(first posted 11/17/2013) With an enlarged fiberglass body behind the cab of a full-sized van, the 1971 Chinook defined the Class B motor home. It got off to a bit of a slow start, due to the energy crisis, but sometime around 1976 the RV market had once again exploded, as is its wont during times of economic expansion and stable or dropping fuel prices. Thus, a raft of Chinook competitors sprung up in the late 1970s, the Trans Van being perhaps the most significant one. Chinook survived until recently; however, Trans Van, like so many other competitors, did not. Since Trans Vans are getting a bit hard to come by anymore, I was rather happy to recently see this well-cared-for example–and its two big exhausts hint at what’s under the hood.
The Trans Van didn’t have the raised center roof section of the Chinook, so it wasn’t nearly as user-friendly when it came to genuine camping and such. Instead, the Trans Van was closer to a cross between a conversion van and a camper, and its sales pitch relied more on bold graphics. Eventually, the brand developed a bit of a hillbilly rep.
This rear entry was a hallmark of the Chinook (as well as most of its imitators), as it allowed unbroken space in the front part of the cabin for seating/sleeping areas. The bath was conveniently located in the very back, just to the left of the entry door. This allowed a lower floor back there, which made entering the john a bit less onerous.
I’m guessing at the exact year of this one, but since it has the same vintage front end as my ’77 Chinook, and since the new front end came along in 1979, we’ll split the difference.
I can’t be certain of what’s under the hood either, but I’m going to guess it’s the 440. This one is sporting two mighty big exhausts, one on each side. And the 440 became popular in these chassis around 1978 or thereabouts, as the energy crisis faded from memory and folks were sure that gas would stay at 55¢ a gallon forever. Needless to say, these 440 powered Chinooks and Trans Vans were the hot rods of the RV world at the time. As appealing as all that torque is, I’m quite glad my Chinook still had the 360. Except every once in a while…
I still see a TransVan now and again, but I haven’t seen a Dodge Chinook in forever. I associate the Chinook name more with their conversions of late 70s-early 80s Toyota 1-Ton cab and chassis, because I still see a whole lot of those. Perhaps Toyotas are more durable than Dodges?
340 Chinook? In 1977? Do you mean 360? Was the 340 ever installed in a truck?
I did mean 360; that was a typo.
I believe this grille was only used until ’77 – the ’78 was similar but had the new Dodge “coat of arms” emblem in the center.
I remember thinking these were kind of cool with the sleek contemporary styling compared to other campers. Here’s an idea of how the interior looked
The ex-junkyard I mentioned in last Monday’s Junkyard Outtake had one of these, located off in the fringes of the yard’s rear border. I was never brave enough to pop any of the doors and see what was inside.
That one was set up basically the same way as the featured rig. But its stripes were just brown, not multi-colored; and the “TRANS-VAN” type didn’t have the groovy slant to it. I always figured it was either very late ’70s or very early ’80s.
From what I understand the floors had a tendency of rotting out which is more then likely what you would have found in that junkyard, hence their rarity today
I came close to buying a very used Trans Van in ’75 or ’76, when I was still in high school. The van craze was in full swing so the Trans Van would have been party van plus! And I could camp in it to boot. It must have been a 3/4 ton because it was not a dually and, as I recall, had a shorter wheelbase. The sales guy was a sleaze and I was somewhat concerned about gas cnsumption, so I passed. Probably a wise decision for an 18 year old student who could only afford one set of wheels at a time. Oh, and rolling parties – good way to get arrested.
This is my kind of RV — it looks like it could handle pretty well too.
Paul 340 or 360? Also I think 79 was the last year for the 440 in the dodge line. They never brought it into emissions spec. Thats why the little red express was a 360 instead of a 440.
360; that was a typo. And yes, ’79 was the last year for the 440.
I had the 1978 version of this van. Slightly larger – Tioga (Fleetwood) built the camper part. 440 and a glass-fragile torqueflight automatic.
Never in my life have I suffered a design more poorly thought out than this one. Everything possible went wrong with the engine/driveline and no matter what I did the miserable thing would cook my right leg every time I tried to drive it.
End of the road for me was frame flex. Get a good crosswind going and the crazy thing would change lanes on it’s own no matter what I did with the steering wheel. Absolutely terrifying.
Dumped it at a loss and swore I would never buy another Chrysler product of any kind.
And I never have.
Late in replying
I had a transvan couple years ago but lost it to city as was trying to save money to replace steering column
In process in looking for a second one as really liked first one and anyone that has useful advice welcome
I Have a 1978 Trans-Van for sale. It’s in pretty decent shape. 360 Dodge motor.
