Over the July 4th weekend, I traveled to Guatemala for a week, to do mission work for my church. This involved taking a bus from the capital (and the airport), Guatemala City, up into the mountains around Lake Atitlán, where many of the poorer Guatemalans of Mayan heritage live.
For a car nerd, there was an extra and appealing dimension to going to a new country, which was to observe and record a different culture from an automotive standpoint. As things turned out, the car experiences, per se, were not so interesting. But public transportation, trucks, and the roadside environments were fascinating, to say nothing of the high level of visible road maintenance and the interesting cooperative driving techniques used by the drivers on the narrow and sometimes very crowded roads.
The cars themselves were largely a mix of later model and slightly older model Japanese and Korean small cars, leavened with a small mix of just about everything else, including full-size SUVs, and the occasional Audi, BMW, or Mercedes. A smattering of Lexus and unusual (to me) cars such as Peugeot and Renault SUV/CUVs were observed.
Guatemala has a complex and often tragic history, right up until a few years ago. A civil war that began with a U.S.-backed coup in 1954 (to protect the international banana monopoly and to fight the communists) led to ever greater fighting, suffering, and widespread death, until the war was officially concluded in late 1996. Casual automotive observations on my part saw little in the way of passenger cars that had been built before the mid-1990s. Only a mid-1970s Toyota Corolla daily driver was spotted, along with a carefully restored first-gen MR2 caravanning with a pristine first-gen Toyota 4×4 Pickup on a late Saturday morning, most likely returning from a parking lot car show in Guatemala City, rushing home to beat the afternoon rains.
Like most of Central and Latin America, Guatemala is a relatively poor place by our standards. For most of the people, car ownership is a luxury of sorts, but transportation is a necessity for most. So the transportation network has developed around some very basic car ownership choices and a variety of public transportation options. One thing the transportation options must do is both be appropriate to the specific intended uses, and also be versatile to accommodate various needs. Does the driver typically travel around town, or cross country? Is the driver usually traveling solo? Is there extra baggage or cargo to be carried?

A JAC brand light truck, carrying locally made furniture. This style of truck is very popular in Guatemala.
The Japanese and Korean small cars and CUVs are popular. The late model Toyota RAV-4 and Honda CRV are quite common (aren’t they so, just about everywhere?). Toyota also completely dominates the light truck market here, with the Toyota Hi-Lux pickup and the Tacoma. One does see a fair number of Mitsubishi sedans and small pickups, along with the Nissans as well. I saw a couple of Ford Rangers. A popular light truck is the very light-duty cabover truck with drop-down low bed sides. Kia and JAC (a Chinese vehicle manufacturer) dominate this market.
In fact, many trucks are open-topped, and employ various structures and hooks by which to tie down cargo and carry it. This is true all the way up to the largest trucks typically seen on the roads there, which would be mid-size to us, though many trucks do have hard-sided and roofed cargo enclosures. The soft-covered trucks are typically equipped with fitted or occasionally makeshift tarps. One important feature is the “peak” created for the cargo cover, typically longitudinally along the center line of the vehicle, front to back. This keeps the high amount of rain from puddling on any flat surfaces of the cargo covers. Some of the support structures are permanent, but others are fully or partially removable, to accommodate loads of various dimensions.

A medium-duty truck incorporating the popular open-air cargo bed, framed and tarped, with the characteristic peaked center, which keeps the typical and sometimes torrential afternoon rains from puddling up.
The light-duty pickup trucks typically have one of two added structures. The minimal and “dressier” version incorporates tubular rails mounted along the top of each bedside, morphing into a combination roll bar and protection for the rear cab window from shifting loads. These structures are often chromed, and typically have some ornate elements welded into the area protecting the back window. Small cargo or tarps can be easily tied onto the rails and the structure for stability and safety (how often have many of us cursed the minimal tie-down capabilities in our pickups, and found them located in a few arbitrary positions?). People riding in the truck beds also have something to hold onto, though they typically need to sit down in the truck bed to properly hang on.

