Cohort (def): A group or band of people.
It seemed like a “C” word would be a natural for the CC Flickr page, and I hope this one is acceptable. I’ve set up the page, which is public and “safe”, so if the CC Cohort wants to start sharing their CCs, please do. The link is: .
Let me know via the contact when you post a nice set, and I’ll do an announcement post here, space, time and level of interest permitting.
One more thing: I’ve asked the webmistress to enable posting of pictures within comments (here at CC). I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready. Anything else before I start on my taxes?
Thank You Paul. A modest request, Could you please put a link in the side bar, so that those of us who have not a prayer of remembering the location can find it?
Of course. I knew I was forgetting something…Let me figure out the best place, either the side or on the menu bar. Thanks.
Hi Paul, I looked up the wiki article on TeleMundo and found your name mentioned in the article! I thought it was neat and wanted to share.
Too bad our NY investors (Reliance) got greedy and bought stations too quickly using junk bonds when station prices were high. The ’91 recession was very hard on advertising, station values dropped, Reliance was underwater, and Telemundo went essentially bankrupt to be bought on the cheap by vultures who made out real well. Otherwise my shares would have been worth maybe 50-70 mil. It was a fun ride anyway….
wow with that kind of money you could sure own a whole lot of Curbside Classics!
While you’re at it, will we able to embed youtube videos too?
As far as I know, Flickr supports videos.
“Cohorters” (why does that not sound quite right?) 😉 can also upload stories and pictures to the Curbside Classic Facebook page if this a preferred method to Flickr:
Upload your pics to the page, then use the Notes application to write a quick story about the pics you’ve uploaded. We’ll update the Note and add a link to your pics, because… “Every Car Has A Story”!
~Bill (StromBlogger – CC Facebook page Admin)
Agree with you on “Cohorter”, but I wouldn’t mind being a ‘Car-tographer”
We can change the name: Other suggestions?
Thanks Paul! Signed up and now scanning pics..
I hope I don’t go overboard, this is too fun to share….
wow this is like going back in time I assume around when the group and c/story things started amazing what this group has grown to include many more people including myself