CC Videos: French Truckin’ Wizards – Door-To-Door Transport

One of my favorite search terms on YouTube is ‘passage (très) difficile’. Then you’ll find yourself in France, watching modern big rigs rolling through old small towns.

AubeAgri_Production posted a Volvo FH 6×4 tractor with a tri-axle semi-low loader, hauling logging machinery. No worries ma’am!

The Extrême Ineamm channel is famous for this kind of videos, they’ve posted numerous of them over the years.

Like a Scania R580 V8 straight truck with a full trailer, just passing through.

And a late model Scania V8 6×4 tractor with a tri-axle dolly for hauling long logs. Obviously, the two can go their own way.

Now don’t scratch up your car in the local parking garage!