A Nissan pickup wearing the “siderails-with-rollbar-and-rear-window-protection” structure that is popular in the region. A tarp, covering some small cargo, is conveniently tied to the side rails. The driver, caught in stop-and-go highway traffic, is buying ice cream cones from a roadside vendor.
The more elaborate and capable pickup truck cargo structure is rather ubiquitous as one leaves the city and heads up into the mountains. It features high sides of either (usually) aluminum or (occasionally) wooden stakes, along with a fixed tubular metal structure that protects the rear window area, and also offers an arched frame by which to hold in people or cargo. Some of the structures feature elaborate and ornate welded steel elements in place of the stakes along the sides. These structures are higher than the top of the truck cab, so quite a bit of cargo can be carried. Alternatively, people can, and do, ride in the back standing up, where the top rails of the frame fall easily to hand. Rated capacity? Well, this sort of structure can allow one to just fill up the truck until it can’t fit any more cargo or people into it. If it can still move under its own power, it will no doubt be tasked to do so.

A rear view of a Toyota pickup, mounted with the stake sides, rear window protection, and characteristic arched peak. A tarp, thrown over this structure to protect cargo, will sport a peaked roof to shed rain.

This small pickup, a Nissan, sports a minimal and utilitarian cargo bed superstructure. It appears to be carrying a big load to market.
One exception to the lack of heavy-duty trucks is the use of tanker trucks for fuel. The mountainous terrain, the common shifting of the earth and earthquakes, and the general lack of pipelines and infrastructure, all mean that fuel must be moved almost exclusively by truck. The trucks themselves were usually either a one-piece cab and tank on a frame, or instead used the semi-truck tractor and trailer arrangement. I always saw one trailer, but never two trailers, attached to a tractor. Because of the need to go up (and down) long stretches of inclines, the trailer or rig weight needs to be kept a bit lower than it otherwise would need to be. The trucks were a mix of newer and older, but were generally of reasonable appearance, and rarely carried logos or polished tanks. A few were dead ringers for the old truck from the “Duel” movie. Each fuel truck was emblazoned with huge letters reading “inflamable” on the sides and the rear. They were everywhere on the highways, and parked alongside the roads.
Speaking of which, everything is wood and fossil fuels in Guatemala. I saw no wind or solar installations, and certainly no EVs or charging stations. Nary a Tesla was seen in the Guatemalan car fleet. There were some hybrids (such as the occasional Prius), but no plug-ins. Wood stoves are universal among the poor. In the mountains, the power often goes out, and portable generators are pulled out for small businesses and public offices.
Let’s take a look at the “large” end of cross-country transportation. The dominant vehicles, by sheer size and number, are typically the converted American school buses, elaborately decorated and adapted to local needs. Think of a cross between a Philippine “Jeepney” and a Japanese “dekotora” truck, and you start to get close. They are almost always of the “conventional” (not cab-over-engine) configuration, and they are usually powered by a diesel engine. Big racks are built on top of the roofs, and the rear emergency exit doors are often used for entry and exit at the bus stops. As well as elaborate paintwork and ornate metal details, the buses typically incorporate a variety of multi-colored lights. Many of the newer buses in the fleet appear purpose-built, rather than old school bus conversions. The buses, often called “chicken buses”, give off quite the light show at night.

Public transportation, wearing the characteristic flashy paint job and trim, a bit of a light show, and the overhead cargo rack. This one appears to have a heavy load out back, as it sits hard on the rear axle as it rolls downhill.

From the rear, the ladders to the overhead cargo rack can be seen, as well as the rear door for dropping off and occasionally picking up passengers.
At the other end of public transportation are the three-wheeled “tuc-tuc”s. In Guatemala, they are usually Bajaj Toritos, and predominately red with black trim (but not always). Many of the tuc-tucs have themed decorations. They are actually marvels of space efficiency, with the capability to quickly navigate small spaces and crowded roads.

