My 1986 Grand Marquis And 1977 Ford LTD – Going For Broke!

’85-’87 Mercury Grand Marquis images from the Cohort by SlantSix.


The year was 2000 and we had bought a new home. However, as we came into the 2001 tax season, we found out that the property tax had tripled. It was something the builder knew about but did not disclose the information. Between that and the mortgage, we found ourselves way behind the eight ball. Money was tight.

I called an attorney who told us that we were going to have to declare Chapter 7. At that time, the law stated that we could each have one car since we both worked, but the value of each car was to be $850 or less.

So off I went to search for our prized cars!

The first one was easy. A family friend told me they had their parent’s 86 Grand Marquis LS with about 100,000 miles. They gave me a deal; $750. The second one took a little longer. But eventually, I found a 1977 Ford LTD Landau (LandCow?) with only 89,000 miles. While the Mercury was loaded up and very nice driving, the LTD was very strangely optioned. It had one mirror, tilt wheel, stereo, and cornering lamps! Oh and a digital clock that sounded constipated when it got too cool.

So the Mercury became Cindy’s car and I won the Land Cow. The idea was that we were to drive these until after the bankruptcy was discharged.

The Mercury got driven quite a bit. We were living in Delaware Ohio and used it to drive over to Fort Wayne a few times, down to Cincinnati once, but never any long trips. Meanwhile, the LTD was used only for city duty. The Y pipe broke and I took it in for a look-see. The muffler dude told me $240 to order and replace the Y or for $170 he could just dual it out!  (Remember I paid $850 for this beauty.)

The ending of these two is where it became especially interesting.

First, Cindy’s boss saw the Mercury one day and asked her all about it. She didn’t take him real seriously but called me to let me talk to him.

  • What is this about, I thought?

He got on the phone and started to ask about the car, engine, fuel economy, etc. Before answering I just said:

  • Warren, what’s up? Why this interest in an old car?”

He said:

  • My wife had one exactly like that and lost it during her divorce. And every time she sees one she mentions buying another. So, I want to buy your car!

He wasn’t kidding… he offered me $450 plus an 84 Honda Accord that drove! The best part- we were to deliver it on Christmas Eve and he gave me half the money before so we could have a Christmas that year.

Everything worked out well for us. And they drove that car until just about 6 years ago.

“…the LTD only lasted three months.” LTD image from the Cohort by canadiancatgreen.


The LTD also went away. I worked with a very nice guy at Lowes, called Ryan. We were discussing Christmas plans and he told me that he wanted to go see his parents, who lived maybe 2-3 hours away but that his car would no longer make the trip.

Half-jokingly, I told him I’d sell him my LTD which by then we could legally do, for $500. He didn’t even look at it but rode home with me (In the Honda), he handed over the cash, we signed the title, he put a tag on it, and drove away to see his parents.

So there’s the story of two cars; not that we necessarily wanted, but needed. And they filled the bill. Oh, btw, the LTD only lasted 3 months. Ryan hit a big spot of black ice, and slid into a rock that he said was taller than the hood! I guess he hit hard because it quit running. Oh well…


Related CC reading:

Car Show Classic: 1977 Ford LTD – Fall From Grace

In-Motion Classic: c. 1986 Mercury Grand Marquis – Lost & Found