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- Van Strength on CC For Sale: 1961 De Soto 2-Door Hardtop–Rare and Unrestored
- Aaron Severson on Car Show Classic: 1941 Cadillac Series 67–General Motors Asserts Its Dominance in Yet Another Niche
- GOM on Vintage Snapshots: Trucks In The 1950s-1960s
- Aaron Severson on Vintage Car Life Review: 1965 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu SS396 Z16 โ “First Of The Red-Hot Malibus”
- Jim brucke on Junkyard Classic: 1985 Mazda RX-7 GSL — Cooler Than Ice
- Aaron Severson on Did Air Conditioning Kill The Convertible?
- Jose Delgadillo on Car Show Classic: 1941 Cadillac Series 67–General Motors Asserts Its Dominance in Yet Another Niche
- Eric703 on Did Air Conditioning Kill The Convertible?
- Aaron Severson on Car Show Classic: 1941 Cadillac Series 67–General Motors Asserts Its Dominance in Yet Another Niche
- Aaron Severson on Did Air Conditioning Kill The Convertible?
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so I’ll try using this to ask a question—-
As of a few days ago, My Premium Ad-Free subscription continues to display ads after I log into the sight. No amount of page refreshing after log-in eliminates the ads. Clearing Chrome browser cache does nothing either. I’m using a Chromebook and have since 2020 but no issues until recently. is there something amiss with the elimination of ads??
You’re not the only one; it’s even happening to me, at least on my Chromebook. But only on the main (front) page; if I click on an article/post, then the ad are gone.
Word Press (the software that runs our site and millions of other bogs/sites) automatically updated itself very recently. I strongly suspect that’s the reason.
I’m out of town right now and not very tech-savvy, so I’m going to have to look into this. In the meantime, feel free to turn on your adblocker.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have a question: did the 1957 Studebaker Champion have an interior dome light? If so, any info on type would be much appreciated. The photos I find don’t show one but they’re not full on shots so it’s hard to tell. Again, any info would be a great help! Thank you!
Hi thought it was nice to see my bus on your site 1998 eagle 40/15 bowman 232 I have her now she’s a little ruffer looking but still out there.
Hello Paul and all CCers –
I am gradually giving away random good things I’ve saved but haven’t looked at in decades. (This has been going on for awhile now, but I am kicking it up a notch after reading part of the “Tetanus Burger” blog, linked off the Rusty Jones article I enjoyed here a couple of weeks ago.)
In any case, yesterday I dug up a program from an April 1974 Edmonton Oilers playoff game. (They beat the Minnesota Fighting Saints that night, their only victory in the series.) I gave the program to my friend who collects sports memorabilia, but scanned a few ads first.
The attached ad shows a 2nd-gen Toyota Corolla, either playing defence, or screening the maskless goaltender (a rarity by that time) for the shooter. Although I was a new driver at the time, I had not yet developed car obsession; that kicked in like a light being turned on, just a month or two later.
Coincidentally enough, and just a couple of months later, Dad bought a 2nd car, a lightly-used ’71 Corolla 1600, from a work colleague. It looked pretty much exactly like the one shown. I fell completely in love with it. I unwisely sold it in 1977, and still miss it. It shows up, every once in a while, in a dream.
Good morning Paul
I recently came across two Kalmbach publishing periodicals, one is more history on EMD diesel locomotives, the other a very nice periodical on the history of the Burlington Zephyrs . Both are full of very interesting photos, and stories. If you would like for me to send them to you get back to me with a address. A few years back I sent you a book about EMD beginnings and Dick Dilworth, the original engineer I think this book compliments that book.
Sorry for the late response.
Thanks for the offer. My address is 830 W. 22nd Ave. Eugene, OR 97405
I look forward to them.
I saw an article on the 1955 Bull Nose KW truck, but I can’t find it on your website can you send me a link to that article. It showed a picture of Jessup Trucking and the Jessup family is a friend of mine from Indiana
If you use the “Search” bar on the upper right side of the page, it’s easy to find any article on CC.
