Cohort Pic(k) Of The Day: 1975 AMC Hornet – A Hornet In The Big Apple

Photo from the Cohort by Blue387.

(post updated 5/20/2024)      Just a couple of images today for this surviving old AMC product. It’s none other than a 1975 Hornet sedan found in NYC, and its nice condition suggests that it has found a good nesting place in that city. Quite a feat actually. I’m not that familiar with NYC, but I would think it isn’t the friendliest place for hornets… or old AMC cars.

Funnily enough, we ran a QOTD on the Hornet a couple of weeks ago, part of a companion piece to Don Andreina’s entry on AMC’s Australian production history. That QOTD post dealt with some nitpicking regarding the Hornet’s styling, which is an inevitable subject when AMC products done under the unsteady hand of VP of Design Dick Teague come to the fore.

Yet, the Hornet was one of Teague’s best efforts and a favorite of mine from childhood. At least styling-wise. After all, the car showcases Teague’s penchant for clean and flowing lines. Preferences that would place AMC somewhat at odds with the ornate direction the rest of Detroit was taking in the early ’70s.

So yes, against the stuffy and ornate neoclassicism that had taken over the industry, little 5-year-old me couldn’t help but find the Hornet oddly defiant and appealing. Even by ’75, when the car had adopted some minor Brougham bits.

Of course, the Hornet would fully succumb to Brougham-fever when it reincarnated as the Concord in ’78. But then again, by the mid-70s new winds were coming from Europe and even Detroit would eventually turn to rational design by the decade’s end. What goes around comes around, goes the saying.

But regardless of what little 5-year-old I might say, the Brougham Concord did shoot up sales by a good margin when it arrived in ’78. So, well done little Hornet Concord. You gave AMC enough life to find a suitor, and a French one at that.

There’s already a CC post on the Hornet, with a comprehensive and great take on the model by JPC. So feel free to check that out to get the car’s back story. In the meantime, let’s bid adieu to this surviving Hornet, and hope that its nesting place will provide it years of protection.


Related CC reading:

Curbside Classic: 1970 AMC Hornet – Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life