QOTD: How Did We Not Think Of This? Six Year Old Car Lover Gets Big Results From Write-In Campaign

In the age of e-mail, the act of receiving a hand crafted letter has become a lot more meaningful than it was say, twenty years ago. A friend recently wrote me a letter thinking I had left a Dungeons and Dragons dice at his house. I didn’t, but the letter (complete with dice) put a huge smile on my face. But that pales in comparison to this heartwarming story of a six year old car aficionado who decided to write some fan letters to a whole bunch of automakers.

Everything about this story is great. Patch Hurty (yes, that is his real name) clearly has a pair of loving parents who understand how to nurture their kids. The automakers deserve credit for responding the way they did, with a special shout out to Lincoln, who sent Patch a pencil sketch of the Lincoln Continental. This also happened:

“Even some of the companies that don’t sell cars here anymore tried to do something. Suzuki noted that it stopped selling cars in the U.S. in 2014, but they still sent a key ring, stickers, and brochures for their motorcycles and ATVs. Isuzu explained that they got out of the car game in 2008, but they sell commercial trucks, so they sent him a couple Hot Wheels–size models of those.”

Pretty damn cool. Lets hope Patch’s age cohort contains a lot more kids like him.


“Boy’s love of cars sparks special mission of collecting decals” by Michelle Miller, CBS News

“This Kid Asked Each Car Company to Send Him a Decal” by Ezra Dyer, Popular Mechanics