Car Show Classic: 1983 Blakely Bernardi – Hooray for Beefaroni

Nowadays, authenticity is a deeply-celebrated concept. People want to have authentic experiences while on vacation; to see authentic culture and not tourist-trap fodder. We want authentic stories told by people who have experienced the topics they’re writing about, instead of cliches and hokey melodrama. And of course, when we eat at the hot new restaurants opening up in our towns, the more authentic the cuisine they serve is to the culture it comes from, the better. In a way, authenticity is a synonym for ‘good,’ or at least ‘worthwhile.’ Why bother experiencing something if it isn’t authentic?

But, conversely, is inauthenticity always bad? I love good, authentic Mexican food, but I also unashamedly really enjoy Taco Bell – a restaurant about as authentic to Mexican cuisine as a Chuck E. Cheese token is to money. Does that make enjoying it bad? Absolutely not. There’s a time and a place for everything, and sometimes you want to see a cover band instead of the real article. Sometimes you want a birria taco, and sometimes you want a Crunchwrap Supreme. And this is a long-winded way of introducing y’all to the Berkeley Bernardi: the Beefaroni of Cars.

The Bernardi is a kit car that was marketed by Blakely Auto Works in the 1980s. Initially starting off selling Lotus Seven replicas, the Bernardi was the third and final model introduced by the company before going out of business sometime late in the decade. As with all kit car manufacturers, hard dates and specific details are hard to come by; even this specific car didn’t have any identifying information on it, unlike most of the other cars at this show. But we can say for certain that Blakely isn’t making kits anymore, and hasn’t done so for a long time. And based on what I can find on the Internet, most Bernardis were made somewhere around 1983, so that’s what we’re going with for the model year for this example.

The Bernardi was named for Enrico Bernardi, the inventor of the modern internal combustion engine. But despite its namesake and the Italian flag badges this car wears, it’s distinctly an American creation. Blakely was based out of Wisconsin, and the Bernardi’s mechanical bits were to be sourced from a Ford donor car – generally a Pinto or a Mustang II. Even the styling can’t be said to be Italian, as it very much derives its looks from classic British roadsters – particularly the MG TD.

And yet here the Bernardi sits, chilling next to a Lamborghini Espada in the Italian section of the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. Don’t the organizers know it’s an American car?!?

Well, so much of what we call ‘Italian cuisine’ nowadays has very little to do with the old country, either. Spaghetti and meatballs was invented in New York City, as was the archetypal cheese pizza. And Chef Hector Boiardi introduced Middle America to Italian food through his canned offerings in the supermarket, such as our aforementioned Beefaroni. Sure, all of these dishes were made by Italian immigrants who took inspiration from the cuisine of their ancestral home, but they’re all wholly American creations. Chef Hector even went as far as to change how his last name was spelled on his products – Boyardee – to help Americans pronounce the brand of canned pasta they were eating.

None of these things, including the Blakely Bernardi, can really be said to be authentically Italian. But does that really matter? We can still enjoy them, and they’re still important and good. Sure, we shouldn’t try to pass them off as an original, but a simulacrum of something can be enjoyed just as much as the real thing. Most of us have only seen pictures of famous works of art, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy them as much as someone seeing them in person in a museum can.

And generally, a send-up of something is often easier to experience than the real article. Hence why so many of these Neo-Classical replicars came into being in this era – most common people couldn’t attain a genuine vintage roadster, and even if they could, they’re very difficult to live with. The Ford Lima engine isn’t exactly glamorous, but I’m sure it’s much less of a headache to maintain than an actual British sports car engine. And no matter what your roadster is underneath, it’s still a roadster, and embodies driving pleasure at its purest.

But despite its inauthenticity, the Berkley Bernadi is still plenty quirky – I mean, how could you not love a car with three windshield wipers! And the irony is that a lot of these retro-styled kit cars are genuine classic cars on their own now, regardless of what their inspiration is. It’s not as pedigreed as a little British sports car from the 1950s is, but 40 years isn’t an age to sneeze at in the automotive world, either. As the separating rubber on this car’s running boards shows, it’s got real age to it, and like all old things, they can tell us a lot about the time they came from.

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Contrary to what nostalgic pop culture shows, the 80s weren’t all neon and synthwave; there were also a lot of folks in the nouveau riche who wanted to show how tasteful and refined they were. And what better way to do that than to own tasteful things from earlier eras? Hence why the star car in the music video for Tears for Fears’ Everybody Wants to Rule the World was an Austin-Healey. The 80s were when our idea of ‘Classic Cars’ as the cars of the 50s and 60s took root, and when you couldn’t, or didn’t want to, buy the real deal, you bought a Blakely. Or an Excalibur. Or any one of the zillions of fiberglass Cobra replicas out there.

What matters is this car is still being loved and used and driven by its owner, and is being showcased now for our enjoyment. Even though I could tell right off the bat that this was a more modern automobile than it claimed to be, it still brought a smile to my face, and I snapped more pictures of it than any of the Ferraris further up the hill from where this red roadster sat.

Just because you enjoy fine Italian cuisine, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a bowl of Beefaroni every once in a while, either. Both have their purpose, and both are good.
