Our man in Switzerland, robert.walter, sent me these pictures of a well-wrapped car he found on the side of the street. So now we need to try to identify it. We’ll start with its most difficult angle, from the rear. Not much to go on…
This helps quite a bit. We know it’s not a Smart car. It’s proportions are rather elegant.
Even a bit more is revealed. Or is it?
If you really need more, here’s a giveaway of at least what brand it is.
A citroen 2CV 🙂
Maybe an mg of some sort???? Or a kit. who knows.
An Excalibur being, um, mounted by that Bertone thing from last week?
Jaguar XK120?
But that grill makes it seem it could be one of those Mercedes SSK kit cars….
ummm, you got me on this one. Let’s see,
-Not a Morgan, the radiator shape is wrong.
-Not MG T series, the hood bonnet is too long.
-oversized side mirror.
-a 2 seater
ummm, a Panther? but that radiator still wrong.
ummm, some sort of SSK replica? As no one will leave a vintage SSK unattended.
Some type of Excalibur as 73ImpCapn said?
It’s a BMW or Bristol.
Morgan was my first thought, but for the Greco-Roman temple of a grill shell.
Given its location and what little we can see, it’s gotta be something else in the European formal and traditional idiom. The roofline (a cabriolet of some type?) looks too tall for an old Mercedes or Bentley, either my eyes are deceiving me or this car lacks the long, low-slung gravitas of those makes.
I don’t know….Subaru Justy?
I’m just as curious about why it’s there. Nice Schweiz scenery, though.
Christo was probably passing by and got an itch.
+1 Maybe it’s his car….
A Delahaye perhaps?
Triumph roadster, perhaps?
My first thought was a 1930’s BMW roadster or similar, perhaps an Alvis or umpteen other uncommon British/European brands, but after looking at the clue I will say a Bentley R-Type sedan (I think 1946-early 1950’s) converted into a roadster along the lines of the classic 1920’s-30’s Bentleys.
I came back by after dinner, to leave a note asking if i might get pics some time, but it was gone.
Btw, the owner’s other car was a nice black e-class wagon.
I am thinking a Riley of some kind.