license with predictably disastrous results.
“You fool! Now the engine is flooded!”
This 1963 Dodge is All Washed Up (on the beach, that is).
Is it too late to trade this thing in on an Amphicar?
“When I told you that the body needed to be sanded before we paint it, this was *not* what I meant!”
Paul, I think he did it again.
“High tide? Ha! It’ll never come in that fas…”
“Ran when parked”
When I said, “Let’s go to the beach,” this isn’t what I meant!
It’s 330 here on Daytona beach, and the weatherman says we’ve Dodged another hurricane. I’m not so sure. I could have done better by tossing a Dart at the weather map. Anyway that’s my Slant on the Six o’clock weather report.
I think we have a winner!
“This is why you shouldn’t drive like my brother!” — Ray Magliozzi
Lowest of the Low Low Riders
Low ride at low tide.
“That’s not what I meant when I said I wanted it chopped and channeled!”
“Life is a beach and I’m just playing in the sand”
I only stopped for an ice cream, but I went “large with that”!
“Needs a little TLC”
“It only comes up to here on the seagulls”
Someone said it was like a barge
Paging Tony LaHood!
“It was sweet of you to try and recreate that scene from ‘From Here to Eternity’ for our anniversary,” she sighed patiently, “but there’s a reason why they didn’t bring their car along.”
I guess I should have ordered the limited-slip differential.
Years before the Toyota Celica was in showrooms, Dodge offered the similarly named Silica.
Owww, it’s three for three by JPC today.
“I got me a Chrysler, it’s beached like a whale, and it’s about to set sail”
Its tin roof rusted!
Exner’s Forward Look styling ultimately failed to turn the tide.
The Beach Boys sung about a Pontiac that was much like this – Surf & Safari.
Very shortly before dodge stopped touting their seahorse power in every add.
“I finally got a chance to imitate a Buick! But it was too late.”
“That’s not what I meant when I told you to put Seafoam in the gas tank!”
In the end, it turned out to be Plymouth that was all washed up.
The cost of sand casting the bodies turned out to be prohibitive and Chrysler abandoned the experiment in mid cycle.
“I left the beach with sand caught in places I didn’t know it was possible”
Boy, Exner sure has come up with a doozy for his latest design!
Washed away by the drifting sands of time.
‘No, that’s not it. Mine’s a Pontiac.’
Thanks for ruining my car, Bob! The hood DOES NOT open from the side!
Don’t worry Frankie. I buried him and that Dodge of his where nobody’s gonna find it!
In New England, we used to call them beach wagons, but this is a beached wagon.
There’s a guy with a Youtube channel who runs a towing business on Washington’s Long Beach Peninula.
Plenty of tips on how to NOT get stuck at the beach.
HENRY !!!, I thought you said you fixed that park brake !
“Concourse condition”
I dig my Dodge!
“Yes, Henry dear, ofcourse I was listening when you warned me about climate change and I DID park it on the top floor.”