What’s ur number ? Location email me debanger@aol.com
I also have a trans am, 1970-1980.
Me an email if
You would! I I’ve been having tons of issues finding parts for mine at the auto parts store. No one has “trans van” in their system.
thanks a lot!
Where are located at.. Just looking for fair deal on a RV..
Here’s my modified ’79 Dodge Transvan , i finally figured out why it didn’t look like any other Dodge Sportsman. I finally came across a picture of a Transvan by Champion and realized that’s what it looks like! Now i have to wonder if the previous owner that added the wood covered up a porthold window in the back
I bet that is a bit on the heavy side..a bit odd too.
I just picked up my dream trans van!! Paid 1k for it
25ft body great but inside bad water damage
Rear head with shower
I have to deal with the fact that mine has had 36 years of Micky mouse hack mechanics working on it but it’s mechanically sound and I have a complete 1995 dodge 360 magnum with 4speed auto going in it soon.
My wife wanted a motorhome, I wanted a hot rod, we both compromised and I got a 79 trans van hot rod!! Lol
Hello just bought 82 chevy transvan. Anyone have manuals ? Thanks
yes please a manual would be wonderful! just bought a 1979 dodge transvan
1982 ford Transvan, 21′ by champion
Hi folks, I’d been looking for a year or two and found this one around Detroit. I’ve had it now for about 4 years. Always working on it and modifying. Three sky lights one of which allows me to stand in the middle. New house power/solar/12 volt storage, motor, trans rear end, brake system including lines replacement. I could keep going but it’s not necessary. My fear now is that it’s mechanically sound it’s rusting away. The common leaky windows have not helped ?. I was happy to find this thread and looking forward to searching further for more stories. Thanks folks!
Nice! Thanks for sharing.
Nice Tyler I always liked the short wheel base trans vans.
Does that have a Chevy chassis ?
Since I posted above you, I fitted a 4spd overdrive trans with lock up converter to the old 360 Chrysler engine. It worked awesome , my wife and I drove it from losangeles to east Ohio and I got 11-12 mpg
This last weekend I pulled both engine and trans I have a 1995 400hp dodge magnum 360 engine going in it
Back to your post, yes my windows and roof still leak. It’s really hard to seal those up! I will probably pull all 4 of my windows and reinstall them with plenty of sealer
Thanks for posting. Keep us informed
Yep, it’s an 83 Chevy G30. I’d love to do an overdrive unit, at this time it rolls 70 mph at about 3500ish. Needless to say we enjoy back road travels with occasional interstate action. It’s got a 350 that’s someone prior to me has decked and bord 30 thousand over. I just put new heads, cam and a few uper end upgrades on it. I haven’t had an old muscle cal in a long time so it’s kinda of fun to have something that can get out of the way when it needs to. Keep enjoying your ride there a blast!
Well Tyler , look into a gm 700r4 transmission it should bolt up to an old 350 Chevy motor
My van had a 727 3 speed auto and it screamed at 3000 rpm at 60 mph
With overdrive trans I’m doing 2500 at 75-80
I have a few friends who have Chevy cameros and chevells who fit the 700r4 trans and they love it! Great low end gears but can still cruz on frwy
Shouldn’t be that hard just have to have driveshaft cut
I have learned a lot about the trans van since I got mine
I’m a 20 year ex Chrysler tech so there is a lot of interchangeability for dodge chassis
Don’t know that much about the Chevy chassis but. I do know you probably have a dana70 hd rear axel in yours
Ford,GM and Chrysler all used those heavy duty rear ends back in the day for heavy duty applications
Im thinking of starting a new thread here just to help guys restoring trans vans
Hey I picked up this 1979. Working on interior now then engine upgrades runs like a champ.
