No, this wasn’t a case of a vandal who has a thing for left front tires. The old(er) Dodge has been sitting like that with one flat for ages. When the newer appeared recently, it too suddenly developed the same symptoms. Maybe they can’t be bothered to fix flats and they’ll get an even newer Dodge now.
CC Outtake: The Curious Case Of The Contagious Dodge Pickup Left Front Flats
– Posted on November 9, 2014
You’re so lucky to live in such a lax environment ~ the Police and Code Enforcement folks would begin ticketing with a mind to removal after a week down here .
As the many other HOA’s in Florida, I can’t even street park. There are perks, it makes it hard for cops and bad guys alike to stake out your property with any stealth.
Our cars have to be registered and in “running condition,” according to local City Code to be left on the driveway. Some of the HOA Gestapo interpret old, cheap and ugly as not running, and will get the HOA/ City Code involved. Whatever goes on in the garage is no one’s business, at least if it doesn’t involve clandestine farming.
Yes HOA’s are a trip. You are right they will try to interpret a older car as derelict and try to tow. I lived in a town home with a reserved space in front of my home where I kept an old beat up but perfectly running and current tagged car. It was tagged historic which if you look at the Maryland coding says can not be driven everyday. They towed it. I sued the HOA and got them to pay the towing fees, court fees, damages (i.e. time off of work for court(lost wages etc) ) and the repair of the rear bumper the towing company damaged and a witten statement of both an apology and promise they will never tow a car from my parking space without my permission and if they do then the court will find them in contempt and I can seek more damages.
The laws of the State of Maryland take precedence over any county, local or HOAs when it comes to parking enforcement codes. My car was legally tagged and in my designated space with my address on it and it was complete.
Later on I ran and served on the HOA board and destroyed them from within.
I applaud your tenacity in dismantling the HOA. Several houses I have really liked around here (and well outside the city limits) were in an HOA; it’s a non-starter as seeking permission on what color to paint my mailbox is something I will not do.
Currently we live on the fringes of a HOA (we are in the old house in which the property was sold and subdivided before we arrived). At the last meeting of the HOA I was learned there was a two hour argument on how many deciduous trees should be required in everyone’s front yard. Oddly, I get smiles when I drive the Galaxie through there.
The fact that they discussed the requirement of trees instead of the limit , shows the basic problem with most HOA’s .
Little hitlers usually .
I have an old drunken bitch living next door to me , she’s like this constantly in everyone’s business and always trying to thwart any City improvements etc. but always ready to show up and guzzle your whiskey .
I love this HOA destruction story so much I want to print it out and frame it! Bunch of petty tyrant bastards! They did the same to me on a ’79 celica that was simply dusty. My protestations amounted to nothing.
Reason Number 178 that I’m thankful I live in the country, outside the reach of HOAs, etc. I already lost one vehicle to the “no non-runners” code when we lived in a suburb of Atlanta, GA. Never again!
I will never live in an HOA area. I had to fight with them once over my delivery truck. I was legally parked in the driveway, delivering a refrigerator. The truck wasn’t a wreck either. It was older, but drove fine.
Our family has a term for the people that are in the HOAs (Exception to Leon, of course). Shall we just say that the word rhymes with “Witches”?
Sympathy pains?
That older 3/4 ton Dodge is a lot like the one I had. If it’s geared the same, it would pull that brick house down the road without even working up a sweat.
My father-in-law has a Dodge like the newer one. The dash is cracked from sitting outside, but the odometer reads 41,000 – not bad for 15 years of use.
I see the beginnings of a contageon. Mothers, get your Dodge pickups into their garages now!
Well, that Caravan in the driveway IS an even newer Dodge. Let’s see how the tire fares on that one!
Before reading, I thought it was SoCal style parking rage in it’s finest. I lived in the Golden Hill community of San Diego, some owners and mere renters though they personally owned all the curbside in front of their fourplexes and homes. The red cones were placed by the militants nuts, one only moved at your own risk of flats or paint damage- and these red cones were often reclaimed by city workers. Some would just verbally harrass you, and were harmless- one had threatened to burn my car, I responded I know where you live, and have a nice night. The car was fine the next morning, and I repeatly parked there after our nice talk.
Sounds like the neighbours of one of my friends years ago renting a house on a main road, but if you parked in front of the next door house you could apparently expect to find a tire slashed.
The older Dodge looks to be having some frame flex and even Portland is lax on derelict vehicles depending on where they are parked.
It looks like both of those Dodges need to be…
wait for it
re-tired! (insert rimshot)
Thank you! ๐