Curbside Hooptie: Geo Metro Convertible – Dreams in the Bin

I find tons of survivors stuck in the wide gulf between classic and just plain old still plodding along. Why not turn some attention to some proper jalopies? The cars that survive out of spite rather than their owners’ dedication to maintenance?

Examining truly used up cars still parked on the streets may be more insightful into socio-economic conditions than the strengths and weaknesses of a particular model. Nevertheless, I find such “beaters” to be almost as interesting as other pristine time capsule cars I come across.

I find a strong sense of individuality in these hoopties and, occasionally, even pride in ownership. Many sport modifications designed to make them more appealing despite their decrepitude. The mismatched spoiler on today’s Metro is exactly such a mod.

The Geo/Chevy Metro and its Suzuki badged twin are finally starting to age off the streets. They’re getting old enough that even the hypermiling crowd seems to have abandoned them. This particular Metro is the Geo-only (in the US market) convertible, available from 1990 to 1993. Curiously, they were produced in Japan while other Metros came from Canada.

The convertible had some of the goofiest proportions of any vehicle you could buy at the time, but their owners didn’t care. It’s rare for both a convertible and a two seater to have absolutely zero sporting pretensions as the Metro convertible did. Its market niche was small but dedicated, naturally leading them to fall into the hands of longtime owners.

This particular Metro LSi convertible is showing its age in many ways. The trash bag top is the most obvious; however, the low-quality respray over the original emblems and even the dealer badge complete the look of carelessness. Some scary rocker rust earns it bonus points. It’s unclear where the spoiler that is affixed to this car came from; curiously, it brings about competing center brake lights! What are the chances both function?

Despite its condition, it appears to have been driving around until shortly before these photos were taken and disappeared soon afterwards. Is it still bringing honest top down fun to its owner? Or is it simply donating its parts in a junkyard somewhere? Such is the way of hoopties.


Related CC reading:

Curbside Classic: Geo Metro Convertible – Did I Take The Autopia Offramp?