Curbside Find: Toy-For-Su – Reluctant Winner With An Identity Crisis

Toyota with a side of Ford, Subaru, and Jaguar.


My hometown of Bellingham, Wash. was recently voted one of the 50 best travel destinations in the world. (But please don’t come here). We’ve made some best-of lists before. (But never like this). Travel Lemming called Bellingham “a quirky and youthful city,” and was “enchanted by the breadth of outdoor activities nearby.” (But it rains a lot). I kid of course, but like this Toyota, we have a serious identity crisis. If I Subaru Share the Love, will visitors want to move here? If I’m Built Ford Tough, will they finally go home? Here’s a little car trip around Bellingham to help you decide.

Sunrise at Squalicum Harbor, home to many beautiful boats and a surprising number of classic daily drivers. Lucky boaters can tie off near the Bellwether Hotel or other nearby restaurants.  Scenic walking trails snake around the waterfront and harbor.

Whenever we’re walking our dog Freddie there, I’m on the lookout for rigs like the Nissan pictured above. This neat little D21 showed no rust, and also a great ’90s paint scheme.

This boat dock is a favorite resting spot for blue herons. Another dock nearby hosted a very vocal sea lion for a few weeks during the holidays.

At the store on the way home from the harbor, I saw this tough looking Camaro. Lugging an 8-pack of Grapefruit LaCroix, I snapped this shot before the owner could come out and beat me up.

Sunset over our neighbor’s Toyota SR-5, just another day in paradise.

Finally, back at the harbor, my wife got this beautiful heron with her new phone. (But the reception here is really bad).

Actually it’s great. (Please visit soon).