There’s a reason I picked this image: I’d like to leave 2014 far behind, and this seems like just the vehicle to do it in. Meanwhile, CC has had a great year with rapid growth, so let’s celebrate that maybe a few other things.
CC hosted some 2.5 million unique users in 2014; that’s up 55% from 2013. And they viewed some 10 million pages, up 42%. About 57% of our visitors were new; our Google search rankings are sky-high, so folks find their way here as a result of all kinds of searches. Many get what they want, and move on; others come back. That percentage has stayed pretty consistent over the years, so the number of returning visitors is also up by some 55%.
And where do you all come from? US: 69.20%; Canada: 8.02%; UK: 2.65%; Australia: 2.10%; Germany: 1.96%; France: 1.32%; Netherlands: 0.88%; Mexico: 0.67%; Sweden: 0.62%; Brazil: 0.56%. and New Zealand: 0.54%.
So thanks to all 2.5 million of you from all over the globe for dropping by, once or daily, as the case may be. And a really huge thanks to all the Contributors and Editors who made it possible to keep such a healthy flow of content coming. We always welcome submissions, so if you’d like to join the ranks, do let me know.
Here’s Wishing You All A Happy and Healthy 2015!
Thanks to Paul and all of the contributors. This is by far the most informative and entertaining site. Happy New Year!!
Congratulations and Happy New Year Paul and all CCers,
Great work on one of the best car sites on the web. And for managing and mastering it so well… Continued success in 2015 and beyond!
And thank you to all the contributors and commenters for making it such a vibrant and dynamic place. Cheers!
Happy New Year to all from one of the 8.02% here in the Great White North!
Happy New Year to all, especially Paul and the many contributors! This is one of my favorite websites, and I like the international aspect of its readership.
Love the photo, always have to put in a plug for my aunt’s fondly remembered 1961 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 that was a kissing cousin to the featured Buick!
And an even greater thank you to Paul who combines one of the world’s finest automotive minds with unparalleled geniality as a host.
Happy New Year! CC is one of my favorite websites for sure. Very entertaining but educational at the same time, a rare combo. Thanks to Paul and all the great contributors. Best wishes for continued growth in 2015!
Best wishes for 2015 and continued success!!!
Happy New Year to all!
Best automotive site on the interweb bar none, and a happy new year for those still waiting.
Like. Hope y’all have a great 2015.
happy new year to all, i can certainly spend more time on this site each day than i should, but it’s good time. i enjoy it, some of you guys know way too much about cars,,,and planes,,,and,,,odd motors,,,and just all kinds of odd and good stuff, interesting stuff. keep the knowledge coming. thank you all. tom
Happy and healthy New Year to all, and special thanks to Paul for inviting me to join the CC family. I doubt there’s a more varied, knowledgeable group of motorheads on the planet, and it’s a pleasure to share experiences and learn from all of you.
Sweet. Now we need to find a car to represent old man 2014. Needs lots of patina….
Maybe this?
Or this.
Happy new year to all! Thanks to Paul et al for the great job you do with our huge community!
Happy New Year to all! Thank you for all the great stories in 2014!
Happy New Year from the UK and thanks for a great read. I’ve enjoyed everything here,
Thanks Paul for all you do. This is an excellent site and in my opinion an increasingly essential resource for anyone interested in automotive history.
“I’d like to leave 2014 far behind”…to me that says that last year wasn’t your best, to say the least.
Well then, it’s over. Pedal to the metal, let them turbos spin, and let’s rumble this great site with all its occupants right into 2015.
Happy New Year to all of you !
Quite true. Onward and upward. And that truck does rather inspire overcoming obstacles. Kids too?
Nope, no turbo-twins spinning around here…
Here you can have a closer look at the truck. Mind you, with a sprint race against a Fiat Panda 4×4. 🙂
It’s Jan de Rooy’s winning 1987 Dakar truck with 2 engines between the axles.
Truck racing definitely needs some CCing.
I certainly agree. 😉 The 2015 Le Dakar (ahem, in South America) is about to begin.
Jan de Rooy’s successor is his own son Gerard. He won the 2012 edition, so exactly 25 years after his dad. With this Iveco:
And this one is for the man who owns a Hesston 6400 Windrower.
A Ginaf with a 950 hp Caterpillar C18….Up, up and away !
Stop teasing me…
I resemble that remark! (c:
Just one more interesting detail guys.
You see the name Pon on the side of the rally raid truck ? Pon is the Dutch Caterpillar importer. Pon was also the world’s first official Volkswagen importer, that was in 1947.
Now in 1948 mr. Ben Pon sr. drew a simple sketch of a small van, based on the “Plattenwagen” he saw in Volkswagen’s Beetle factory. And that was the starting point for the famous Volkswagen bus. You must have heard of that little rear-engined air cooled van…
The rest is history. Isn’t it a small world ?
Hehehe….on a second read I see what you mean by “Kids too ?”
This seems to be some sort of Zucker, Abrahams & Zucker situation:
Rumack: You’d better tell the Captain we’ve got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?
Rumack: It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.
Happy New Year to all.
Hope you get everything you want in 2015.
A Happy New Year to everyone .
This is an incredible site for car enthusiasts.
I am in awe of the well written stories that are posted here.
Thank you for a job well done, Paul. CC has become an amazing repository of all big things that move: mostly autos, but railroad, air, sea and over-the-road transport, not to mention occasional farming or industrial equipment all get fair treatment here.
