Yes, it’s been that long already, although sometimes it feels more like 70 years. 11,770 published posts, over a half million comments, and over 12 million visitors will tend do that. But CC’s birthday is not about blowing our horn; it’s become our annual day of expressing appreciation for all the contributors that make this site such a successful collaboration.
Regretfully, there is no easy or quick way for me to list all those that contributed in this past year. You know who you are, and so do our readers. So I ask you all to virtually stand up and take a bow, and we’ll applaud you all. It’s an honor to share these pages with you all.
And it’s incredibly gratifying to see how CC continues to attract new contributors on a steady basis. Understandably, some move on and others stay. That’s the nature of the internet. In total, we’ve had some 200 contributors, and we have another 40 or so more regular authors and editors. The birthday party keeps getting bigger; we’ll need a much bigger cake than this to feed you all.
The continued success of CC in carving out a well-defined niche in the huge automotive online world is directly the result of the content that magically appears here day-in and day-out, thanks to all of you contributors. CC will never grow beyond a certain size, because we’re not about the click-bait and shallow Top Ten lists. Our audience comes for substance, not empty calories. And we don’t do this for the money. It’s a labor of love by every contributor. So let’s give some of it back.
The depth of the CCommentariat’s knowledge and contribution genuinely makes it all worth all the effort. Many thanks to you all.
That’s why I start the day with CC and Jacobs Krönung Cafe (my favourite German coffee brand).
except I used to prefer Tschibo Gold. I can’t get it here, though.
Happy to one of the contributors, but happier still to read and learn from the other writers’ invaluable posts.
And also to our commentators; I promise I read all your comments in my posts, even if I don’t reply.
Thank you all.
This site is “required reading” for me EVERY morning, along with multiple cups of dark roast coffee, to start my day off.
I have learned SO much from this site! I also have had some of my long cherished automotive beliefs reinforced, a few modified, and one or two blasted into oblivion by what I have read here.
Looking forward to 7 more years of elucidation.
No kidding. I see your post is early morning also. I have the same routine.
+1. Nothing more I could add.
Likewise. First I hit Go Comics for the strips the Richmond Times-Dispatch doesn’t carry, then Retail, then I’m here.
What, we’re not doing it for the money?
I am happy to be able to contribute in my tiny way, and am in awe of the folks who crank out the content on a regular basis.
Clap Clap!!
Happy you’re here. I’ve been reading for about five years, thanks to a chance occurrence back then. A ’65 Corvair started plying the streets in Bellingham. I looked up Corvairs online to see an article calling it a Deadly Sin.
Well… that’s gotta be interesting.
Thanks to everyone involved for al the info and entertainment.
“Write for CC” you said. “You’ll get rich” you said. Kidding, but the funny thing is that I have become rich – rich from this daily blast of knowledge and experience and conversation about all things for gearheads.
So thanks for the opportunity to contribute and thanks to all the others wh make this place so enjoyable.
+ 1
Thanks to you, Paul, for having me, and thanks to everyone else for considering my musings.
I too start the day with coffee and CC.
I know what awaits me on the current news websites and, well, that can wait.
Thank you all for providing and nurturing a corner of the internet where extensive and interesting mobile machine knowledge coincides with mutual respect and authenticity.
Thank you to all of you for all the work you put into CC. It really is my favorite club, always warm and welcoming with good conversations about arcane esoterica, and that comforting scent of old motor oil and tobacco.
The wealth of information, the wide variety and scope of the contributors, the input from outside of the USA that have piqued my curiosity and interest, all combined to make this one of my, if not the MOST enjoyable site to read! Congratulations and here’s to many more years! (BTW Paul: meeting you/Jason/Scott & others @ the Lane Mtr Museum was a highlight for that year!)
Photo Caption: Giving Paul & others a ride in my 1970 Charger 500
Happy Birthday CC and thank you Paul and all the contributors and commentariat for making this place feel like home.
Thank you all for the very best conversation on the web. I too start the day with a peek at CC, and look forward to reading and learning as the day goes on. Our writers and commenters are a rare and special community. Cheers!
Thanks for all your work in maintaining and contributing to Paul’s highly addictive site, been a follower since the other site days, was lurking on day one, 7 years ago already? Time flies when you get old!
