I’ve always loved old cars, and I’ve always enjoyed driving. Driving across the country is something I have always wanted to do, and due to some circumstances changing in my life, I now have the opportunity to do it. I’m flying out west to Vancouver,B.C. on Monday and hope to find a car older than 1986 that’s suited for a cross-country trip. There’s three of us going – my father, and father-in-law, who is 6’6”. This being the case, there’s a few details that I must get straightened out. Maybe you can help.
Firstly, I’d like the car to be 30 years old or older. At that age it qualifies for antique plates for occasional use, which are a lot less expensive than regular plates. I’ve set a budget of $3500, which should get a nice car in Vancouver from what I see on Craigslist and Kijiji.
Having a tall father-in-law pretty much means that we will need to get a 4-door sedan or wagon. It’ll have to be a mid-size or full-size car.
Given that we are travelling nearly 7000 KM in an old car, I would probably prefer it to be built by GM, Ford, or Chrysler, as I figure parts should still be readily available should something happen. Something known to be comfortable would be great. Any ideas?
My preference in vehicles is a GM rear drive four-door or wagon, either a B- or G- body, something easy to repair and nice to drive. I’d consider a Panther as well. Any other ideas for something roomy and comfortable? There doesn’t seem to be much else on Craigslist or Kijiji.
The other thing I wonder about is what the most scenic route is from Vancouver east? I’m counting on 10-14 days from Vancouver to Sydney, Nova Scotia. We’re really not on a “vacation” per se – but if there are multiple options from A to B, we’d like to take the most beautiful options.
I appreciate any help. I also plan to post updates of our progress driving across the country!
Well, I made it in one piece, three flights and three hours sleep later! Now waiting for my father and father-in-law to arrive.
Any updates?
I did find a car and we’ve been travelling home. I just put an update up, and plan to write a few more. The three of us ended up sidelined and wiped with a cold, so I haven’t updated like I would have liked to