Tired of constantly having to check Curbside Classic for new posts? Now you can receive a daily or weekly summary of new posts directly to your email inbox by clicking on the “subscribe” link in the upper right of virtually every page! We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this and never miss a new post.
And now the system is working properly; more below:
If you are thinking to yourself that this isn’t a new feature, then you are quite correct – the email subscription has been available for many years.
However, during the last oil change, the grease monkeys who service curbsideclassic.com noticed that the subscribe and unsubscribe functionality has not been working for quite some time – two years to be exact (the wheels of progress may sometimes turn slowly here, but they do turn).
If you attempted to subscribe in the past and never received any emails, you are encouraged to sign up again. Similarly, if you have attempted to unsubscribe from our emails in the past and were unable to do so, click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any recent email and rest assured that the system will now honor your request.
I’ve never understood how part of a program that runs a website can stop working, unless somebody tampers with it. Does somebody mess around in some dark lab at WordPress, deliberately disabling subroutines to create work for somebody else to go in and fix their messes? Already a subscriber, but thanks for fixing it. 🙂
This is not a WP function; it’s Mailchimp, an email service that we pay extra for. Just like we pay for Woo, to process the $10/month subscriptions. And we pay Akismet for our spam/junk filter. And…
WP is like a stripper car. There are endless plug-ins and accessory services to customize to the particular application. it’s quite complex and daunting, unless you have a head for tech.
Very Happy! Always enjoy CC, but for some time I haven’t been able to post.
Seems like you can now!