Curbside Find: Ford Tempo – My, What Colors You Wear!

Photos from the Cohort by robadr.

Dear Marianne, do you remember that one night back at our college campus in California?

Yes, that one night in ’93, when you were going to take us to the nearest Denny’s as we usually did after classes. I do recall it quite clearly, as we walked in the parking lot towards your car; the oatmeal-colored Tempo you had owned through your college years.

And then it happened. I can see you popping your key into the Tempo’s door, turning it over, opening the door, and then… you shrieked!

  • Wait! This… ISN’T my car!

You slammed the door and turned around, your face all blushing, putting as much distance as you could from the Tempo we had almost broken into. “What do you mean is not your car?” I said, confused, as I followed after you. And then, a couple of rows over, there it was: Your Tempo!

How? What?

Had the other oatmeal-color Tempo not been properly locked? Or did both Tempos share the same keys? (Unlikely, but not impossible.)

So, Marianne, if you were a CC reader (I doubt you are), you would know I’ve occasionally complained about your oatmeal-colored Tempo.  I’ll admit, here, that in all truth, I should stop such complaints. I did ride in your car as a passenger for many hours, and the vehicle did provide us with dependable service on all those trips.

But gosh, there was just something about the Tempo that just made me wish I was in someone else’s car. Not only was the vehicle the color of oatmeal, but it also seemed just as interesting. And on top, just about any other LA Tempo appeared to be the same color.

But well, you’re an artist, and so am I. And I believe we both can agree, wouldn’t a Modrian-like color treatment have done wonders for your old Tempo? Just look at this sample found by robadr at the CC Cohort page! Yes, I admit, there are the merits of artistry here. But beyond that, no way to confuse this Tempo with any other oatmeal-colored one. Or any other normally colored one.

Why didn’t we think of that back in school?

So, in the odd case you still own the Tempo, I leave the idea here, in written form to you. And by the way, I’m sure such a color treatment would have endeared your Tempo to me in a great way. I’m not sure if to a degree to get me on its camp, but I certainly would have found it a much more memorable ride.


Related CC reading:

Curbside Classic: Ford Tempo – A Car I Love To Hate

Curbside Classic: 1988-94 Ford Tempo & Mercury Topaz – Sabotaging Yourself Is Easy

Curbside Musings: 1989 Ford Tempo GL – Gold Coasting