The egg-crate grille has a long and storied history, used on some of the finest cars ever, and has been adopted and adapted in endless variation. Some are bit more authentic than others, and I suppose that truck’s grille is a variation on its theme too. But the other two examples here are a bit more compelling, by a long shot; the ’67 Checker we’ve already done, but I’m glad to see its quite elderly original owners are still out driving it. And the other one is for you to guess.
And before I forget, let me acknowledge TEXN3 as the winner of the Astro Clue.
Looks British, but those always had hoods coming down the grill. Maybe a Honda S600?
S600 was my instant thought, but they don’t seem to have that ridge down the middle of the hood.
Volvo P1800
Fiat 1500 Cabriolet, 1961-67.
I agree with Mike
It’s definitely Italian. I say; Fiat 124 Coupe AC.
I think we have a winner.
You mention “Egg-Crate grill”…I think “55 Chevy”. It’s a Pavlov-like thing. I know that has ZERO to do with the cars above…(except for the Chevy drivetrain in the Checker but we’re getting realllly technical).
BTW above, I’m thinking 60’s Fiat.
The connection I see is the mid 50’s Chevy styling cues that Checker used in its design.
Looks Italian to me Fiat Spyder Lancia mebe
How long did you have to wait around to catch that great example of sm, med, and lg egg crates?
Not at all, I was shooting that angle, and they just appeared. Didn’t waste time pressing the trigger, though.