Today is the second birthday of Curbside Classic. Rather than revel in our growth (+350% since last year), I’d like to focus your attention on the incredible gifts all of the Writers and Contributors have bestowed upon us these past two years, and which is precisely what has made our success possible. Early on, I realized that if this site was to grow, be sustainable, and and serve the interests of a large community of enthusiasts, it needed many writers and contributors. They’ve come forth, and continue to do so. Today we recognize their gifts.
I’ve also come to accept that all of the tremendous energy that goes into these pages may never be rewarded financially, although I never give up the hope. The truth is this: genuine creative output often isn’t an economic proposition. It’s a true gift, rather than an economic exchange. When it’s not written for a paycheck, it truly comes from the heart. Perhaps that explains in part our success. Is there a website staffed by paid writers that does a better job of making automotive history come alive?
Our regular Editors and Authors are (alphabetically): Richard Bennett, Mike Butts, Jim Cavanaugh, Jim Grey, Laurence Jones, Tom Klockau, Tony LaHood, Kevin Martin, Dave Saunders, Jason Shafer, Ed Snitkoff, and Ed Stembridge. Add to that a growing list of more recent writers and occasional Contributors, whose numbers are over thirty five now. And there are the one-time submissions too.
Today I’d like to honor every single one of them. They’ve given the gift of themselves and their precious time, knowledge, memories and energy. If you’d like to reward them financially, that’s possible through the donation box on the right. But please join me in giving them all a heartfelt Thank You!
Wow. Two years old.
Thank you all for the nice comments on my infrequent contributions. This site is a “must read” every day and I enjoy the hell out of it. Thanks Paul for everything you’ve done here.
Thanks to one and all for the writing and photos. This is the only car site that matters.
Two years old? Huge congrats and thanks to all the talented folks who make CC the best internet car site bar none. I’ve been on board since day one as a reader, and the amount I’ve learned about the featured cars is immeasurable. I raise a glass of finest New Zealand Pinot Noir to you all!