Curbside Outtake and QOTD: All Tops Down!


It’s still high summer in the Pacific Northwest, clear blue skies, 93 degrees and 36% humidity as I write this. Summer starts late up here, usually by the Fourth of July, but September is a summer month, with just the occasional preview of things to come.

Everyone knows it rains in Portland. We can go months in winter without ever seeing the sun. How do we stand it? Our summer days are long, dry and spectacular. Forested twisty roads to empty beaches are minutes away. Β Even a morning trip to the office can be scenic. That makes our roadsters even more special. This was the scene at my local caffeine joint this morning. Three generations of roadster bliss. All tops down!

Suppose you have the day off, this weather, and one of these cars to spend it in. Which car would you choose?