February 13th is CC’s birthday, and it’s become our tradition to celebrate it by honoring the huge numbers of contributors that make this site possible. It simply would not still be here otherwise.
I started this site by myself. It didn’t take very long for me to realize that was utterly unsustainable. And not just on the level of the output, as I could have just written one post per day or every few days. But it gets old and a bit lonely working solo, as it does for me when I’m working on a house. The energy is better when others are pitching in too. Many hands make light work. And thanks to your help with the website, I eventually got this house finished.
Two months after starting CC I asked for help, and it came, a trickle at first, but over time it’s been a steady flow of new contributors.To date, we’ve had over 220 Contributors, and we have 33 self-publishing Authors, 12 Editors, and 3 Admins. Understandably, some contributors eventually drifted off, but new ones keep showing up.
The result is not unlike an Amish barn-raising: we’ve built something vastly bigger and better than I could ever have imagined back in February of 2011. More like a cathedral or library than a barn.
We have attracted writers who have written articles as well-researched (and better) than anything I used to read back in Automotive Quarterly. And we’ve had COAL writers that have had us eagerly awaiting their next chapter.
Ok, we’re not all as talented as Don Andreina or RLPlaut, but that’s not what counts. We’re not here to show off, but to share, and we all have something worth sharing. That’s the beauty of the internet; we tell our stories as a labor of love, an act of giving and sharing.
And today we recognize all those that have given and shared this past year here at CC. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way for me to pull all those many names together readily, but you and we all know who you are.
I would like to give a shout-out to Eric703, who toils behind the scenes to keep our Archives up to date, a tedious job but very much appreciated. Our Archives generate a substantial amount of views every day.
We always welcome new contributors. We’ve got two new COAL series starting shortly, including a Wednesday series. The reality is that we’ve covered so many CCs, often several times, that other content like COALs, rental car reviews and some industry coverage will be an increasing part of our fare here. CC is not just about vintage cars; every car has a story, and we’re always eager to hear yours too.
In addition to expressing my gratitude, the only other thing I can offer to those of you who have contributed over the years is our private guest suite over the garage that I built a few years back, if you should find your way to Eugene to check out our CCs along with so much else here. A couple of you already have, and we look forward to more visits. We Airbnb it (listing here), so let me know in advance so I can block it for you (no charge for you, of course).
Thank you all for having enriched my life immeasurably.
Happy birthday CC.Thanks to everyone creating the best site in the web.
Thanks for a great 9+ years of CC. Always my favorite site. Watching it evolve over time has been a great ride. Appreciate all the people who contribute their time and effort helping Paul keep CC cruising down the internet highway, and the civil manners in the comments section.
thank you it is really cool reading you stories and stuff and like others I am sure can agree it is really cool when our pictures are chosen and used