Curbside Finds: Fiat 500C & Smart – Two Of The Shortest Coupes Ever Sold In The US, About The Same Length As The Longest One

I spotted these two little coupe-cabrios at the curb, a Fiat 500C and a Smart Cabrio, and of course I couldn’t resist a few shots. What a great pairing. I was going to just share them but then it made me wonder, how does their combined length compare to the longest production coupe ever sold in the US, the 1973 Imperial? Turns out they’re almost the same length; actually about ten inches longer (245.7″ vs. 235.3″). Close enough.

It makes for a nice visual contrast. And the real irony is that the passenger compartment of the Fiat looks almost as big as the Imperial’s.

I’m speculating as to whether these belong to the same owner; since they’re both cabrios, it tends to suggest so. Or perhaps his and hers city cars, to complement the Range Rover in the driveway? No, it’s not Eugene; I found these in San Mateo, near San Francisco.

Smarts seem to be getting less common on the streets at a rather alarming pace. And the Cabrio was never very common.

Definitely the world’s shortest convertible.

I have a soft spot (and top) for the 500, especially the Cabrio version. It is of course intended to hark back to the original 500, which did have a similar roll-back roof.

Like this. I rather like these cabrio-coupes, as it allows those wide-open views up without the issues of a full convertible.

Stephanie and I could enjoy this, especially on the back forest roads in the mountains.

Of course an Abarth version would add to the fun factor. Of course there’s the little issue of the fact that she doesn’t do stick shifts. One for each of us! I’ll pass on the Smart.

Maybe I can talk her into the Smart? It’s “automatic”. Umm…never mind.


Related CC reading:

Who’s The Longest Mega-Coupe In The Land?

COAL: 2015 smart ForTwo – Clown Car, Or Real Car?

COAL: 2008 smart fortwo passion cabrio – A Small Car with a Passion for the Open Road

My Curbside Classic: 1973 Imperial LeBaron by Chrysler