CC Clue: Back, Thanks To The Heat


CC 250 019 clue 2

The CC Clue has fallen by the wayside. Why? Mostly two reasons: I don’t work in my office regularly these days, cranking out a CC for the next day, and topping that off with a Clue. I’ve been too bust with other work for that luxury. But I am back to my old routine today, thanks to a blistering 105 degree (40 C) day, and a window air conditioner we were finally forced to get thanks to the second hot summer in a row. The other reason?

It’s hard to get the clue just right, in terms of being too easy or too hard. It seems like most of them were being guessed instantly,a combination of the writer’s making them too obvious or our sleuths being too good. But today we’ll give it another shot, and see how it goes. Do you miss the Clue much?