I don’t have the time available to go over every article that appears, same goes for my other favorite site, TTAC, but I visit at least once a day, and when something catches my eye and is relevant to my life – now or in my past – I make an effort to share.
CC is my primary website now, and seems like it will remain so in the foreseeable future.
Well I reckon I’m one of those new visitors that’s come back. I really enjoy most the articles even though i don’t’ comment on all of them.
Happy and Prosperous New Year to CC and all its participants. Humm….shouldn’t that be an airborn B-58 Buick rather than a ’61?
Paul, thanks for giving me something to look forward to every day. Best wishes to you in the new year.
Ahhh…the perfect car for flying away. Happy New Year, Paul, and keep those classics coming.
Thanks from a 2.65 percenter Wonderful site all the best for 2015
Woohoo! I’m one of the 8% of visitors from Canada! I love this site and will continue to visit daily in 2015.
Happy New Year to all. You do a great job Paul, We all appreciate it. Keep up the good work.
Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for allowing me to spread my writing wings a bit. I may not be a frequent contributor, but I sure enjoy the creative process when I find something CC worthy.
CC is my respite from bad news, politics, work, and the daily grind. Thanks Paul, for providing this sanctuary.
Happy New Year!! 2015 will be a Very Good Year 🙂 I’ve seen a few possible candidates for future articles near me including a mid to late 50s 4 porthole Buick.
Happy new year everyone, and three cheers for this website and for Paul and the other contributors!
I joined the ranks of readers in 2014! I must say I really enjoy the site. Happy New Year, everyone, and here’s to leaving last year in the dust!!
Somehow this mid 1960’s top 40 hit seems appropriate for this picture.
Can’t ya just “hear” it pouring out of the Invicta’s center top of dashboard mounted AM “Sonomatic” tube powered radio?
Thanks, Mark. That is really the perfect theme to go with Paul’s posted Buick picture. Haven’t heard that for a very long time.
Happy New Year! This is far and away my favorite car site – featuring all sorts of odd ducks, rare finds, and intelligent commentary. The success is well-deserved. Here’s to continued success in 2015.
Hey Paul – how is traffic figure in comparison to BringATrailer? I frequent both sites, for the last 6 months or so, I found that I visit curbside more so than BaT. Just curious.
BAT is bigger. They’ve been around longer, and there’s a lot of interest in “finds” for sale. They’ve been able to monetize that concept successfully.
We work harder though 🙂
I frequent both, I found cc more intriguing. BaT basically lost me when they started their own auction … and started censoring feedback to protect their sellers.
Keep up the good work Paul.
Ah, that explains a few things (about the commenting). Yes,they’ve basically turned themselves into an auction site. It feels rather different than it did in the past. Selling out is always tempting, but it has its inevitable consequences.
Oops, I mis-counted the “venti-ports” on the front fender.
3 of ’em makes this car a LeSabre, right?
Love this site. Hope to contribute some more myself in 2015, maybe even some classic on the street pics. (Might be a bit hard, since Paul and I are in the same area…… probably enough to go around though) Need to get hooked up with Cohort……
Joining the well wishers belatedly again, thanks Paul for the hard work – I too hope 2015 will be better than 2014… Looking forward to many interesting posts this year.
I’m very glad to have discovered this web site. What a wonderful way to connect with like minded enthusiasts of old cars and trucks.
All the best to everyone at CC in 2015!
Happy New Year to one and all. Thanks to PN for his great work here, and to all those whose contributions and comments make this such a great place to hang out.
This site is indeed one of the highlights of my day!!
Great cars and great writing!! keep up the great work in 2015, and let’s all keep looking for those cars!
This is a great place for car enthusiasts! Thanks to all of you who do the hard work behind the scenes and for all the fantastic story’s and pics – keep up the good work!! All the best for 2015! Greetings from Luxembourg!
Happy New Year from the Caribbean. It’s a frigid 81 down here in Puerto Rico. Good wishes to Paul, contributors and readers. Been reading since Paul was in TTAC and visit here everyday.
Happy New Year! This is a fantastic site and group of people,contributors and community. Thank you Paul and all. I’m going to pry open my wallet and send a couple of bucks your way.
A Happy New Year to CCers everywhere! 2014 was a great year for me, if only because in October I had the chance to meet Paul and many CCers at the Auburn gathering. My resolution for 2015–to send some pieces for publication.
Paul: you have built a one-of-a kind Internet community, and the volume alone proves how successful you’ve been. My thanks to you, and my congratulations.
–John/SeVair (aka SeVair GXP)
A happy new year to you all and I am glad this website does exist. If my vehicle ends up in a wordless outtake this year I’ll find a way to give that person a Snickers.
Perhaps the Invicta is hurrying away from the convertible tops GM was considering it the time:
Did you happen to miss my post on that colorful subject?
Paul, I couldn’t remember if I found that convertible-top pic via CC or somewhere else; I did have a “deja-vu” inkling as I posted it. I gotta remind myself that the price differential between that Buick and, say, the Chevy doesn’t seem like much now–but was many weeks’ wages in 1961.
Happy New Year greetings and congratulations to you. I’m one who used to spend more time at BAT, but definitely reversed the trend in 2014. If I ever feel contributor-worthy, I’ll let you know.
Good times, great oldies. Happy new year.
Best wishes to all Curbivores for 2015, and thanks for the positive feedback on the material we enjoy preparing.
Most of all, thanks to Paul N. for making it all happen, seemingly seamlessly!
A Happy New Year to all CCers from a 69%-er…
With any luck we will see each other again in 2015!
Same here (on all points)!