A “tuc-tuc” navigating the highway. With a top speed of about 25 mph on a flat road, these had better stay over to the side. I doubt the rear wing and brightly painted wheels are helping matters much.
The ultimate personal transportation is the small motorbike. Beyond the typical Japanese brands (Suzuki, Yamaha, and Honda), one saw local brands such as Specter and Freedom. Most riders wear helmets, but not close to all of them do so. They tend to scoot in packs and dive-bomb traffic either between the lanes or along the edges of the road. Given how tightly and irregularly packed the roads can get, there is a lot of dodging and weaving going on. One of the marvels of the motorcycle contingent was the frequent female passenger sitting sidesaddle (feet and legs to the left, always). It was not universal, but it was quite common, especially by women wearing the traditional Guatemalan clothes and skirts.

Trucks, buses, cars, and motorbikes. Everyone is on the same road, but it all works out. Given that crowded road, speeds are typically quite slow, so it is easier to make it all work.

A small Bajaj Qute on the highway. Basically a four-wheel version of the three-wheel “tuc-tuc”. These make a Smart car look large and substantial.
There was one other very small car running about, and that was the Bajaj Qute. They run about $2,000 (U.S. Dollars) new. Some were being used as taxis, like the tuc-tucs, and others were privately owned.
Stay tuned for Part 2, where we set off for the mountains in our bus, and we catalogue some sights along the way.
Thank you for this. Seeing how things are done in other places is endlessly fascinating. Those busses are rolling art; I also like how one or two of them appear to have noses from bigger International road tractors, such as the one you show being so loaded down.
Find kei trucks so desirable. My current favourite is the Daihatsu Hijet Jumbo Cab. The mid ’90s Honda Acty, another very appealing design. All the creature comforts and interior space of modern cars, with the bed serving as a design palette, for various configurations. In an extremely handy, and economical size.
Badass-looking school buses. And I thought the chrome front bumper on my late ’70s International Loadstar school bus, made it look boss. The large front wheel arch openings adding to the squatted rear appearance.
Honda Acty.
I think the light trucks there are in the mode of kei-trucks, but they are one step up, both in engine size and overall dimensions. The truck beds at least, freed from legislative constraints, are longer and wider.
I am no photographer, so apologies for the photo quality, but I am attaching a four-passenger light truck I saw parked in the far distance, along the highway. I can’t tell you anything else about it…
Thanks for sharing this great adventure. Yes, I knew they are one size larger. Love both scales.
Thank you for all of this road trip detail – as a fellow car nerd, I enjoy reading about how cars and trucks differ in other places, so it’s great to have a first-hand look at conditions in Guatemala. The little details, especially, such as the pickups bed enclosures, the commonness of those JAC-type trucks, or how gas is delivered in smaller fuel trucks (I’m assuming similar to the types of trucks that typically carry home heating oil here in the US). Great stuff, and photos here – so thanks!
A few weeks ago, I fell down the type of automotive rabbit hole I’m prone to stumbling in to and I discovered the “Buses de Guatemala” Facebook page (which is viewable to people without a FB account). That site provides loads of pictures of the types of buses you describe here, and it’s mighty interesting to spend some time looking at.
The converted school buses (often called “chicken buses”, but I was told that some of the locals consider the term a bit rude and condescending) seem to be giving way to purpose built (and obviously much more expensive) successors. The two buses in the lead photo are brand new, and were obviously never school buses. My own speculation (with nothing concrete to back it up) is that financial capital is coming into the Guatemalan transportation space, and the old is giving way to the new. The new are more cookie cutter, with more professional graphics and factory-produced add-ons and gee-gaws, ordered from a catalogue or a menu somewhere.
The older, converted school buses are much more variable in appearance, with obviously hand-fashioned metalwork and extras, and paint jobs of varying professionalism and style. They still constitute a big percentage of the fleet, and I saw old yellow school buses, unconverted, stashed here and there. The Blue Bird” brand and bird moniker (which looks suspiciously close to the silhouette of the quetzal, the Guatemalan national bird), is a very popular motif on the buses, including the newly manufactured ones that have nothing whatsoever to do with Blue Bird.
