I’d say this is an “art car” but I’m more inclined to think that this Corolla was inherited by a teenager who was desperate to try to make a Corolla “cool”.
Perfect for driving world cities, like NYC, or Paris. I’ve seen pics from both places,and virtually every car has “road rash”. A real urban warrior car!
I’d say this is an “art car” but I’m more inclined to think that this Corolla was inherited by a teenager who was desperate to try to make a Corolla “cool”.
Or what Max Rockatanski would have driven had he been in Japan.
+1 – I was about to say how awesomely “Mad Max” this is. I don’t hate this!
Not too good for drive thrus…
Somebody’s a big “Mad Max” fan.
This is still a diamond in the rough- may I suggest adding some pom poms, flames and F1 style sponsor stickers to complete the look!
…and a takeyari exhaust!
Perfect for driving world cities, like NYC, or Paris. I’ve seen pics from both places,and virtually every car has “road rash”. A real urban warrior car!
I can see Mad Max “fail” stamps all over it.