Curbside Contest: 1955 Plymouth Makeover (Part 1)

Jack Lord’s piece today on the 1955 Plymouth reminded me of something.  There are few 1950s cars with worse 2-toning treatments than the 1955 Plymouth.  Which gives me an idea.

We know that the Curbside Cohort is packed with artistic and design talent.  So here is the pitch: Take the 1955 Plymouth.  (Please).  Using whatever artistic skills and technologies are at your disposal, give this thing a properly attractive two-toning treatment.

We start with a base car in a neutral color.  Choose your colors, choose your treatment.  Any necessary chrome trim is fine.  Make it a hardtop if you wish, but otherwise, let’s stick to the car as shown.  Here is your starter kit:

Submit your proposals to us here at CC by emailing them to me at  Everything received by midnight next Saturday, May 5th, 2012 will be eligible for inclusion.  The criteria will be the best two-toning treatment viewed through the lens of 1955, and with the caveat that the car cannot look too much like a Dodge, DeSoto or Chrysler.

I will assemble all entrants and will feature them in a piece (1955 Plymouth Makeover Part 2) and we will let the Curbside Commentariat vote by its comments.  The prize?  Hearty congratulations on a job well done and the respect and admiration of all of us here at CC.