A history question on the A, B & C lettering that is used for coupling systems and trailer combinations.
Do you know where the A, B & C letters come from for A-dolly, B-dolly & C-dolly, which are are course used for A-train, B-train & C-train? I think it originates in Canada? Who decided to use these letters? Who coined the phases A-dolly, A-train etc? Where did it all begin? My research has led me to believe it might have started around the 70’s perhaps, maybe late 60’s. Was it a private company or a government regulator?
Any information would he appreciated as I have been unable to find ANY information on the internet.
I am an individual who has a hobby of self-teaching myself the history behind tractor/trailers/couplings etc.
Hi, Paul
I was watching this video recently filmed in Leadville CO when I saw a van like I’ve never seen before at the 9:35 to 9:38 mark. It appears to be a left hand drive passenger van with three windshield wipers, due to its distinctive low forehead. I did some searching and I don’t think the round badge is an Opel or a Vauxhall. I wonder if it’s Asian. It’s not uncommon to see foreign visitors touring the US in a vehicle they had shipped here. I’ve seen a couple of Citroen Jumpers in Maine and several Ducato motorhomes in Canada. It might be an interesting one for the readers to puzzle over.
Edit: I found it, doing a search for Asian van. Nissan NV 350 Caravan or Urvan.
Hello Paul! Read CC everyday and have been obsessed with cars since 1964 when I stuck my fingers into the grill of my parents’ Comet at the age of one! In any case I’ve attached a picture that I created in Paint and it is something that I have been obsessed with for a while. Once you see it I bet you can’t unsee it. See attached
Paul, Very much need to talk to about the pic of the 1967 Pontiac Grand Prix Grand Marque VII convertible you sent to Pontiac Motor Division page on Facebook. I’ve owned that car for 30+ years, and would love to purchase that photo. PLEASE contact me @ 419-471-1397. Thanks so much.
Larry, I don’t know what you’re referring to. I don’t use Facebook, and I’ve never sent any such picture of such a car. Must have been someone else.
Hi Paul, I’m working on photo research for a book, and I am in search of a hi res file for the AVE MIZAR. Used in this post,
Might you know the source. THANKS!! EM
I just found these images on the web. Sorry.
Good day Paul. I’ve tried re setting my password at least 3 times. The password re-set email never gets sent it appears. That said, I’m responsible for remembering my password.
I enjoy your site and and thought the $10.00 a month was a very good deal when I registered.
Frankly, I don’t think I forgot my password
Try to log in and pretend you forgot your password; the system should then send you a new one, which you can then change.
Ever since you had the 404 errors, I have the desktop version of your site on my phone. I can’t see any place to switch it back to mobile. What am I missing? I unchecked desktop site in the settings but it does nothing. Help
Not for publication, but I signed up for $10.00 a month Subscription number 453217 but I still getting advertisements at bottom of page
I see you as a paid subscriber. Try logging out and then log back in. Or try logging on another device and see if that works.
Let me know if not. You can email me at
We are looking for help. My father and I recently found my grandpa’s first semi tractor that he ever owned. We found it by chance, and removed it from deep in the woods where it had been sitting for likely 70+ years. Just knowing it was out there and had our shared last name on the door was very emotional for us. We had no idea that something of grandpas trucking company was still around. We pulled it out and we now have it sitting at my fathers house.
WHAT WE NEED HELP WITH: We have no idea what year it is. We have the model tag, we have the GMC brand, we have some guesses at year, but as we plan our “long haul” restoration project we need to be able to accurately find parts, and knowing the exact year will be imperative. We have not taken on a restoration of this degree so if there is someone i can contact to find out the year (we can email photos) and get an understanding of where parts for a circa 1940s GMC semi tractor are readily found, we would be over the moon with gratefulness. We would also be happy to pay for this help and or join as a member to gain more knowledge and be able to ask questions throughout the project. Its been very hard not being able to pin point what year vehicle we have siting in the driveway. Please help in any way you can, even if its a referral to someone else that could help. We need a vintage GMC gasoline era semi tractor expert.
