CC Capsule: 1990 Mercury Sable LS Wagon – The Shape You Want To Be In


(First Published 4/2/2015)   It’s hard to imagine that the original Ford Taurus and Mercury Sable will be turning thirty by year’s end. At the time of their release, this duo’s smooth aero styling was like no other American car. This was especially true of the wagons. With their rounded rear windows and hatch, they truly looked like no other wagon on earth. Their shape was instantly recognizable back then, and even today, still stands out in a crowd of cars fifteen-to-thirty years newer.


I can’t recall the last time I saw a first generation wagon – Sable or Taurus – but I know it’s been many years. Even by the late-’90s and early-’00s, these were extremely scarce. Most examples I saw around this time were looking tired and battle-scarred with rust, peeling paint, numerous dents and dings, and body panels/doors that no longer fit together perfectly.


However, a quick run to Costco the other day yielded a great surprise when I spotted this remarkable blue first-generation wagon. Coming within view of the front, I was even more delighted to be greeted by that unmistakable full-width light-bar, as being a Sable made my discovery a truly rare find!


As I did a quick walk-around and snapped a few pictures, I was amazed at the overall condition of this Sable – not bad for a quarter-century. With no rust, peeling paint, body damage, sagging rear suspension, and all four original wheels, this Sable might very-well be the best-shape first-generation wagon I have ever laid eyes on, at least since the mid-’90s when seeing one of these wouldn’t have garnered a second glance.

1990SableBlueint(Pictures of a 1990-91 leather-equipped blue interior can’t even be found on the Internet; cloth will have to do)

The interior was also remarkably well-kept, with no visible rips or excessive wear in the navy leather (a rarely-seen option). The dash design of this one makes it a 1990 or 1991. As I was about to get some interior shots, the annoying little white fluffy dog in the blanket-cover back seat started barking up a storm at me. It was attracting too much unwanted attention, so I decided it was best to simply move on.


As I took this final shot of the rear, I noticed the “Neponset Lincoln-Mercury” dealer badge, signaling that this car has likely been a Massachusetts car its entire life. The “Regal Motors” license plate frames mean the current owner is not the original, but I’m willing to bet he’s been the owner for the majority of this car’s life, as Regal Motors in Holbrook generally sells late-model pre-owned cars. I’m also quite certain that its owner is an elderly man, given the various AAA, veteran, and union stickers on the front bumper and rear hatch, as well as the handicap placard.

Whomever its owner, he (or she) has obviously taken very good care of this rare gem of a Sable wagon. Rolling time capsules such as this aren’t all that common sights for me, so this was a truly special find! It looks like “The shape you want to be in” has dual meaning today.


Related Reading:

1986 Ford Taurus/Mercury Sable

1986 Mercury Sable Wagon