I dropped out of high school the February before the prom. I did get invited to one after I showed up in Iowa City that spring. Since I was invited be her and I had no car, she drove her dad’s blue Toyota Mark II. I wrote about it here. And no, given that this was University High (run by the university) in Iowa City in 1971, it was not exactly your traditional prom. Especially so since the girls at that particular time and place were not into shaving legs and underarms (which I found rather sexy, believe it or not). ‘Nuff said…
QOTD: What Did You Drive/Ride In To The Prom?
– Posted on June 30, 2019
For junior prom I drove a 1980 Pontiac station wagon. We never made it to prom. I didn’t go to senior prom, too busy working. Daughter #1 was born February 14th my senior year. Do the math. True story.
Senior Prom: 1990 Toyota Pick-up; 4 on the floor; bench seat; rubber floor mats.
Senior Prom: 1992 Eagle Talon TSi AWD – 5 speed – white over tan
IN ADVANCE: My high school is weird and sometimes had a dance/prom at the end of each semester because idfk
Freshman Dance/Prom thing of 1986: My father drove me in his brown/amber ’78
Thunderbird DIAMOND JUBILEE. Ran like a champion until it hit 260,000 miles in 1988 and just couldn’t go anymore.
Sophomore Prom of 1986: A four-door 1981-1982 Dodge Colt with shit brown paint. It had the horrible 1.4 engine that got to 40 in 20 minutes and had a janky front axle. Right after the embarrassment from all of the guys and my date Jenna almost not wanting to go with me after seeing the car, I scrapped the car for $400.
Sophomore Prom of 1987: Rode in my friend’s green 1969 Olds Delta. He put some racing grade tires on it(at least for 1987)which were great.
The very same night, after he dropped off me and Jenna at her house, he totaled the car by hitting a dump truck at 55mph and died in the accident. Godspeed, Desmon.
Junior Prom of 1988(Her school): Jenna moved out the neighborhood and went to a different high school, and for some reason that school had it a few days early so she invited me. She drove me there in her lime green ’61 Bug. Wasn’t a comfortable ride as the seats were half dead and the suspension wasn’t steady at all.
Junior Prom of 1988( my school): Black ’74 Cougar with the gargantuan 460 under the hood. Supercharger modded as well. She was a beast, but that gas mileage hurt and I had to sell it shortly before Senior year. Had it since I salvaged the Colt. I managed to pack 5 people including me into the thing, including Jenna, in what would be my last encounter with her before I found she was cheating on me with three guys.
I managed to find the exact same car for sale in 1995(when I was in the Air Force) with custom wheels. Bought it instantly and still have it to this day.
Senior prom of 1989: managed to drive two cars. On the way there, had six of us bunched up in my mother’s blue 87 Corolla. However, from my kind of drunk(3 whiskey shots)parking, the car got towed, and by the time i was a little more sober, Zoe, who was my gf at the time, got us all in her yellow 65 Land Cruiser and let me drive. Was a great riding car and even had it the entire 8 months we were married(a year later)
Didn’t go, but if I had it probably would have been in the ’70 Impala Custom 4 door hardtop I had at the time.
I’m late answering this but basically, it’s relatively common here in Australia for people to show up to their grade 12 formal (basically the same thing as a prom) in a stretch limo. And I simply wasn’t interested in that so I indulged this idea of getting family to rent a luxury sedan and drive me, but then gave up on that idea. By then, it was getting really close to the date so I ended up… riding in the back of a stretch limo (an AU Ford Fairlane). Yawn.
One of my best friends ended up booking a ’59 Chevy sedan with some of her other friends and I missed out on a slot in one of those (a local small business had 2 or 3 ’59 Chevys). Lame!