1959 Ford Galaxie Sedan–Rarer Than An Edsel?

Saw this on eBay;  brought back a lot of memories.  Edsels of the same period are typically described as “rare”, but actually this Galaxie 4-door is much more rare today than ’59 Edsels, even though Ford produced about 10 times as many 1959 Galaxies than Edsels!

This is typical of the way the old car hobby distorts reality.  Cars are restored and preserved based on their perceived desirability.  More Edsels were saved because they were considered unique, low-production flops which “might be worth a lot of money someday.”  And most ’59 Fords you see today are convertibles, “retractables”, and the occasional 2-door hardtop.  So cars like this 4-door Galaxie sedan have become the true rarities!


This Galaxie 4-door sedan was Ford’s best selling model in ’59, outside of the low-priced Custom 300 series.  Ford banged out 183,000 of these, and 460,000 Galaxies total.  Galaxie, with its “Thunderbird” roof was a roaring sales success–Ford billed them as the “World’s Most Beautifully Proportioned Cars”, and looking at the sedan above, I think there is some validity to that claim.  (However, the ungainly Retractables, which everybody seems to love so much, I find rather ill-proportioned.)

Excerpts from the 1959 Ford brochure:

If you need help with the French, say “Coh-mee-tay Frahn-say Dell-lell-eh-gahns”


Who writes this stuff . . . ?

Uh . . . sure!


. . . said no one ever. BTW, are there any girls around today named “Nancy”?


Yeah . . . in a late-night snowstorm by little old ladies who left their glasses at home!


I was drawn to this eBay listing because it not only shows a rare survivor car that I really like, but there were also many clear, detailed photos of the car listed.  And then there is the fact that this car is so original, including the paint!  (Nothing “stupid” has been added on to it either–making it even more rare!)

Yes, this is the way I remember them when I was a little kid in the early 1970s.  I liked that bold chrome “V” combined with those bright red “Iris Eye” taillights.  For some reason I saw many more Galaxies than Custom 300s (which lacked the “V”).

I liked the front too.  Massive looking, with a lot of interesting details like the wide “Fashion Star Grille” made up of sparkling anodized aluminum stars.

This photo really captures what I’m talking about.  It’s about 1975 or so, we’re riding our bikes and parked on the next street–“Wow, it’s a neat old car!”  Let’s go check it out.  “It’s a FORD . . . Galaxie!”   So that’s what these cars are!  Yes, this is what a typical survivor back then would look like–some scuffing on the paint, wide whitewalls replaced with narrow ones, but it’s all there and still running!  Somebody’s still driving it!

After the early ’70s, I can only recall two 1959 Ford sedans.  One was this Geranium and White two-toned job abandoned in the woods near me.  The other was a black Custom 300 2-door, occasionally seen in my high school parking lot.  I’ve seen maybe one or two more at car shows over the years, but that’s about it.

We’ve got some interior shots too.  I admire the effort to repair the original upholstery with hand stitching, but things still look pretty ratty.  However in 1975, this would be a typical look.

I like the instrument panel on these too.  Typical “50s Modern”, but not extreme.  Lots of chrome.  Luckily, reproduction knobs are available to replace the broken ones.  (You’d have to trade up to an Edsel or Mercury to get nice, durable chrome-plated metal knobs instead of plastic).

Technically, the Galaxie is part of the Fairlane 500 series, so you get a little gold plaque to stamp this car as unmistakably “Galaxie”.

The engine looks well cared for.  It’s a 332 V-8 with automatic transmission.  I don’t see power steering, so it takes some effort to hustle this big tank around!

Black is assigned as Color “A”, the first letter of the alphabet, because this is a Ford–and Henry said “You can get any color as long as it’s black.” Colors after “A” are “frivolities”.


There are many more good photos of the car, but I can’t include them all.  The sellers are asking $14,959, which seems like a lot.  I bought my 1958 Custom 300 4-door in 2014 for $4,500 and it was in better shape than this car.  It has power steering too!  So either I got a great bargain or prices have really gone up.  I see this pattern all the time–eBay and Craigslist cars with really high asking prices.  The cars don’t sell, and they end up getting re-listed over and over for months and months.  Makes no sense to me.

Edsels, Thunderbirds, and Retractables were more likely to be saved–while the “regular” Fords, regarded as “nothing special” were junked by the megaton. Hence they have become more rare than the production “rarities”.


Nevertheless, I’m glad I found this listing because it showcases a car I fondly remember (in the condition I typically remember them).  Too bad “the hobby” shows so little interest in preserving cars like this!

See also:  Cohort Outtake:  1959 Ford Galaxie–The Missing Ford CC