Help Wanted: CC Contributors, No Experience Needed

We haven’t done a call-out like this in quite a while, but I feel this would be a good time to find some new blood at CC. With summer in full swing and with our current contributors enjoying the outdoors, the influx of material has dropped a bit lately. So, why not check out who else is out there? With stories to tell or material to share and contribute?

I know the idea can be intimidating to the uninitiated, as the prospect usually sounds harder than it is. But fear not.

As usual, most folks tend to think that they may not have the necessary skills. But we’re not expecting newcomers to bring us the automotive equivalent of “Moby -Dick.” Instead, you’ve read CC, and you know our subjects and interests. Just share with us something that belongs to the wide range of topics CC covers. Many of you are good commenters, with plenty of those comments being worthy of their own posts. It’s a matter of finding some appropriate images, and submit.

Some general guidelines can be found in our CC Writer’s Guide, which provides simple step-by-step instructions on creating a CC post. And of course, should questions arise, you’ll get some guidance as well.

If you write comments on social media and such, you can do it here too. Just let us know what you’ve in mind via email at