Wow I have the same yr and look only dif. is your window up front and I have AC on top behind that window. I’m updating the inside to my liking’s i.e. the 80’s look. 350 w/ turbo 400. have had all the work done from front bumper to back and she fly’s on the hwy or will craw great in the back woods . I love her . found a 10×5 enclosed trailer to pull the bike in and life is good She is a G30 1ton 83
Here my toy
I just got my trans van fall of 2015, It had 80,000 miles on it, not a spot of rust, or fade it was garage kept by an ole timer who took very good care of it. I took it out for the first time that year and that’s when all those garage kept dry rotted gremlins came out. Every thing was leaking from everywhere lol lucky for me it wasn’t a rust bucket,and was very easy to work on I ended up dropping the transmission, replacing the front and rear seals, gasket, filter, and since I was already half way there I pulled the motor up and did the oil pump and pan gasket. Took me and a friend about 13 hours. Then after all that I had to deal with the windshield wiper linkage bushings that were rock hard and shattered! I could not find a replacement set anyplace that would stay on so I had to drill a hole in all of the nubs and put a cotter key in them.(pain in the ass) after that the radiator started leaking and had to be replaced not rebuilt. Finally a year later I successfully took it on its first run from Cleveland OH to the gully river WV 600 sumthin miles! Drove great after a little getting use to the play in the wheel. It’s definitely an attention getter, people are always riding in my blind spot trying to check out the shag carpet on the ceiling. I love this funky misfit of a van/RV and would love make it mint again. It’s a 77, 360, 5.9, dodge
Here is a picture
Just found a very clean 77 short Dodge Transvan no john, or generator but cute as heck. 40 years old and a real attention getter. Have no manuals and TRYIN to figure out the house 12 Volt system. Has battery but don’t see an inverter! How does the battery get charged? Any manuals still out there?
Yes it drifts and wanders and gets blown around on interstate! ….Keeps me awake!LLMBO!
What are the chances! I owned the van in the pictures! Where were they taken? I road tripped the entire west coast with her
She is a ’78 had the 400 with 3 speed tranny. Sounded like a muscle car but with a 1 ton chassis. Turned many heads
I named her Dorothy and she took great care of us
In Eugene, OR. in 2013.
I’m desperately looking for a 70s-80s TRANSVAN for sale.
Call or Text: 414 324 8621
Email: palser1972@gmail.com
i’ll keep an eye out for ya! Let me know if you find one. We can rendezvous! LOL
Hey its Gil. drove “Harvey the RV 4.000 mi. from Portage WI to AZ in October of 16. Had two roll back rides! LOL! Carb n electrical probs. Had carb rebuilt.Wizard son n I replaced all engine electrical components. Found good used propane tank at RVers toy yard (AZ RV Salvage in Phoenix.) I could have spent several days there, Son fixed leak in gas tank sending unit. Rebuilt small cubby that was home to WI Pine squirrels.
re doing interior design.Took out dinette & futon couch is going. Building two unique box beds with flip to have a queen when opened up or two singles or 2 couches. Whatever I need. Lotsa storage underneath. Gonna redo & add kitchen cabs.
I love it, its so darn cute and It’S a Chick Magnet” And it scoots! I’m 81 n stuck in the Seventies!
I m looking at I think a 1980 s model. I’m going to gut it and do some up scale rv modifications
1 lift the top 1 foot 2 make the roof into the floor to handle the 2snd story 3 build telescope sides and top 4 put the bed and entertainment stuff up thire. Windows and such with a simple potty over the existing one install the jacks internally. To lift the roof 3 feet. Above the three exsting 3 feet. Below make the shower floor also handle the potty. Install a knewer bigger fridge it works on l.p. 110 or 12 volts. Newer llp water on demand heater.
Hi everyone i own this cehvy van 1982 travel craft!
It here in an island called mallorca in spain. Have been searching for similar ones and i think this one is in the best shape!
What do you think?
Do you still own this Travelcraft? We are buying one soon and wondered if you have any info to share! Its a 1984 Chevy diesel which I think is rare with 50,000 miles. It looks to be in great shape and has been garaged since new.
It’s impossible to find any information although it has the manuals in it. Anything that you have learned about this RV or how you have used it would be appreciated!
Thanks so much!
I’m selling a 1978 Dodge Trans-van with a 360 motor. Contact me if your interested josoul78@gmail.com
Just purchased a 1979 Dodge “uni-van” and it sure looks like the trans van. Anybody run across one of these before?
I own a 1978 dodge trans am and bought for 1 dollar, It’s in rough shape and I have taken it in as a promise to restore it to its former glory. I’m 15 and have people helping me with more experience. I am having trouble finding parts please contact me if anyone has any general or in depth information I’m all ears 🙂
Oh, Man! I remember seeing these things quite frequently in the ’80s! I haven’t thought about them in ages.
I was lucky enough to come up on a 1981 Transvan. Had no idea of the adventure ahead of me!!
If I could just get my hands on a manual I’d be set.
I need to find someone with extensive Transvan knowledge, who doesn’t charge two arms and my left leg!!
I live in Milwaukee, WI. If anyone could help in either one of these ways it would be greatly appreciated ❣️
I just purchased a 1982 TransVan on a Chevy G30 Chassis. While digging around I found the orriginal owners manual. I have attached a .zip file with the manual split into two pdf files for your viewing enjoyment.
I live in Sturgeon Bay, WI. If your in Milwaukee perhaps we can collaborate.
