I used to mock the BMW X6. You may have noticed that, in some of my earlier pieces on this site, it was my go-to example of an ugly car. I thought it was an affront to good taste and utterly pointless. Well, I still think it’s pointless and I still feel it makes no sense to pay more money than an X5 to get less practicality. I still find the whole notion of a coupe SUV laughably absurd. But I no longer find the X6 as hideous as I used to, and there’s one good reason.
Mercedes-Benz made an even uglier coupe SUV. Two, actually. The GLC Coupe and GLE Coupe are late to the niche BMW started but have managed to out-ugly it so thoroughly, it’s made me re-evaluate the Bimmer’s styling and in turn made me appreciate it a little. Heck, I even found myself gazing appreciatively at a couple of X6s this week. Maybe I… *gasp*… like the design now?
(clockwise from top) X4, previous X6, 3-Series GT, current X6
Would I buy one over an X5? Hell no. But I actually prefer the X6 and smaller X4 fastback SUVs to some of BMW’s other weird, niche, gap-filler models like the 3-Series GT. But as much as I and many others mock those, too, kudos to BMW for selling $60k hatchbacks to Americans. Who could’ve seen that coming?
While we’re talking Bimmers, I recall hating the E65 7-Series. Yeah, a lot of us bashed Chris Bangle back then but now I appreciate how he shook up BMW styling. It would have been quite easy for BMW to endlessly re-tread the same basic design language for years, like Jaguar did. Bangle’s designs weren’t pretty but they were bold and many of his design elements were widely copied. And today, I find the E65 7-Series and E60 5-Series very desirable.
I can say the same about some other controversial designs, like the final generations of the Honda Prelude and Toyota Celica, and the facelifted 2011 Lincoln MKX. I found all of these ugly when they were launched – perhaps in large part due to their prettier predecessors – but now I like them all.
So, tell me: is there a car that you once found repulsive that you now actually like to look at?
A little late to the party here, but when I first saw the current generation of Civic (2016-?), I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Repulsed is a strong word, but I just wasn’t so sure about all of the angry angles that the car has, but seem to be all the rage lately.
While still not that crazy about the sedan, and think that the hatchback is way over the top styling-wise (I’d rather have the Mazda 3 if going for a hatchback), when I spotted my first 2016 Civic Coupe, I was smitten.
Now I have one:
Bingo, I agree with you on this Civic! I have been wracking my brain to think of a car that I initially hated that ultimately grew on me, and it was tough. For the most part, my opinions haven’t changed. And then I read your comment and realized: that’s it! When the current Civic first emerged, I thought it was crazily over-styled. Now I see lots of them and I must admit that I am now warming to the looks. Don’t know if I’ll ever love it, but it is distinctive and edgy looking, and very noticeable at night with the unique tail lights.
I like that the taillights are different on the coupe from all the other versions of the Civic.
It lends a certain ‘exclusivity’ to the car… if you can even use such a term on a mere Civic. (LOL)
You can get an Si in every flavor of Civic now, be it coupe, hatchback, or sedan, but the Type R only comes one way – as a hatchback. I’m showing my age here, but there was a time when the sportiest model of a car only had 2 doors! I guess the kids today want 5 doors.
Not that a “kid” can afford a Type R… Talk about exclusive, but that version of Civic is like $35-40K, if memory serves. Of course that’s a Civic than can go like 170+ MPH if this video from the Nürburgring can be believed…
Chevy Avalanche – 1st runner up for the title “Worlds Ugliest Truck”
I hated them in the beginning. Now? I actually like them! Especially the refresh ones with body colored cladding.
The problem with your posit is that we become accustomed to anything, over time. What we find ugly at first can often, with time, become familiar and thus “normal” and likeable. What is more rare are the items we found attractive instantly that most found wretched. Take the early 60s Mopars. Many thought those horrible, but a few of us liked them from the get go. Same with oddballs like a Ami 6, so ugly that it is cute to some of us. I like many of the “hated” designs, not out of being cantakerous, but rather for taking a stand and doing a design that is unique and makes a statement. Too many cars look as if styled by committee, pared down to be average and boring. Give me a weird Japanese kei car, a funky French take on anything, or even the earlier Korean designs that were outside the conventional box. When you have a polarizing design, it stays polarizing for a long time, but eventually, history changes how it is viewed, and usually for the better.
True. We can get used to almost anything. 🙂
Perhaps the inverse question should be asked.
Back in the day, I thought the Saab 99 was about the ugliest thing on the road, all tall wheels, funny high nose and weird profile. A little later (when I could actually drive) I sat in one, and it suddenly made “sense” – the way the door bottoms tucked under the car, the wraparound windshield, and cavernous cargo area had me appreciating the form-follows-function aspect of the design. Which I think explains a lot about Saab, actually.
As an 80’s and 90’s kid, I grew up thinking the B-Body GM cars were strictly for cops and grandmas – who would want to be associated with either?
As the years have passed, I’ve developed a soft spot for them, especially the Caprice two-doors with the “fastback” glass and the wagons.
