On the Go Outtakes: The CCs of Three Blocks of Grant Street in Eugene

Continuing from yesterday’s little tour, lets hop one block to the west and roll down three streets of Grant Street. Here’s a collection three disparate trucks.

The Li’l Hustler Datsun is the cute one of the bunch.

A vintage Toyota motor home. Hopefully it has the V6.


A Dodge Maxivan, although one of the later versions.


There’s got to be at least one Cavalier.

Another view.

Another Ford of that preferred vintage.


These neighbors prefer Toyota minivans.

A Civic coupe survivor.


Classic Eugene: old Toyota pickup with lots of bumper stickers.


Gen1 Subaru Imprezas are getting rare.



Another big Ford.



Someone is maintaining their Esteem.


I shot this way back, in another part of town. Nice to see it’s still around.



An ex-Forest Service truck.


And the end, for this segment.