Seeing them everywhere at the moment not in black mostly green could not get past one yesterday he pulled over into the left lane and accelerated up the slight hill we were on but the 510hp DAF i was driving could not out pull the tractor, he had a much better power to weight ratio.
βDear design department: Itβs good, but can we make it look just a bit meaner? Maybe add some little fangs, like the Vehicross.β
Probably still won’t outrun the Power Wagon.
That thing looks like it wants to eat me.
Seeing them everywhere at the moment not in black mostly green could not get past one yesterday he pulled over into the left lane and accelerated up the slight hill we were on but the 510hp DAF i was driving could not out pull the tractor, he had a much better power to weight ratio.
This is the usual Deutz-Fahr shade of green. The Warrior is a special edition, dressed in black.
…and then there is a Fendt 1050 π