Curbside Find: 1985 Buick Skylark – The Best Preserved X-Body Still Around?

photos from the Cohort by Hyperpack.

The ’80-’85 X-body is one of GM’s most notorious deadly sins, but let’s not hold that against this incredibly well-preserved ’85 Buick Skylark Limited. For one, none of us have any control over what our provenance is. Then, of the four riders out of that sinful X-body crop, the one from the house of Flint seems to have been the less sinful of them all.

That last statement may be dubious at best, but I base it on a previous account by our Chief Editor on an early Skylark. And also, on the condition of this surviving one. No matter the sinful nature of these, I can’t disregard that this plusher X-body carries four decades of wear on its chassis. A reality that speaks for itself and that I can’t ignore.

Granted, by the time this ’85 rolled out of the assembly line some of the X-body’s worse ills must have been tamed. There’s also the possibility that Flint’s workers screwed these better than the Citations coming out from Chevrolet. Whatever the case may be, as a previous post on these said, sales of the Skylark remained more constant than those of its siblings during its run. Something that speaks in favor of these Skylarks to some degree or another.

Between their quality issues, daily usage, and non-existent collector value, most X-bodies have gone to crusher heaven by now. Seeing one is a rarity, much less in this condition. How did this Skylark make it to our days looking like this? Perhaps the gentler touch of Buick drivers?

Of the X-bodies, the Skylark was arguably the most conservatively styled of them all. The model’s shrunken Elektra looks left little room to confuse it with products from any other GM make. From the demure waterfall grille to the hood emblem, you knew you were looking at a Flint product; in Lilliputian form.

The model carries perhaps the plushest of all X-body interiors and looks awfully well-preserved on this sample. Now, no idea how those buckets look under those covers.

Still, the covers themselves look period correct in their early ’80s fur-like spirit.

If I’m not mistaken, that rear Buick panel between the taillights is what dates this model to the ’85 year. A one year mod, that occupied the space previously reserved for the license plate.

With this close-up shot, we’ll finish this brief virtual walk around this incredible survivor. Yes, take a good look; X-bodies have become incredibly scarce and who knows when another one will show up.

And while I never cared for these back in the day, I won’t deny seeing this survivor brought a discreet smile to my face. The cars may have a sinful origin, but who hasn’t sinned a bit at some point? And who doesn’t enjoy an occasional glimpse into past naughty behaviors?


Related CC reading:

CC 1980 Chevrolet Citation: GM’s DS #13 – GM’s Deadliest Sin

Auto-Biography: 1980 Buick Skylark – It Wasn’t All That Bad

Curbside Classic: 1983 Buick Skylark – “Plz Do Not Tow” A GM Deadly Sin Or Divine Grace?