Jeremy could you send me copies of your manual. I live in NY State and have 85 Chevy TransVan. I have a service manual for Chevy G30 portion but not the TransVan.
Thanks Toky
> I’m guessing at the exact year of this one, but since it has the same vintage front end as my ’77 Chinook, and since the new front end came along in 1979, we’ll split the difference.
It is a ’78, as the dash, visible through the windshield, is of the new for 1978 design, lower on the passenger side than the center and driver side. The ’78 dash, the third design fitted to Dodge B vans, would be used well into the ’90s.
There has been a Chevy based one with a for sale sign in Bend for a while, I need to drive by and check on it.
Suddenly they are as common as Corollas.
Wow these things seem to appeal to a lot of people, mostly tinkerers like me. I think that this would be a handy size to drive around town and in traffic. That shot of the interior looks like it would be cozy for a couple of adults and a little kid or two. Seems like the perfect size for retired people who like to get away.
I have 78 Dodge Chinook FOR SALE with Mopar Big block 400 And 3 speed 727 torqueflite transmission, Emgine freshly re-build upgraded 4 barrel intake manifold and brand new Edelbrock AVS2-CARBURETORS (latest Annular booster design) run Amazing…., New Firestone Airbag suspension kit, Bilstein Shock rear, KYB front Shock, Led tail light, Led interior light, Solar panel ZAMP brand (US-Made) with Mppt Charge Controller, Trojan AGM Battery Bank, lots of Upgrade , freshly Undercoat using POR15,upgraded to Dual exhaust flomaster muffler , Back up camera and dash cam onboard, New Tire including sparetire, Upgraded to HORN sound and reverse back up alarm.
More upgrade to come …adding Led spotlight in the front bumper….. email me if you more info @ skyblue7091@gmail.com
Video of Flomaster Sound
Lots more upgrade on the way….
Thanks you
Hey guys! My husband and I recently acquired a 1978 Dodge Transvan at no cost, which was great! But now we are starting to fix her up and we are wondering if anyone knows where we might be able to find parts for this year and model? Thanks!
Megan, this is an old post but I’m glad I stumbled upon your comment.
The source of parts will depend upon what parts you seek. If it’s mechanical parts you need, those will still be plentiful at most any auto parts store and online parts retailers.
Body parts and parts specific to your vans conversion will be trickier and will likely require much more sleuthing to find a suitable replacement.
Thank you Jason! At the moment we are having a hard time finding the right fuel tank sending unit that fits. Any ideas? Maybe we are searching for the wrong modem type to get something that fits?
Thanks! Appreciate any help!
I’m in the same situation you are in. JMy wife and I just acquired a 1978 Dodge Trans Van last week. Definitely will need parts. If you come up with any good sources let me know (I will do the same if I find something). We are about to start on a major renovation project. We should collaborate!
Looking for parts in and out
Hello my name is Victoria. On March 16,2021 I just purchased my first rv. Which happens to be a 1984 Chevy Transvan. It is in great condition. I will be renovating the inside, but keeping the original cushions as they are in great shape.
Sounds like a fabulous new chapter in life! There’s a handful of fun TransVan folks on Instagram! Congrats!!
Just picked up a 1980 Dodge TransVan from a storage lot in Jax, FL. 360-1 4v, loadflight or torgueflight, (not sure which yet), 31k original mi. Runs great! Lots of guts..lol. I’m in love! This thing is just straight cool! It’s in fairly decent shape to be a 40 year old RV. The generator is gone (I’ll be considering solar/inverter setup). Nice to find other people who own and really dig these TransVans! I’ll be back on asking all kinds of questions about this fun bucket, I’m sure..lol
My ’80 has the raised center section and is either 24 or 26 feet. I have looked at a multitude of pics and have found none quite like this one. There are some that are close but not the same. The 360 is super powerful and is sick fast for a 10000 lb behemoth. I haven’t figured out how to get the info on this build number but I’m expecting it to be a special order with alot of special goodies! I fall more in love by the day! I named her Ellie Mae because she’s so hot and sexy! Lol If anyone knows how to research the build numbers on these things, I would be eternally grateful to have that info.
I recently inherited two 1978/79 Dodge Sportsman F30 but can’t find pictures that match up to them yet. The trans van is close. My son was hoping to remodel and take fishing. On ours it has a spare tire holder on the back passenger side.
Anyone familiar with 1979 transvan motors? Curious as to what was under the hood. Have one my father inlaw left me and a buyer wants it for 300
I have a 1978 trans van for dale 360 ci motet with very low miles on it runs like it should. Let me know I’ll trade for a truck or bigger and newer rv