My 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis: My Kindness Comes In Different Forms

Mom always told me to be kind to others. And the obligatory: “If you can’t say something nice, then say nothing at all.”  With God’s help and practicing kindness, I can’t say I’ve done too badly. But this past week, kindness came in a rather unusual way: two vehicles.

I’ve written here about our 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis LS. Originally bought to shuttle my in-laws around after Paul stopped driving, it been a near perfect car for those duties. But like many things, life has changed. My mother-in-law passed away peacefully on July 29, 2023. Then in December of that year, after bringing hospice in, Paul now resides at a nursing home.

Meanwhile; my next door neighbor is a wonderful man. He has helped me with personal things, has been willing to drive any of us to the doctor if needed, has mowed the lawn, and has taught me about living in the South. Well, after I think 290,000 miles his 2012 Nissan Rogue gave out. Knowing that right now he’s tight financially, I offered him to use the Mercury for as long as he needed.

He then told my mechanic he was embarrassed to accept the offer as it was; instead, he wanted to buy the car but had no way to do so. Not really sure how to proceed, after a few days, we told him to enjoy the car and pay us whenever he could.

How could I know that this act would mean so very much? He has thanked me over and over.

So now I needed a vehicle. My beloved Cadillac (Ralph in honor of my dad) doesn’t need to be driven daily. Two things came into my head as should haves: Towing ability (5000-7000lbs) and something to travel in. So I bought a very nice 28 year old Chevy Astro van with 140,000 miles and a Southern Comfort package.

Great! So I can drive the van in yucky but not snowy weather, the wife’s T-Bird once the new transmission is done later this summer, the Cadillac in nice weather, or the 2024 Nissan Rogue with AWD in snow. (Please stop laughing about us owning a Rogue!)

The Southern Comfort, after being cleaned up and shampooed by our son-in-law.


But wait! Since my daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and our son all live here (more kindness) they tend to become very vocal about my vehicle corral. Soon, my daughter and son-in-law fell in love with Rosie, the Astro van!

My wife and I just chuckled. They now want to buy it and in fact, are so serious that they invited Cindy and me along with them to Myrtle Beach on their next trip.

While I often joke, please think about one act of kindness you might do; if we can do one nice thing for anyone, I believe we should. And in my case, it happened to be two vehicles. So send someone a text, take them for a cup of coffee, and listen.


Related CC reading:

CC Capsule: 2003-05 Mercury Grand Marquis Ultimate – Truth In Advertising?