Here is a quick shot of a bus going the other way in traffic. Obviously an older school bus conversion, the side windows have been modified into portholes. The new, purpose-built buses won’t have odd details such as those. Note the Blue Bird emblem on the front upper corner. This older bus might have been a Blue Bird. A similar emblem appears on the right hand bus in the lead photo. It was never a Blue Bird bus.
The two buses in the lead photo are brand new, and were obviously never school buses.
But are they really? The Freightliner front end on the one on the left does not look like the real thing. And the bus with its rear end riding low, the front clip looks to be inspired by the International Lonestar, but it’s clearly not the real deal.
Those two “new” buses on top, who supposedly made the bodies, because they look just like older-style US school bus bodies to me. I strongly suspect that’s what they are, and either the bodies were mounted on a new(er) chassis, or they got a new fake front clip. That goes for the “Lonestar” bus too. Modern US school buses don’t look like that anymore, and I would find it more than a bit surprising that they build new bus bodies locally that look exactly like rather old US school buses, right down to their warning lights and such.
I haven’t looked into it, but one possibility is that they are buying new chassis from China, mounting ex-US school bus bodies, and putting on fake US truck front clips on them. It’s just a guess, but this kind of mix and match, with an emphasis in visual impact (and prestige factor from the US brand front clips) is not uncommon in third world countries.
I’m not sure what to think. I can tell you that there are two versions of the bus running around. One has the “new” front clips, obviously series-manufactured gee-gaws and details, rather “professional” paint schemes, shiny paint, and sharp front wheels. The other has the original looking front clips, typically hand-hewn details and doo-dads, less “professional” and highly variable paint schemes, some of which appear to have been applied by brush, and the telltale “whoosh” of black soot signifying older engine designs and/or engine wear. See the “Guadelupe” bus photos for an example of the old school. All the buses I saw were “one or the other”, without much mix of the two. I would not discount a hard-core mix-and-match going on here on the “new” buses, as you have described. People in poor countries can economically create all sorts of products, done on the fly.
Before I went there, I had no idea these buses even existed. They seem to have a bit of a following, around the world. I imagine that some on-line digging could answer some of these provenance questions. To me, the idea of a “mix-and-match” is much more intriguing than simply an “order it and ship it” arrangement. To see the shops where this sort of thing is done would be very interesting. I envision hand tools and “working with what you have” to do these builds would be very primitive, relative to the visual results.
By the way, most of the work on the buses appears to be external, not to the inside of them, based on the few quick glimpses I got peeking in.
I watch a lot of Youtube videos from around the world with trucks and buses in them, and I’m quite convinced that these are just dressed-up old US school buses. It’s a thing.
The buses/bus bodies that are built new in places like Brazil or such look like modern buses, not perfect replicas of 20-30 year old Blue Birds, right down to the Blue Bird logo.
They are 100% old US school busses. I rode my motorcycle to Guatemala in April this year. On the way were many US school busses driving down with Toyotas towed behind. The window treatments and other adornments are done after they arrive. I snapped this Ssangyong (spelling?) in Quetzaltenango
For years, intercity coach companies in Canada, had on-going relationships with local school bus companies, to fill gaps in their transportation network. Many small communities were not served by large carriers. As a student, I’d regularly take an intercity coach, followed by a school bus, to get to the town I grew up in.
There was a growing stigma here by the ’70s and ’80s, to using a school bus between communities. I noted many coach riders would always fill up available taxi cabs, or arrange for someone to pick them up, before they would take the sometimes cold, rattly ride in a school bus.
It is unfortunate, as buses (including school buses) can serve such a practical means of transporting lots of people, to more remote communities. Our national intercity coach service collapsed here in Canada, because so many people abandoned the service. Nice to see people appreciating, whatever practical means of transportation available, even if out of necessity.
