CC In Scale: Modeling and Colour, Part 2 (Featuring Some 1960s Models)

Apparently, this is the 25th article I’ve written this past year. As many of you know, I’m a retired pastor and biochemist; among my retirement hobbies is writing both fiction and poetry. I think the mental discipline of writing regular more serious posts for CC has been beneficial for my hobby writing as well. I seem to be building less and writing more. But there’s still no shortage of things to see.

Our editor Rich suggested I write another piece highlighting my use of colour. I wouldn’t go so far as to say this filled me with trepidation, but it did make me stop and think about perception. Do we all see the world in a slightly different way? What do others see that I don’t, and vice-versa?

I remember getting my first pair of glasses at eleven, and being amazed how sharp and clear everything was. Dad asked why I hadn’t said anything before about my eyes, and I replied something along the lines of how did I know sight was supposed to be different? I had nothing to compare it to. We only have one brain. We have nothing else to compare our perceptions to, and any attempt at comparison is filtered through our own perceptions. Follow that line of thought to its logical conclusion, and who’s to say anything is a misperception? Let’s not get into the murky waters of neurotypical perception versus neurodiverse. That way headaches lie…

Okay, I’ll put the philosopher away for today.

My photo files are becoming unmanageable (for me), so we’ll just go look through the sixties today. But given access to my files, your choice might be different. And I’ll give you a look into why I chose that colour.

I tend to avoid common colours, like white, black or red. They’re too predictable, too overused. Sometimes uncommon factory colours can be appealing. For many years Chevy offered Omaha Orange (Is Omaha really orange?), though as far as I know Holden never used it on Chevy trucks here. Or on anything else, for that matter. This might not be Omaha orange, but that was the inspiration.

Some colours just look right no matter what you put them on. Here’s a Nineties Ford Teal, combined with some other Nineties Ford colours. On a Chevy. Because it looks good. And a lighter blue accent on the side trim; this one’s an old Humbrol colour;

This time it’s a Chrysler/Mitsubishi colour. Mitsubishi bought out Chrysler here in ’80, so there was a degree of overlap, with the same colours used on both brands in the late seventies, with some beautiful shades used. And it’s on a Chevy because it looks good. I’m not pedantic. I’m sure Chevy offered some good colours, but this wasn’t one of them;

Aussie Ford purple on an American Ford. This was a kit of a famous drag car; rather than a maroon I went with a lighter purple metallic, XB Falcon Mulberry. And of course, that chrome molding had to contain a second colour, to match the roof. These Fairlanes always seemed to be two-toned back in the day;

Just love those ’65 Pontiacs. This is another Chrysler/Mitsubishi colour, with an ivory interior. White was too predictable, and would look ‘weak’. I can’t define what I mean; intuitively it just doesn’t look ‘right’ to me. It grabs my eye, and takes my attention away from the main colour. Even in the heyday of white interiors, they were usually more of a parchment or off-white, varying from brand to brand. In a model white would look like unpainted plastic. So I used ivory;

One of my ‘signature’ models, that people seem to remember. The interior inspiration came from a Galaxie seen in a Collectible Automobile feature. I matched it as closely as I could with my trusty old Humbrol enamels.  I can’t recall where I got the brown;

Testors used to have a cool line of custom car colours, like this Inca Gold. Something in me said to go for a tan and brown interior. Another ‘signature’ model;

If you said this Buick looks like nineties Aussie Ford Everglade, you’d be right. It’s one of those colours that’s something of a ‘go-to’ for me. I try to avoid painting too many models the same colour (I do have hundreds to choose from), but some colours just plain look right, no matter what you put them on. Interior is in a lighter Ford blue from that era;

This ’66 Malibu was converted from a street machine kit, hence the SS hood. I used the colours from a neighbour’s similar-vintage Holden wagon, but added chrome window trim because it looked like it needed it;

This time I went factory. Dad’s last Falcon was this colour scheme. You probably couldn’t get a Fairlane GT with the green interior, but since when has that stopped me?

Generally blue and green don’t mix. But with a slightly greenish-blue you can get away with it. Unfortunately, the Nova’s body doesn’t show much of the interior colour;

For this ’66 Olds 442 I chose a conservative (muddy) brownish-gold, but threw in a maroon interior. It worked for Holden in 1966, so why not?

Purple, meet red. Rather a violent colour combination, but since purple is a mixture of blue and red it ought to work – says me!

A study in dark greens. This ’67 GTO is a terrible kit, with vague detail from worn-out molds, but it was a present from my son, so I gave it my best shot.

A brown Chrysler? Brown interior;

Toning the interior to the car body colour rather than contrasting it seemed to be a growing trend in the sixties;

Unless you went for a black or white interior. A white interior would have worked on this Charger, but I went with green to match the body colour. I think it’s more interesting this way;

These Cougars show the ‘usual suspects’; white and black interior on the yellow car, black on the green. In Australia any muscle car just had to have a black interior, regardless of how impractical it was in our climate. It’s all about image, y’know?  Hey, it’s our old friend perception again!

As I was going through my photo files, I realized how many visually unexciting cars I was passing over. Maybe sometime I need to have a “Festival of the Unexceptional”, like that famed British show? Another day….