Sorry, so late again. The East Coast crowd is probably tucked into bed dreaming about their worst old car ever. Or maybe something happier. Anyway, kudos to master-sleuth Tom Klockau for guessing the ’66 Riviera with its lights down. Now I don’t usually give hints, but there is a piece or two missing in this picture.
CC Clue
– Posted on October 23, 2011
Chevy II Nova, perhaps?
Chevrolet Nova 1970/1971-ish?
Third generation 68-74 Chevy Nova
Chevy II, I think, but I have no idea what year.
’72 Nova SS
Chevy Nova. whats this invalid data crap I beat everyone on the figaro but couldnt get the post to stick oops it worked
…and some of the remaining pieces don’t look that great!