A great National Film Board documentary from the early 1970s, showing how one community under-served by the local transit company, paid for their own school bus service, to take commuters downtown. Lots of CCs here.
Very interesting observations.
Brings back memories of road trips in Mexico, ’80s and ’90s, the metal-working skills of the locals, the sheer cleverness of people without money.
Thank you.
Great article and nice detail on the vehicular environment down there. Lake Atitlan is indeed beautiful…and in fact the volcanoes there are the ONLY dormant volcanoes in Guatemala. The other 8 are very much active.
I have a very good friend who lives down there and am constantly fascinated by his tales of the vast inequalities – even extending to vehicles – down there. He drives new-ish VWs and Nissans not at all unlike what we’d have here in the US. But the Chicken Busses are pretty much the norm for the majority of folks. And yeah, we’ll have flying cars here before they can build an infrastructure down there that supports EVs. Unfortunately.
Quite interesting, thank you, and brings to mind a CC-effect conversation I had a few weeks ago with a fellow in a junkyard that was removing the engine of a late-80’s Toyota Pickup – specifically to send it to Guatemala! He and his family have a business removing items from mainly 4cylinder Toyota trucks (and 4Runners) and sending them down there for sale and reuse. Your pictures show many older Toyota trucks (and several Nissans – Anyone driving on I-25 as well as across the southwestern states has very likely seen many of the “road-trains” consisting of a tow vehicle (often a decent condition but well used Toyota pickup) and either one or two(!) others in tow, in descending order of decrepitude heading South or Southeast. These seem to often enter Texas and then continue south to Mexico and Central America where they are given second (or third, or twentieth) lives – in effect it isn’t that small trucks are wearing out and being scrapped but rather many are being exported and living on. Toyota (I’ll borrow from Syke’s excellent comment elsewhere) “God’s own minitruck” and Nissan being by far the dominant ones in popularity, after that whatever other Japanese brand trucks there are/were, then maybe the Ranger, and extremely rarely the old S-10/Colorado. Little CUVs like the RAV and CRV are getting more popular for this as well, i.e. most of the trucks in your pictures are not likely to be old trucks originally sold down there but rather far more recent imports.
Toyota, and then Nissan in light pickup truck popularity, and all the others appear to be minor players. The Toyota, especially, seems to be “the” truck for down there. By the way, the American full sized pickups are mostly nonexistent. Only a few made their appearances, rolled up into that category of “everything else, that I saw once or twice on the road, if at all”.
The Toyotas seem to keep going until they rust out, or until the frame breaks at the intersection of the cab and the bed. I can’t imagine what it takes to break a frame (probably a combination of weight and rust), but I saw a few humpbacked and seriously rusty Toyotas parked or abandoned here and there. Stay tuned, I plan to go deep into the Toyota PU and the local adaptations of it.
For being a relatively poor country, their roads appear to be in remarkably good condition. Perhaps it’s the relatively light loads they carry or lack of severe weather?
Good observation, and true to what I found as well. Stay tuned for part 2. Their public works program, as it applies to the road network, is impressive.
Good to hear the civil war is finally finished in Guatemala .
Also good to see the roads are in passable repair .
I have mostly good memories of living there in the mid 1970’s, driving my ’66 VW Typ III square back or 1937 Harley-Davidson EL Knucklehead Motocycle everywhere .
At times the roads were very dicey indeed .
I’m remembering going to a lake (? Amatitlan perhaps ?) by an active volcano, at night the clouds ringing the top of the volcano were red .
A great slice of Guatemalan vehicles. It’s clear what manufacturers make the most fuel efficient and durable trucks. I wonder if they tried Chinese trucks based on lower price but found them not as durable as the Japanese? Those classic custom painted multicolor school buses are a real breath of fresh air much like Ken Kesey’s. On a side note if they are open to the public I would absolutely have to visit the Uros Tribe floating islands of lake Atitlan. That would make for a once in a lifetime learning experience.