Try a Craigslist search for a B-Body wagon. You won’t find many these days. They were ubiquitous only a few years ago and are now a rare find.
How many B-Body wagons were needlessly lost due to untreated metal cancer and demo-derbies? Who will step up and help save the wagons!
I am doing my best to do my part! Looks better since I cleaned up the neglect of the original elderly owner visible here.
Found it on Craigslist. Yes, it took awhile.
What a rare find! I love these in plain-Jane mode, sans wood-grain, roof-rack and wire wheels.
The hot-rodder in me would love to see what a 454 would look like twixt the framerails, maybe done up in GM corporate blue, with all the period smog accouterments. Maybe even make some fake underhood emissions stickers. Convince all the guys at the cruise in that it’s a rare COPO model.
Thanks! It has an AM radio, in mono and the third seat. No other options, and it even appears to be missing items that should be standard such as wheel lip moldings.
That is part of the big appeal, the plain-jain, utilitarian look. I had a fully loaded ’87 Caprice Estate, and the character between the two is night and day.
That would be too funny- wonder how many that would fool?
Last-generation Crown Victoria wagon. I thought the way the body widened toward the rear was terrible and the taillight design was ghastly.
Now? I own one, look at it admiringly every time it’s parked, and consider the horrible Family Truckster satire to be sacrilege!
I have not disliked much over the years, but the Pontiac Aztec was horrible when I first saw it, and still is. The Buick version is better but not anything I would want either.
The BMW X6 appears to be a cross between a crossover SUV and a sedan, and seems to be a hatchback. I don’t think it is bad looking. I did a build your own for both the X6 and X5. With comparable equipment to my Cadillac XT5, they are 10,000 and 15,000 more. Interiors seem (from pictures) higher end and there are more colors available.
I didn’t much like the Grand Wagoneer when it was being made, but now I am smitten with its uncurved side glass, rec-room carpeting and minimal tumblehome.
Not repulsive as such, but merely weird and a one-year oddity in Ford’s pantheon of cars from 1952 through 1964 – the 1960 Ford Fairlane/Galaxie models, with the half-moon-shaped taillights. It bugged me when they came out when I was a kid…but I’ve come to appreciate the entire car in its whole. The profile is sweet, and the front-end treatment was really nice. I can tolerate the back end these days. 🙂
The 1960 Galaxie is a beautiful car and was a big leap forward. The coolest one (well, maybe equal to the wagon which was also a one-year roof design at the rear end) is the Starliner two door hardtop. The Chrysler product style roof design had been put out of style by Ford itself with the Thunderbird roof design, making it (and the wagon) more unique with their one-year designs.
Elements of the front end design have been cribbed more than once for American and European Ford designs.
Country Squire with one-year rear roof/side window/tailgate.
Ugly is ugly. Plain Jane may grow on you, but ugly stays ugly. Ugly = Nissan Cube (and every Nissan now), Infiniti QX 80, Honda Element, 1st gen Honda Prelude, Honda Odyssey with the lightning bolt belt line, the present Honda Civic, most present Toyota’s, the prior generation of Chrysler mid-size and full-sized sedans, all Chris Bagle-era BMWs, most present Mercedes cars (droopy butts), 1st gen Audi TT, prior gen VW Jetta, Subaru Tribeca (leftover Edsel grille?), last gen Pontiac not-so Grand Prix, Saturn Ion, 1st gen Cadillac CTS, Chevy Cobalt, Ford Contour/Tempo. If I offended anyone, get over it.
Thanks for mentioning the current droopy-butt Mercedes sedans. To me, they are the most unattractive Mercedes cars ever. I consider that an especially notable design faux pas. Just should have never happened. Once inside, I’m sure that I could appreciate the interior, though.
I don’t know. Anyone who has softened on cars like the latest Prius, or the Honda Crosstour, or the Grand Wagoneer, must be a victim of Stockholm Syndrome.
But, to each his own ! I don’t like the Porsche 356 any better today than I did as a teenager, and the Citroen DS was beautiful (in a strange sort of way) from day one, and still is. Granted, cars (and other objects) do change in one’s sight, over time. It took me fifty years to decide that the Cord 810 sedan is a bit clunky, with a front track too narrow for its fenders . . .
’52 & ’55 Studebakers were once loathsome, and now I don’t mind ’em so much, especially if you paint the that ’55 catfish mouth body color from the original chrome. But that’s not to say I’d ‘want’ one of either (except for the ’55 dash! )
You remind me of an alternative QOTD – what is a car you once thought was cool but are thoroughly sick of. Bulletnose Studebakers!!!!!
I see your point on the 55, but I kinda like the 52.
SEAT Toledo III. Ugliest of all!
The 2003-07Chevy Silverado. That nose?! Why?
I still don’t get it but accept it. It’s funny how the Tahoe, Suburban and GMC trucks were spared the “Angry Eyes” treatment. Oddly, it was a good look for the Colorado/Canyon.