Curbside Find: Austin A40 Van – Far Out “Moose On The Roof” Special

Photos from the Cohort by robadr.

Here’s another creative curbside find, stuffed with what seems like every single Canadian trope one could think of. Being that the car was found in Canada, I suppose it’s either an example of their quirky sense of humor (most likely) or a dubious exercise in misguided local pride (very doubtful). Then again, maybe a truly ill-advised ploy by the local tourism board?

Just kidding. I know there’s no chance for the latter two. So what if we take a walk around this creative automotive prank? Just the kind of creation we’re so fond of here at CC.

“Far Out” and “Whole Lotta Love” are just the most visible signage from this angle. True those statements, Moose-Crossing-Canadian wonder. Honestly, the color combination and the effort put into this Moose-themed Austin is quite well sorted. Someone’s northern hippie spirit certainly has an artistic eye.

One detail; those painted eyes on the windshield’s sun visor look somewhat sleepy. A result of this photo’s angle? Or is this car under the influence of some narcotics?

Here’s, la pièce de résistance. The quite unique “Moose on the roof”, ready to drive you to “far out” places with a “whole lotta love” while “rambling on”. Just make sure to sing along to those Led Zeppelin tunes and not argue with the guy, for those boxing gloves show he’s ready to pick a fight.

Not that all that Moose-Arty creativity has expunged this old Austin of all vestiges of its former identity. As can be seen on the original hood ornament still in place; a lovely piece of Art Deco/Streamline design.

The instrument panel sticks to that “originality” mantra, probably to keep distractions at bay while driving.

However, the rear quarters serve once again as a canvas for creativity. But none that seem of Canadian influence. I guess it’s a homage to some other Commonwealth member? I get some Jamaican vibes from this arrangement. What do you see?


(Further photos of this “Mooseontheroof” mobile can be found online, and it’s a creation by British Columbia resident Lyle Brown-John.)

Further reading:

Curbside Classic: Austin A40 Somerset – Short, Chubby And Irresistible