I’ve decided that adding the word “Classic” in front of the title of re-runs was not such a hot idea. It’s easy to overlook, and it means the title has been revised for perpetuity, unless it gets undone. So from now on, I’m just going to add a line at the head of the text to indicate when the post was originally published, and if it’s been revised or not. Makes much more sense. Now to undo all of those “Classics”….
Minor Housekeeping Note: No More “Classic” Prefix For Re-Runs
– Posted on October 11, 2014
Good idea! I always read over the first “Classic” and would wonder for a second about how an article already had 82 comments, and it’d only been 20 minutes since I’d refreshed and gotten a fresh dose of Curbside Classic…
+1 It will be nice to know when it was first published before you get to the comment section.
I don’t think you should correct those already done .
‘ Classic ‘ is what so many Curb Side Classic Articles already are ~! don’t mess with a tried and true formula .
Like it, Paul, and was thinking the same thing.
Isn’t just about everything here “Classic”? Even some of the comments would seem to fit in that category.
Hmmmmmmmm…. maybe I should start recycling my old comments! Classic comments!
Thank you!
You can make a rerun with Limited like what they did for Impala instead of Malibu Classic.
Good idea, Paul. I’ve been here since the start, but sometimes when some of the older articles are recycled I too, wonder how they got 82+ comments in 20 minutes or so…
Wise choice… I like it better with the added text before the main article, which makes the title kind of redundant. I am bummed that we’ll never have a Classic Curbside Classic on a Rambler Classic, though.
Thank you, Paul.