1965 would turn out to be a very happy new year for Plymouth with sales up 32%
I’d like to wish all of you a CC readers and contributors a very happy and healthy New Year. And a big Thank You for making 2024 another record year for CC; our stats were up a solid 11% over 2023 and have increased 56% over the past five years. In an ever more fragmented online universe, this is very gratifying.
I’m not quite done with my thank yous yet…
An important driver of our growth have been the Vintage Snapshot galleries that Rich Baron has been curating so ably. I finally got to meet Rich in person in Eugene when he came to visit for three days in December. So much to talk about; the days flew by. I’m so gratified that Rich found his way to CC and that he was able to take over so ably at a time I really needed a break. Muchas gracias, Ricardo!
The other big news at CC this past year of course was that Aaron Severson has joined us. This is the culmination of a long held aspiration of mine, to bring Aaron’s impeccable automotive history chops to CC. I haven’t met Aaron in person yet, but look forward to it.
CC is really firing on all its cylinders these days. Our coverage breadth and depth is unique and second to none. We have contributors from all over the globe and always welcome more.
On a personal level, I’m hopefully on the home stretch from a Covid double header. Yes, there’s thing called Covid rebound, and I managed to get it. Much of the past three weeks has been a bit of a dark fog, thanks to that and the weather in Eugene. I’m a bit desperate to escape both. But it has made me appreciate that CC is no longer the burden that it once was, thanks to Rich and Aaron and all the other contributors.
Being sick is a humbling foreshadowing of one’s inevitable decline. Given my nature, that doesn’t come easy. But I’m gratified to know that CC is in good hands even if I’m now more of a back seat driver.
I wish all of you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year and thank you for your continued support of CC.
I want to thank all the contributors and commentators to Curbside Classic. When I started reading car mags back in the 70s, there were relatively few automotive journalists writing for the likes of Motor Trend and Car and Driver. But today, thanks to the internet and sites like Curbside Classics, there are many talented, knowledgeable writers who share their thoughts and ideas. I have learned a great deal and enjoy it daily. Happy New Year!!
And Thank you ALL at C C for providing a showcase of Classics. Here’s a Toast 🥂 🍾 for continued success, for Auld Lang Sign 😊 from a 47 model ROLLS CANARDLY, Roll down one hill and Can ardly get up the next!
Happy New Year, Paul, Ric, and everyone! This is all such a great report. Well, except for Paul getting double-COVID. (Boooo!) I’m thankful for this site and the contributions from everyone, and also for the opportunity to go off on so many tangents in my own writings like I never could when I was in school.
Life really is all about transitions, many of them occurring in such infinitesimal increments that it’s only after looking back over a more significant amount of time that we see the cumulative effects. I’m convinced that CC will continue to flourish with everyone’s commitments, even as the roster continues to change.
This site really is about community, even if some of us disagree from time to time. We’re doing this right.
Thank you Paul and Rich, I’ve had a really tricky year and CC has been a real boon to me. My first engagement in interactive website stuff. You and all of the other contributers haveplayed a material part in my recovery , for that I’m eternally grateful. Life is never easy but we all overcome. Here’s to a good 2025.
Thank you, Paul and Rich, for everything you do. Thanks also to everyone who contributes posts as well.
A special thanks to everyone who comments. 99+% of the comments are insightful, interesting, and most importantly, civil.
Thank you for keeping this site running. I’m glad I was able to contribute a few articles this year. I’ve got a big folder of CC subjects but not much time right now to write about them. I admire the commitment to bringing us content day after day. It’s impressive the level of consistency y’all have achieved.
Very thankful to Paul, Rich, and now Aaron for this special place on teh Web, the only one that I faithfully try to visit every day. The solid foundation that Paul has created has been enriched by Rich, the old photos are much fun, and the information gained is enlightening, even to an old auto-hobbiest of over 60 years. The contributors’ great writing (I’d single out Joseph Dennis, Jim Kline, and Tatra, and others too many to name) and their amazing depth of knowledge and talent is evident and really make this a special place to visit for auto crazy folks. Thanks to one and all, and the best of 2025 to everyone!
Post-script: I recently read “The Man Who Saved the V8” by Chase Morsey. The author acknowledged the important research by our own Aaron Severson as a key contribution to the book. I highly recommend it, it’s an inside view of the Ford Motor Co during a time of much turmoil and success and the little-known role played by the author (who lived to around age 96!) in some of the most important times at Ford. FYI!
Hang in there Paul – hope you get better soon…
Thanks for what I’m sure is often a very difficult endeavor. Take the time needed to get better “Mr N”.
Thank you all, particularly Rich for keeping the wheels turning this year.
And hoping for a complete recovery for Paul. I’ve only had it once and that was bad enough, can’t imagine what a double header is like. Get Well !!
A belated Happy New Year to the ever-growing brain trust that is CC! I appreciate everyone’s contribution here, and especially that of the leadership team who makes it all possible.
I’m not really part of CC since my participation is limited to the occasional comment.
Never-the-less, I do wish to thank contributors, editors and of course Paul & Rich for an outstanding 2024. Best wishes for continued journalistic success in 2025 – and speedy recovery to Paul.
Thanks to all who contribute articles to this terrific resource as well as the valuable commentary.
CC is always an adventure, never knowing what will show up.
Happy New Year, all!
Thank you Paul and Rich and all the other contributors for a wonderful site and community.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Paul, Rich, Aaron, and all the other fantastic CC contributors! After all this time, CC is still unique and still the best, so here’s to a car-filled 2025!