Thanks everyone for a great, informative, entertaining, and fun website. First thing in the morning read, along with a few comics and sports updates. Happy CC birthday and keep it coming!
Large glass of bubbly to the contributors, may their generosity of time and effort be praised. Remember, even when no comment is posted, it’s been read for sure. A properly humble thanks to you all. Cheers!
Happy 7th CC. It has a been a fun journey thus far. I hope to meet some of the CC’ers in real life at some point as well.
+1 to pretty much everything I’ve read. CC is required reading when I first get to work. Compliments my rowdy ass black cold brew perfectly. I learn something new just about every day from this site. Some of that is from being out of my usual automotive comfort zone, but mostly from excellent writing on the part of all CC’ers.
Happy 7th CC! It’s truly an honor to be a part of it and I’m so grateful for all the wonderful people I’ve met here so far!
It’s actually fun for me to write for CC, so it isn’t really work at all. My only regret is not finding more cars to write up!
I haven’t written for the site in months because no fewer than seven major life challenges landed on my family within a few-month span and we’re still digging out from the mess. (I do have a new post going live later this week though.) But I still consider myself a contributor here and look forward to a time when I can get back to contributing regularly! It’s just too much fun to participate in this community.
I hope it all resolves itself, I miss your pictures. (and the writings too!) Lots of Sevens going on here… Maybe you’ll find a Lotus Seven to take a picture of!
CC is by far my favorite car blog on the net, and the only one where I have any interest in commenting. Much thanks to all of the contributors, including commenters.
An especially big thank you to folks who peruse the Cohort page and draft write ups- it is a huge thrill to wake up and see your photo featured on CC.
Many thanks to our fearless leader Paul N and the CCommentariat, truly the modern automotive equivalent of the “Baker Street Irregulars” who, more often than not, provide us all, most of the time, candid, fresh, personal insights into our collective, international, automotive passion.
Leaving no stone unturned in sussing out automotive gems, does Paul N live on the equivalent of 221b Baker Street in Eugene? Could be! Is Stephanie his Muse? Likely. Assuredly, most likely.
Really CC, and especially Paul, thanks for the many, many agreeable hours since I discovered you, spent visiting these pages.
Like Jim Grey I feel guilty about not contributing more, but other issues in life have presently taken priority, So, So when time permits I hope to rejoin the CCommenteriat with posts currently uncompleted, yet to be completed, and now unfortunately living in limbo, begging completion and posting.
Here’s to 7 wonderful CC years and many more!
Paul, the contributors and commentariat truly make CC the best automotive site around! 😉
I am honored to be in such august company.
I don’t know what I can possibly add that hasn’t already been said except that I’m hooked; a day without CC is just unfathomable for me. I thought that I knew a lot about cars (and trucks and motorcycles, etc.) but every day here I learn something new. A big heartfelt thanks to everyone who works so hard at keeping this site alive and moving forward.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. To quote Bart Simpson in the “Burlesque House” episode, ” ‘Just glad to be on the team!”
Happy birthday from old europe, too. CC is my favourite site in the web. Always enjoyable. Big thanks to all of you contributors
As others have said, CC is a tremendous source of auto history. It’s more than that though. Paul (I think I can call him Paul) has set the tone of lively, informed and civilized discussion and the contributors continue this admirable approach. I visit everyday I’m around a connection and I read almost every story — motorcycles not so much. That’s just me.
The stories are always readable and interesting. Beyond that, every contributor puts their own personality into the stories and I can only ascribe this to Paul’s own sparkling style and example.
Happy birthday.
Let me add my thanks and congratulations from where else – the Chicago Auto Show! Oh, was I supposed to take pics of the *new* cars, Paul?
You sure you weren’t at the Melbourne Auto Show, Ed? That picture looks like it’s from down under… Like YOUR car! ;o) – Sorry… couldn’t resist.
Stupid iPhone. We can land a man on the moon but can’t figure out how to make a photo post right-side-up directly from the phone! (c:
At least CC comes in the right direction every morning!
That is a really cool looking car Ed, and I love the color. What kind of car is it?
1937 Rolls-Royce Phantom III Aero Coupe
Happy 7th birthday! Great to be part of the CC community!