James, I’d be glad to help you ID your GMC. Email me pictures, including of the manufacturer’s plate or any other identification on the truck. Also pictures of the outside, inside and of the engine. Send them to:
As to finding parts for it, that’s another matter, but we have readers who will likely be able to point you in the right direction.
Hi Paul, I’m working on photo research for a book and was wondering if you could tell me were the top image of the Mizar Flying Pinto in this post comes from. CC is the ONLY place online where I’ve found it.
Eric Miles
On the web. I have no idea as to the original source.
Just read your “No, the Corvair was not a flop” article posted 10 April 23.
I’d prefer to contact you privately about this rather than pollute the comments section of that article, this is as close as I can find.
PLEASE do not use line graphs, as in that article and several others I’ve seen. Line graphs present a distorted picture of model-year sales. Bar graphs would not suffer from this distortion of time vs. sales.
Example: The first graph in that article “Compacts–1958–1969 Sales” shows Corvair (black line) sales starting at “zero” in January 1959, increasing steadily through the months leading up to January 1960. By June of 1959, they’ve sold approximately 140,000 Corvairs. Except that production of Corvairs didn’t even start until July 7, 1959, they wouldn’t have gone on sale until later still.
I will use whatever kind of graph I prefer to use. You obviously don’t know how to read a line graph, as on only reads the points on the line. One does attempt to read the intermediate spaces between the clearly defined point on the Y axis.
If you read it as line graphs are meant to be read, it will not be confusing to you. How else are line graphs meant to be read but like this?
Hello Paul,
Iโm a volunteer in the shop at the National Automobile Museum in Reno and have I got a problem ๐.
We have a 1942 Darrin Body, Model 180 on the lift with the 3 speed + Overdrive. The brake master cylinder on the car also serves as an attachment point for the transmission shifting system and to service the master cylinder, the shift assembly needs to be removed. When I took the assembly apart a few weeks ago, it appeared reassembly would be straightforward since all the bits seemed to only come out one way.
Wrong ๐.
Foolishly, I neglected to make photos or a diagram and now, despite the efforts and input of many, we canโt get the assembly back together. We have reasonably complete documentation for the car, but nothing on the shifter system as attached to the brake master.
My travels on the internet led me to this site and if there is any way you may be of assistance, please get back to me here:, or call 775 657 8624
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Maybe a diagram from an old Motors Manual?
Hello Paul,
I’m not sure how else to contact you. I’m writing a book on the American performance V8 and some of the more interesting cars those V8s have powered. I’d like your help / permission to use two images I came across on your site…. diagram of Pontiac 301 Turbocharger plumbing, and true lateral shot of a black 1957 Studebaker Hawk.
Hoping you will reach out…… Kellen (Victoria, BC, Canada)
Hi Kellen,
Help yourself, but I can’t claim any ownership or copyright to either of them. I got them off the web, but for what it’s worth, the Pontiac turbo diagram looks like it was originally from Pontiac, or maybe an old magazine, but in any case, neither of those would ever claim any copyright issues with using them, if there even were any.
The Hawk I just found on the web to add a bit of color to that vintage review. So I don’t know what to tell on that one. You might want to find one that you can get actual rights to.
Paul and gang – I found this today.
Tesla Cybertruck Stainless Steel Shell and Truck Bed Are Just Five Parts
It looks like we’re being told that the Cybertruck is being constructed in a radically different way. Also the lack of paint saves costs, but the ability to do a wrap for a CT is very much a possibility if one wanted a specific color.
The Porsche 1978 928 post from January this year is very interesting. Is this car still available. I would like a price complete as it sits.
I am looking for Ninety Eight Right Fender Scripts for my 1957 Oldsmobile 98
I wanted to try to register for the site, however the contact form above seems non existent, and when I try to register it never sends me email links to verify or register.. It seems like something on the admin side of things may be broken?
I appreciate any help.
Thank you.
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Hi i interest parts for the Lincoln mk4 trunk led and some crom bits please send me contackt