…and given my avater: February 13, 1958 – official introduction of the DAF 600 & the Variomatic, that’s exactly 60 years ago.
Happy 7th Birthday CC! I can’t believe it’s 7 years. I appreciate what the contributors put into the site, as well as Paul ‘s leadership.
Thanks Paul, to all the Curbvores and our commentariat for your insight too. Compared to some of the cars we’ve profiled, 7 years is just getting started, isn’t it?
Paul, thank you for seven years of CC.
Like others have said, my visits here are daily, often multiple times. Having had some life circumstances the last few weeks my writing time has been nearly nonexistent but some stuff is brewing.
My time writing here is approaching five years and I doubt I would have stuck around were it not for the community here. It’s been a blast and I hope to meet more of us this year.
With out a doubt one of my favourite web sites.
Thank you Paul for your effort in getting it going and keeping it up and running for seven years. And thank you to those who have contributed features and comments. I have learned a lot from CC.
Happy birthday, CC! Thank you all for putting together my favorite automotive website…informative, entertaining, and always in good humor. And, thank you, Paul, for providing inspired leadership and rounding up a great group of contributors and commenters.
Congrats on your anniversary! I first discovered this site in 2014 and have been checking it our every day since then. I have learned so much here, and it only brings home to me the role motor vehicles of all types play in our lives.
Congratulations CC! This is a daily ritual for me. The posts and the comments recording personal experiences with distant times and cars make this a serious archive. Thanks for making it happen.
Thanks for such an awesome site, guys. This is the best place on the web. A community where everyone is civil towards one another. Even when we disagree, it’s a thoughtful debate, the way it should be.
Common Theme Here: Morning Coffee with CC. Yep +100 here. Yep, that’s a daily ritual for me, except make my coffee a medium roast from preferably one of the Central American countries. ;o)
I always learn something here, from the contributors to the commenters.
Keep up the great work everyone, and thanks again for all that you do.
Congrats one and all on 7 great years! I have followed CC since the beginning at TTAC when it was a weekly(?) feature there and a regular visitor and occasional commenter since it moved to stand alone site.
Over the years I have gained an appreciation for what I used to consider the most mundane of automotive appliances (Fairmonts, K Cars, Celebrities and Hornets) and the alternate universe of South American variants of familiar brands, which I find fascinating.
Here’s to the next 7 years of the best automotive site on the interwebs.
A visit to the CC site is a visit to my daily happy spot. So much neat stuff from so many corners of the globe. Thanks for letting me tag along.
Happy 7th Birthday CC! I’m grateful to be here, and appreciative of all my colleagues and the readers who make the site possible.
Cheers! And thanks to every writer, every photographer, every commenter and especially thanks to Paul for making this the most worthwhile place on the web for gear heads like us!
As I reader since day one I have to say that this is my favorite site on the web. The subject matter, writing styles, and informed comments are all the best.
Also, thanks to Paul and the CC community there is no snarky stuff, trolling, insults, etc. that are way to common elsewhere.
Thanks to all for a great site.
Happy to add my voice to the chorus. I’ve been kickin; around here for a while now. This site has been part of my daily routine for longer than I can remember now. A respite in a world gone mad. Thanks to all of the contributors and yes, the commentariat, too. (I guess that’s not a word but couldn’t think of a better one.)
Seven years, Paul! Getting itchy yet?
Happy birthday to you, to us, to the site and to the CCommentariat (which definitely is a word now, Packardfan).
May we continue forth until every classic on every curbside is up on this wonderful site. Just a few more decades, guys, we’re almost at the end of the beginning.
This site has become so ingrained in me, I have to visit everyday. I want to wish CC a happy 7 years, and I want to thank everyone here for being so great. While I do wish I could contribute another article or two, I still have great discussions with people, even if I myself can be a bit tactless on occasion. I still am grateful this site welcomed me with open arms, and I hope for more great articles in the future.
Thank you for producing something that is a mandatory “Must read’ for me every day!
Here’s to many, many more!
Just happy to be here. A great place to hang out, great writers and great commenters. Thanks to Paul for creating this site.
Thank you one and all for many hours of entertaining and enlightening reading.